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  • TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Nov 16, 2012.

    1. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I've send you email including login info and installation guide. If you haven't see it, please check your spam mail folder or let me know.

      Thank you for your support.
      If you bot 4 hour and stop for 2 hour, you rarely get banned (it best to use with HBRelog for a schedule login)

      If you play manually and use lazyraider + combat routine to assist, you never get banned :D
    2. irol

      irol New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Thanks for the fast response im super pumped about this keep in touch.

    3. retlover

      retlover New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Sounds good. I think that I'll use the holidays for buying HB and your CC and have some fun. :)

      I'm following this thread since it's created and it's not clear to me how ret fares in arenas with your CC. Is there any high rated ret pallies who use this? It would be great to see their setup to be able to copy it :)

      Also for the PvE rotation I think that the EJ thread I posted a few pages back is a really great source if you're looking for information to improve the ret PvE part. I tried the HotR stuff I quoted and I think that they're right, it may be true that it's better than CS even on 2 targets. I have 476 ilvl and usually in the top 3 on most fights in LFR. With your CC's reaction time and decision making I should top the DMG charts. :)

      If I recall correctly in PvP the ret rotation uses HotR on melee to debuff them to do 10% less damage. Am I right?
    4. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      No for now Retribution don't use HotR on PvP...

      But that a nice suggestion and I'll make it keep debuff on enemy player (only melee class ofc) in PvP... thank you.
    5. Mysigt.

      Mysigt. New Member

      Sep 18, 2011
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      Damn this looks awesome, gonna donate later today. Keep up the good work. :)
    6. maxfx

      maxfx New Member

      Jul 20, 2012
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      I am just posting here to say i am on 2k team + atm using HOLY PVP mode ( donator edition ) and i personally SUGGEST this CC to everyone here wanting to Lazy-arena using tuanha's cc.

      WELL SPEND Money :)

      PS : Tuanha, what is going to be your next CC TELL US!
    7. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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    8. rodxuxa

      rodxuxa New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Cause no one reads before posting..
    9. Cerbz

      Cerbz New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Hello TuanHa. Allready several days i cant understand healin logic on arena. Some time it is very bad some times just perfect. I've attached file with several fights, please look at fight starts on 21:01

      I can try to analize how bot acts but and it is realy strange for me, so lets see:

      [21:03:01.969 N] 01:969 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Druid - 2.99y - 80% hp - Sacred Shield
      [21:03:03.112 N] Activate Жетон господства злонравного гладиатора on Friendly Unit Low HP
      [21:03:03.160 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 105809, KnownIndex: 68
      [21:03:03.173 N] 03:172 - HP: 100% - Mana: 91 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Avenger
      [21:03:03.530 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 62124, KnownIndex: 63
      [21:03:03.542 N] 03:541 - HP: 100% - Mana: 91 - ВосемьСтан - 10.49y - 87% hp - Reckoning
      [21:03:03.546 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20925, KnownIndex: 76
      [21:03:03.570 N] 03:569 - HP: 100% - Mana: 91 - Druid - 8.94y - 56% hp - Sacred Shield
      [21:03:03.820 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
      [21:03:03.835 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20473, KnownIndex: 75
      [21:03:03.865 N] 03:865 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90 - Druid - 11.15y - 40% hp - Holy Shock
      [21:03:05.323 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20473, KnownIndex: 75
      [21:03:05.334 N] 05:334 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Shock
      [21:03:06.646 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 635, KnownIndex: 65
      [21:03:06.658 N] 06:658 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 10.09y - 95% hp - Holy Light
      [21:03:07.028 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
      [21:03:07.038 N] 07:038 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 48y - 33% hp
      [21:03:07.039 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20473, KnownIndex: 75
      [21:03:07.061 N] 07:061 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 11.87y - 95% hp - Holy Shock
      [21:03:07.467 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
      [21:03:07.477 N] 07:477 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 46y - 30% hp
      [21:03:07.478 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 635, KnownIndex: 65
      [21:03:07.489 N] 07:489 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 11.51y - 95% hp - Holy Light
      [21:03:07.930 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
      [21:03:07.943 N] 07:943 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 41y - 27% hp
      As you can see my opponets start to play in druid on 21:03:01 . All going fine i try to heal him ets.
      On [21:03:05.334 N] 05:334 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Shock] WTF!!! My druid runs with 40% HP i stay just near him - 12 yards and bot use Holy shock on myself to gain holy power???
      Lets see futher
      [21:03:07.038 N] 07:038 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 48y - 33% hp
      [21:03:07.039 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20473, KnownIndex: 75
      [21:03:07.061 N] 07:061 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 11.87y - 95% hp - Holy Shock
      Again! Druid allready with 33% HP and bot cast holy shock on my warrior with 95% HP!!! And try to fake Holy light!?

      Yes i see that druid is 46 yards away but i run to him and bot just spend Holy Shock proc on warrior wich one do not need it.

      [21:03:14.383 N] 14:382 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 5y - 20% hp
      [21:03:14.384 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 85673, KnownIndex: 71
      [21:03:14.397 N] 14:397 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Druid - 5.38y - 20% hp - Word of Glory
      [21:03:15.808 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 85673, KnownIndex: 71
      [21:03:17.552 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20925, KnownIndex: 76
      [21:03:17.585 N] 17:585 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Druid - 4.42y - 45% hp - Sacred Shield
      [21:03:19.035 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 31842, KnownIndex: 39
      [21:03:19.048 N] 19:048 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Divine Favor
      [21:03:19.121 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
      [21:03:19.134 N] 19:133 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Warrior - 4y - 90% hp
      Now druid is near me, bou use BoL on him to heal him, but when his HP goes up to 45% bot decide to use beacon of light to 90% warrior. Why??

      [21:03:27.561 N] 27:561 Stop Casting: Unit is Dead
      If you will look at how much healing druid gain in period between opponents start to focus him and momen whan he dies you will see: 3 holy shock, 1 prism, 1 world of glory and 1 flash of light.
      It is 27 seconds! :) No divine light, only one flash of light and two Holy shock in wring target...
      I have notice this problem 4-5 days ago. I know it is alot of [299!] in log but if you look it is appears between entet and closing arena games, not during the fight.
      So what problem can it be?

      View attachment 1180 2012-12-15 00.53.txt
    10. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Question: On [21:03:05.334 N] 05:334 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Shock] WTF!!! My druid runs with 40% HP i stay just near him - 12 yards and bot use Holy shock on myself to gain holy power???
      [21:03:05.334 N] 05:334 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Shock
      [21:03:06.658 N] 06:658 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 10.09y - 95% hp - Holy Light
      [21:03:07.038 N] 07:038 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 48y - 33% hp
      Answer: Combat Routine Holy Shock you to gain Holy Power, all it can do it to put the beacon on druid because Becon is the ONLY spell that have 60 yards range, all other healing spells are 40s yard range. The druid is 48 yards away, not 12 yards like you said.

      Question: Again! Druid allready with 33% HP and bot cast holy shock on my warrior with 95% HP!!! And try to fake Holy light!?
      Yes i see that druid is 46 yards away but i run to him and bot just spend Holy Shock proc on warrior wich one do not need it.
      [21:03:07.038 N] 07:038 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 48y - 33% hp
      [21:03:07.039 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20473, KnownIndex: 75
      [21:03:07.061 N] 07:061 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 11.87y - 95% hp - Holy Shock
      Answer: Well, again, druid 48 yard range, CR put beacon on him and Holy Shock Warrior. The druid have 15% healing from Warrior with beacon.

      Question: Now druid is near me, bou use BoL on him to heal him, but when his HP goes up to 45% bot decide to use beacon of light to 90% warrior. Why??
      [21:03:14.383 N] 14:382 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 5y - 20% hp
      [21:03:14.384 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 85673, KnownIndex: 71
      [21:03:14.397 N] 14:397 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Druid - 5.38y - 20% hp - Word of Glory
      [21:03:15.808 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 85673, KnownIndex: 71
      [21:03:17.552 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20925, KnownIndex: 76
      [21:03:17.585 N] 17:585 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Druid - 4.42y - 45% hp - Sacred Shield
      [21:03:19.035 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 31842, KnownIndex: 39
      [21:03:19.048 N] 19:048 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Divine Favor
      [21:03:19.121 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
      [21:03:19.134 N] 19:133 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Warrior - 4y - 90% hp
      Answer: When the NEXT instant spell ready (Holy Shock, Word of Glory...) it is pointless to keep Beacon on the Druid because he benefit nothing from these spell. Combat Routine decided to put Beacon on Warrior (who was at 90%) to get 15% healing done from the incoming heal to druid. If next spell is Flash of Light/Devine Light, combat routine will keep it on druid to get 1 more extra holy power.

      I know combat routine can not predict anything, good logic still not there yet :D it only get the most healing done at a specific time.

      And I'm sure CR can do better let me thing about more advanced logic in these situation.

      Thank for the detailed log Cerbz.
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
    11. Alucardtnuoc

      Alucardtnuoc New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      I do notice that somtimes in Bgs and such, the CC enjoys leaving myself at 40% or so while healing others who are at 70%+ even if i am being hit still. Nothing to worrysome as i do take over and heal myself. Will provide a log next time it happens.
    12. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Not sure but that info may explain something.

      CR have heal priority on Target > Focus > You.

      So when target need heal, CR routine will heal him instead of you... it the same logic on heal tank on PvE

      Personally, I always set focus on Flag Carrier in Battleground so CR will heal him instead of other.
    13. Trevor

      Trevor New Member

      Jun 10, 2012
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      is it worth the $20 over the public release? It seems its working fairly well leveling and questing right now.
    14. rosek

      rosek New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      anyone else raiding as ret with this cr ? i try it in lfr and i think there is a range problem ...
      garalon! i stand in meele range but the bot just cast judgment ... when im in the purple ring (i dont have to stand there as a meele :) ) hes continue the rotation perfect.

      and i wish there is an option to turn off autoface enemies

      View attachment 5452 2012-12-15 19.13.txt
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
    15. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      A new version with improved ret dps and Galagon fix will be ready in couple of hour, I'm testing it now

      Option for disable auto facing will be ready tomorrow :D
    16. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Ok guys, svn update pls.

      This time we have new build focus mostly on Retribution:

      1. Retribution will now use [Hammer of the Righteous] on enemy physical dps (Warrior, Feral Druid, Enh Shaman, Ret Paladin, Rogue, DK, Hunter...) in Arena to keep the Weakened Blow debuff (that reduce 10% damage done) This work in arena only because in Battleground who busts who first is the only mater and [Hammer of the Righteous] is bad at bursting.
      2. Improved Retribution rotation (thank retlover)
      3. 5% more dps if you have [Glyph of Double Jeopardy] Combat Routine will now keep all enemy around doted with Censure debuff. (multi dot warlock/shadow priest style :p )

      Just test first boss on Thalnos the Soulrender (first boss on Scarlet Monastery - a typical Boss + Add fight) and I have 80 dps in Full PvP gear ilevel 466 :D


      Edit: Ouch, I forgot new build also fix Garalon thank Rosek
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
    17. bobbydk

      bobbydk New Member

      Dec 16, 2010
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      What about ret build tuanha, thinking of glyps and talentes can you plz link them thx.
    18. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Talent and Glyph link is on the first page...
    19. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      People are allways too lazy to read the first page, lol. Better get used to it Tuanha ;D (allthough I read it, especially when I geared for holy)
    20. kiekie

      kiekie New Member

      Mar 30, 2012
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      is anybody else using ret? for some reason when im using ret im getting slow use of abilities like it isnt fast its medium speed

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