Hi, Gochaah and Mineralwasser, To remove unwanted harvest locations, you need to place additional Blackspots in the profile. You can find more information on how to do this here: Honorbuddy Profile Tag: Blackspot - Buddy Wiki cheers, chinajade
Hi, Hamid_071, Fighting is the job of the CombatRoutine--not the profile. You'll need to post a log for anyone to figure this out. Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log cheers, chinajade
Hi, Huhe, Mount selection is determined solely by Honorbuddy--not the profile. Select the mount of your choosing by going to: Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools If you read through the Support forum, you'll discover a number of people having problems getting the mount they want. Its probably an Honorbuddy bug. You'll need to post in the Support forum if you can't get this to work. cheers, chinajade
Hi, Sebbot, Unless you've edited the profile, the automatic blacklisting of nodes performed by Gatherbuddy2 does not persist across launches of Honorbuddy. To permanently add nodes to the Gatherbuddy2 blacklist, you would have to add blackspots to the profile itself. cheers, chinajade
i know its not combatrountine but when its mining some deposits are near unit and it will get in combat and do bot do nothing sorry for my bad english
Hi, Hamid_071, We'll need to see a log to diagnose the problem, and the problem should be reported in the Support forum, since the issue is not profile-related. Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log cheers, chinajade
Hi, yRaz112, I'm going to guess you've failed to turn on "Auto Loot" in your WoWclient. cheers, chinajade
Hey guys, how do you keep herbing if the life blood (20 stack mana/health regen potions) from herbing that are non-tradable keep filling up your bags ? How come there hasnt been an option to fix this? I tried to get herb/mining bags (36 slot ones) to prohibit the non-tradable soulbound heal/regen stacks from being picked up (Cause it cant go into mining or hebing bags) but once my primary normal bag fills up, it keeps trying to herb the same flower, tries to herb it, sees the inventory is full and cant pick up anymore of the nontradable stacks, walks away, and notices the herb flower is still there, and runs right back and ends up in a loop forever stuck like this constantly trying to herb the same stack cause it cant pick it up to destroy the herb flower Alternatievely normal bags just get filled up and it cant be mailed and its not setup in these profiles to automatically sell or delete these stacks, what do you guys do to best fix this? Herb nontradable stacks i noticed are almost 20g each stack, not bad... but i want to make fast money, fast
hey, can any1 tell me how i can get my profile to work? when i press start, all my hunter do is buffing and mount up? hes not moving or something? can any send me a message to my inbox ? Thanks, - theissen.
Can Someone please fix the jade forest alt profile its so good when it doesn't get stuck but for some odd reason it decides to get stuck once in a while
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 335 nodes in 2h 23m 3s. [Gatherbuddy2]: Rain Poppy: 90 [Gatherbuddy2]: Green Tea Leaf: 240 [Gatherbuddy2]: Golden Lotus: 5
Ground support? Got an 85 paladin with 10 day mop trial, want to maximize herbs in addition to my druid on my other account.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 75 nodes in 2h 6m 16s. [Gatherbuddy2]: Ghost Iron Deposit: 18 [Gatherbuddy2]: Snow Lily: 50 [Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Ghost Iron Deposit: 4 [Gatherbuddy2]: Trillium Vein: 3 This is really poor results, tbh.. Dont know why, but it used to do like 3-4 times better.. Kun Lai summit profile