okay, I tested v1.5 RD for 1 hour and here is wat I got, avg xp/hour is around 25m, not bad !! ===== Misc Statistics ===== Total tracking time: 1h 7m 22s Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour] Total games (approx): 1 [0.89 per hour] ===== Item DROP Statistics ===== Items: Total items dropped: 777 [691.94 per hour] Items dropped by ilvl: - ilvl58: 37 [32.95 per hour] {4.76 %} - ilvl59: 13 [11.58 per hour] {1.67 %} - ilvl60: 112 [99.74 per hour] {14.41 %} - ilvl61: 257 [228.86 per hour] {33.08 %} - ilvl62: 210 [187.01 per hour] {27.03 %} - ilvl63: 148 [131.8 per hour] {19.05 %}
Trifarm should be higher in items , they say but for me it's a bit too short. RD try to be something balanced .
How can I incorporate the Keeps depth level 2 and arreat crater level 2 into the full reversed run? I tried just editing the continue profile, but doesn't work.. it just skips doing the zones altogether and town portals back then reloads the next profile
The reversed profile should be further tested Ungo.. i keep getting these error messages in different maps and it just skips it altogether <LogMessage output="========== Non Trovo il Waypoint, me ne vado! ============"/>
very good job! plz add the Keeps depth level 2 and arreat crater level 2 into the full reversed 1.5A. thx !!
enountered stuck @ damned tower lv 1 and lv 2 and triggered gold inactivity timer, xp went down from 25m-->9m ...lol, i am using v1.5 RD version ...., guess I am switching back to Tinnvec's v0.2 first.., good job on the profile though
SO happy to have you back, loved your previous profile. Using this as we speak, will let you know of bugs. I'm using Gilestrinity, unstuckme 1.8.4, and Gilesblankcombatroutine and I have noticed that even with the Gnome Alkaizer run that my monk is pausing for a full 2-3 seconds after an elite kill and not moving. Is there a setting to change to make it keep moving? I've set it to pick up almost nothing and it still stands still after it kills an elite for 2-3 seconds. I used an old version of Gnome and a random key hunt and those were fine.
I have never seen a problem with Tower of the damned , probably you are using a much different setup/skill/plugin combo? Use or Unified. I will when they become 100% failproof I fixed an error introduced in Tri-Farm 0.2 (doh :S) in ac2 , wich other map are u referring to? Btw i have not tested some new features i introduced with the latest giles. Using atm without anything else.
ungo666, quick question regarding TrinityMoveTo. Example/scenario, there's point a, b, c, d Character is ordered to move to point (a), encounters a monster and fights and chases it past point (b) and (c). After a little bit after point (c) it finally kills the monsters. Character is now closer to point (d) than any other point. According to TrinityMoveTo, it would skip point (b) and (c) and should be ordered to move straight to point (d) instead. But the thing I am wondering about is that according to giles, "TrinityMoveTo - Mimics the DemonBuddy MoveTo Tag in almost every way (supports all of it's parameters - pathprecision, x, y, z, name etc.) except WITH NO PATHFINDING OR NAV-SERVER HITS. It will just try to straightline between two points." but what if there was a pocket of river, rocks, or trees that is between the character when it past point (c) and is now trying to go to point (d) in a straight path. Would it know to navigate around it? Or would it get stuck due to UN-passable terrain in a straight line?
Yes you are right , but there are solutions to that : - A nice Mix of MoveTo and TrinityMoveTo when possible (i did that in Fos and somewhere else when i find a stuck , i get the x coord and find it on the profile , then remove TrinityMoveTo and put a MoveTo). - Redo all the points to try to improve his intelligence and of course use Trinity Plugin wich will almost deal with any destructible obstacle. (random other obstacles should be dealt with different points to walk or MoveTo switch, or by the trinity unstucker)
Are you any good with plugins or your specialty is profiles? Reason I'm asking because I just had an idea, for a plugin or somehow edit trinity to have these checks: have all tags as TrinityMoveTo in your profiles and checks if you are out of combat or is not doing a town run and if it doesn't reach a TrinityMoveTo within like 5 seconds or so, then switch the point to a regular MoveTo. This might fix the whole problem without you needing to change anything.
I'm tweaking random dungeons , so both Tri-Farm and RD route will be updated a bit today, if you want something really reliable use FAST or RD or old 1.4. edit : Rd 1.5d and Tri-Farm 0.7 should be stable if you wanna test.
are u getting these messages with Trinity and this profile? 849 Q] [Trinity][CacheManagement]System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000008 [299]! at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.ACD.[](ACD , Int32 ) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](Int32 attribute) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](ActorAttributeType attributeType) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_IsHelper() at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.RefreshGilesUnit(Boolean AddToCache) at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.RefreshStepMainObjectType(Boolean& AddToCache) at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.CacheDiaObject(DiaObject freshObject) at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.RefreshCacheMainLoop()
i tested ur trifarm v0.7 - results so far: ===== Misc Statistics ===== Total tracking time: 2h 34m 0s Total deaths: 3 [1,17 per hour] Total games (approx): 9 [3,51 per hour] ===== Item DROP Statistics ===== Items: Total items dropped: 2865 [1116,15 per hour monk / mp4 awesome! thank u
"I use and YAR for anti-idle and randomization of the routes. No other plugin." Can you explain what you mean by this? How do you get the profiles randomized without radsatom?