Thanks! I've used this talent build for frost: Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Would be cool if you could use the same. Glyphs: evocation ; icy_veins ; ice_lance Cheers
1. No need for it to us mana gem. 2. Should not pop hero. 3. Never used Icy veins for me nor my trinket 4. During hero it did not cast FFB 5. Alter time was used with next to no procs up. 6. Open class config and it shows feral configurations.... I should really learn how to write my own CC. static Dps was at about 80k with it. Not to bad, but room for improvements.
i said i should, didn't say i will =p. Noticed after it did it's "HB update" that it wanted me to update it again via SVN, so i will be testing it again to see if the errors were on my part. The config still shows feral abilities to be changed, Is their something i have missed in your original post?
Nooo, this Routine also contains a Druid part. The GUI for mages is just not finished. :-/ Its the next one on my todo - list.
Well, without a config to easily set what i want it to do, IE, don't use timewarp or alter time so it lets me use it, same with my cooldowns/trinkets. Frost mages get a LOT of their burst from stacking procs like IV, Int proc trinkets and using AT when you have 2 FoF and 1 FB proc up that is with say jade spirit, int proc from trinket + cloak. It's not that hard.
Sorry if I come across as a dick here but... I just did Mogu'shan Palace 5man random HC with my iLVL 469 Arcane Mage. Talents, Glyphs come from Noxxic, the best DPS I could get was 45.3K. The randomness of Time Warp screams BOTTER, and the DPS output is not great either. Am I doing something wrong or am I just expecting this CC to do more then a 1 button spam macro from LazyMacro. Please Advise
Hi, I just wanted to let ya know that this CC has been fantastic for my frost mage so far. I just used the recommended talents/glyphs and I am not dying doing daily quests etc. Had problems with dying before on fire mage singular. Of course I know frost is more survivable than fire though. Question: Do you recommend just letting it auto-update or should I checkout from the SVN to update? I ask because my tortoisesvn is flagging 1/2 the files as outof sequence from the repository. But haven't had issues. Thank you so much, keep up good work. Please and thank you
i use your rotation for my feral druid and its great ...tried it on my mage and she cast time warp everytime it came up ..not good in a dungeon ...any way to stop it?
Arcane mage needs work. Keeps casting arcane blast, doesn't CC at all, no polymorph or frost nova. It just uses Arcane blast.
for being beta is awesome i was having trouble before (level 28) and now its amazing, all i did was install and click start its great! good job!!! +rep for sure!
I was under the impression that development was halted on this particular routine, but in case anyone is listening... Upon startup, my HB auto-downloaded the latest version (72 I think?), and I'm getting these errors when I try and use HB in Questing or DungeonBuddy mode: I'm running it on a Frost Mage Code: [FONT=arial]System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Superbad.Classname.get_time() in c:\Users\Default\Desktop\HB\Routines\Superbad\Feral.cs:line 1095[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Superbad.Classname.Pulse() in c:\Users\Default\Desktop\HB\Routines\Superbad\Main.cs:line 411[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()[/FONT] [FONT=arial]Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped[/FONT] [FONT=arial]System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Superbad.Classname.get_time() in c:\Users\Default\Desktop\HB\Routines\Superbad\Feral.cs:line 1095[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Superbad.Classname.Pulse() in c:\Users\Default\Desktop\HB\Routines\Superbad\Main.cs:line 411[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()[/FONT] [FONT=arial] at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()[/FONT] If development has ceased, please disregard this report. If I can't fix it myself, I'll see if I can just roll back to a working version. Thanks. *edit: grammar/spelling