So i've started on Aucindoun Alli and i'll plau PvP with a holy paladin and i'm about to level it up now its level 6 now. I was wondering if some of you had any advice maybe which profiles, plugins i can use to do it and how long 1-90 would take?
I wouldn't recommend leveling with BGbot, it increases your chances of getting a ban dramatically. Kick's 1-90 questing profile is great! I'm level 48 and i barely started friday with botting on average 10 hours a day. /played is 1 day 4 hours which is pretty good.
when you want to monitor you bot you can use questing and whil you are sleeping you can do pvp. but when you are lvl 70 and have 280% mount you can learn gathering skills, and gather wel you are sleeping.
I just finished another character 1-90 botting. I used questing to ~50, bgbuddy/questing to 60, 60-80 questing without problems, between 80-90 I used mixed mode when I went to sleep, a few times in each zones theres a user dialog you need to do something for the bot, like use a vehicle and stuff like that.
Sure But i'm not verh active an skype And keep in mind that i'm dutch so i'm in the same time-zone as paris
going along with madcows advice. i too have done a pally 1-90 and have some suggestions. first and foremost, have a ret spec. holy is not optimal due to the lack of damage. ***1-80 use kick's questing profiles. only a little bit of monitoring like in EPL and starting nagrand. nothing else too major. ***80-85 use mixed mode archaeology and bgbuddy. can try kicks again but sorta gets lost in deepholm due to moving airboat quests ***85-90 use mixed mode arch OR gathering and bgbuddy. make sure when u cap at 4k honor, convert it to jp. when ur 90, you'll have 4k honor and jp to spend. this method took me 1 week first time around with a hunter. and around 4-5 days when i did again with a druid, pally, and mage.