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  • [All Classes] [All Specs] AskMrRobot Weight Sets (patch 5.2)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by zeldrak, Dec 14, 2012.

    1. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Auto Equip 2
      Weight Sets for Patch 5.2
      All Specs and Classes Supported

      These weights come from an updated Ask Mr. Robot and are current with suggestions given by AMR for patch 5.2. Simply go into your HB/Data/Weight Sets folder and delete the old weights, then unzip this batch of files into the same directory to replace the old weights.

      A small note to watch out for is that with some classes there are some specs that can possibly interfere with what you are trying to play, such as Warrior/Titan's and Warrior/SMF. With HB there's no way to segregate the weight sets into their own files, so you will have to choose one or the other, and remove the weight from your folder as you play. For example, if you choose to play as TG, then remove the SMF weight set from your folder, and vice versa. Monk is the same with DW Brewmaster/Windwalker and 2H Brewmaster/Windwalker. Make sure you remove the files you won't be using, otherwise HB will pick whichever one it wants, and you could end up gearing for the wrong spec.

      After extensive testing, I have found that contrary to my earlier theory, you CAN in fact have all the weights in your folder at the same time, with the exception of the aforementioned weights.

      Enjoy, and have fun.

      15/3/2013 (6:03 pm EST) -- Weight sets updated for patch 5.2 and re-uploaded for use once again with most current HB and WoW patch.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
      chinajade and m0rf0 like this.
    2. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Thanks for putting this up! Saves me a ton of time today!
    3. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      No problem. Took a lot less time than I was anticipating because I had over half of them already edited. I just forgot that I had already done some of them, lol.
    4. Nayhaw

      Nayhaw New Member

      Jul 29, 2010
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      What does this plugin do exactly? I am very familiar with the AskMrRobot website tool.

    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Oh, sorry, it's not a plugin. These are weight sets taken from AMR to work with the plugin AutoEquip2 that comes with HB.
    6. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      You use these files to swap out what is in your weight stats depending on what class / build you are running. Has to be done manually. Solves...or improves issues with rolling on loot and quest reward selection.
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
    7. daystar

      daystar New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      Good weight sets, but I'm pretty sure that autoequip only sees integers, so you need to multiply all your numbers by 100 (5.00 becomes 500, 3.25 becomes 325, etc.)
    8. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Actually, that's incorrect. What I provided is exactly what I use, and it does read the decimals. It shows total weights of an item, for instance a ring I equipped had a weight of 1376.46, or something close to that, and it had the decimals there as well.

      But, as I wrote in the main post, feel free to change them however you want. You can move the decimals out completely, round up, or down, or even provide yourself a completely different weight set. I only did this to provide current, and up to date, weights for the community. That is, only if they want them.
    9. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Warlocks should be all 666 :D

      Fire mage 777 :p
    10. Ligurt

      Ligurt New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Just a note: it looks like some (all?) of your settings are missing armor and stamina values. While levelling those are really important and should be present, just with a weight of one so stuff just improving one of those stats can be choosen/equipped. If not, it won't replace, ie a Cloth piece by a Mail piece, if it just gives more armor/stamina ...
    11. Owneth

      Owneth Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you! :D
    12. Orion81401

      Orion81401 New Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      All the sudden with the last update to HB and these weights in the folder AutoEquip2 won't even show up in plugins. Was working but now it's not. Very strange.
    13. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Yes, I know the those stats are missing. I took the old weight sets that shipped with HB and adjusted them exactly as askmrrobot.com has them listed. The weights are free to change as you like, so if you want to add <Armor> and <Stamina> to them, it's perfectly fine. I use them as they are while leveling and everything works out perfectly.

      If you add or remove a tag, make sure you follow the same tagging structure that is already there. <Armor>1</Armor> would add the stat of armor, with a weight of 1. Same with all other tags. Make sure you have them open and closed.
    14. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Usually, what I do when HB updates, is delete the weights that it puts in the HB/Data/Weight Set folder, then I just put my own back in there. When HB updates, it will over write anything you have in there with its own set of files.
    15. kuw84

      kuw84 New Member

      Dec 6, 2010
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      This is so cool
    16. Ligurt

      Ligurt New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      No it doesn't. There's some stuff that won't get equipped even if better ;) You're not missing all the stuff, but some ... especially at lower levels (10-30) when force/agility/intell stuff is rare and/or with very low values. When you begin to loot more stuff with more of those stats on it, it will begin to work better since armor and stamina won't make much difference between two pieces.

      No, he's right, the file set I downloaded had a small bug, autoequip2 throws an exception at launch and is not loaded at all. There's a bad tag
      in one of the files (Sorry, I don't remember which one exactly).
    17. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Ah, thank you for pointing out the typo. I'll look into them and fix it. From the way the other person was describing it, or at least the way I was interpreting what was said, was that when HB updated it made all the files I uploaded incorrect. I'll have to fixed and uploaded later today after my dialysis treatment.

      And, as I've said throughout all of my posts, these weights are what I personally use from level 1 to level 90. For me they work perfectly. I never have any issues with AE2 equipping gear that is incorrect. I've tried to say that the files can be altered any way you, or anyone else, sees fit for your own play style. I'm not saying that these have to be left as is, and must be used as is. They are completely free to change, modify, and even throw out for something completely different. I only uploaded these to give others weights that are more accurate for MoP stat weights. I do understand what you're saying, but in my own personal experience in using these weight sets I have never, ever come across a gearing problem. My toons awlays equip the right armor type (cloth, leather, mail, and plate) and they always use the proper stat armor selections (warrior is not wearing agility, intellect, spirit, etc and only chooses str based armor types). If this is not the case for other users, then it's nothing I can solve.

      I will correct typos in the weights, but as they stand, they will not be changed away from AMR weight values. That includes adding the armor and stamina tag. The weights are supplied "as is" and will not be modified by me. What you, or anyone else, does with them after downloading is completely up to the end user.

      I'm not trying to be difficult. I simply provided a product that was revamped to fit more current stat weights that are appropriate for MoP. HB supplied the base product, and I simply improved, or at the very least, updated it. If it's not improving your AE2 experience, then I do deeply apologize, and I do hope you can find a way to make them work to improve your gaming experience. After all, that's all I really care about. I just want everyone to enjoy HB, WoW, and not have to worry about HB equipping int on warriors and dks, or agility on paladins, or spirit on hunters, or even equip grey items. :)

      Edit: Found, and fixed, the typo in the Blood Death Knight weight set. It was showing as <Spirit>X</Intellect>. I believe I was cross-eyed at some point and closed the spirit tag with an intellect closure. My apologies to the Blood DKs out there. Hopefully the correction will make things better for you. Anyway, the edit has been made and everything has been re-uploaded. I've also included a small change-log on the first post.
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
    18. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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    19. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's not the only one with faults in the tags.
      There's about 5 or 6 of them alltogether I think.

      Besides the Spirit/Intellect mixed tags there's also Agility tags that are messed up, and the same intellect tags but 1 written with small letter and the other with a capital letter (which also returns an error).
      As said I believe it's 5 or 6 of them, so you might wanna check them all out.
    20. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Thank you for the feedback, but I personally never use MaxDPS.com. I use WoW Reforge Calculator & Optimizer and Ask Mr. Robot for my weight set needs. I'm sure there are other weight sets that are far better than what I have provided, and if someone else can find them, they are more than welcome to alter the weights I've uploaded to fit their needs. I simply did this because so many were saying they were having AutoEquip2 issues with equipping bad gear while leveling. This was my solution, and I shared it with the community. It has always worked for me without fail, but then again, I'm not a hardcore raider holding spots in world rankings. I rarely raid.

      More serious raiders know that AMR isn't the best tool to use, and they often are capable of doing their own theorycrafting, reforging, enchanting, gemming, etc by looking over their own gear. So, just for the sake of arguments, these weights are really just to assist in leveling with the bot, or helping other casual players that don't feel like fiddling with weight sets.
      Thanks Liquid. I'll proofread all of them very thoroughly this time. I only glanced over them all quickly to check for mixed tags, but as you can tell, I missed more. I don't have the best vision, so that limits my proofreading. I'm just glad someone else caught the errors and let me know.

      I'll get them fixed and re-up them once more after they're finished.

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