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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    2. Ligurt

      Ligurt New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Singular targeting friendly units

      Original post here.

      What Class+Spec are you?: Druid, lvl 9, no spec.
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing
      What level are you?: 9
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: None
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? 02:29
      What happened (be specific)?

      HB keeps trying to attack a friendly unit (NPC Id: 34285, Trapped Wolf). Attached log file is a capture done only for the purpose of showing this issue.

      XML config for this quest:
      <PickUp QuestName="Through Fire and Flames" QuestId="13878" GiverName="Dorak" GiverId="34284" X="65.88799" Y="-3638.403" Z="27.7295" />
      		<Objective QuestName="Through Fire and Flames" QuestId="13878" Type="UseObject" ObjectId="195001" UseCount="1" />
      		<Objective QuestName="Through Fire and Flames" QuestId="13878" Type="UseObject" ObjectId="195003" UseCount="1" />
      		<Objective QuestName="Through Fire and Flames" QuestId="13878" Type="UseObject" ObjectId="195004" UseCount="1" />
      		<TurnIn QuestName="Through Fire and Flames" QuestId="13878" TurnInName="Dorak" TurnInId="34284" X="65.88799" Y="-3638.403" Z="27.7295" />
      BTW, I don't understand the following lines in my log file:
      [02:29:35.147 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 13878, QuestName: Through Fire and Flames].
      [02:29:35.201 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [GrindObjective MobID: 34285, Count: 3]].
      [02:29:35.203 D] Goal: Goal: Kill Trapped Wolf x 3
      Who the hell told him it was a grind objective and he needs to kill 3 of them ??? I've checked my XML several times and this quest ID doesn't appear anywhere else.
      chinajade likes this.
    3. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Mr. Bobby53,

      Regarding Ligurt's post above, we're still trying to chase down the causes the "targeting friendly beasty-types" bug. Ligurt's log looked like a Singular problem, and I sent him here.

      There is another log, that makes this problem look like an Honorbuddy problem.

      And yet another user, is reporting the problem with CLU also.

      In short, we've no idea where the problem lies at the moment. But Ligurt's post was at my request, and to me his particular instance looked like a Singular problem.

    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks chinajade! I had the other thread opened up and responded there [CLICK HERE]. You are correct, this is a HonorBuddy / Questing Bot issue and not a Singular problem. -Bobby53
    5. Dylza

      Dylza New Member

      Dec 17, 2012
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      The Rogue CC has gone untouched for so long. A couple of bugs I can point out would be, you never use ANY AoE abilities, and the auto poison reapplication does not work. Also there is no feature to Shadowstep to your target
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dylza, Welcome to HonorBuddy! Thank you for taking the time to make your first on the forums one regarding your Singular experience. A couple quick responses to your thoughts:

      1. The Rogue CC has gone untouched for so long. Two of the entries in Change Log for Singular v3.0.0.1446 (published 3 days ago) [CLICK HERE] were for Rogues. A key reason why it would feel a bug would exist for a long time is the lack of any useful bug reports bringing awareness to it. Here are links to two posts that help describe the importance of bug reports from users:I am happy to carefully review every members post on bugs or concerns, but need your help. HonorBuddy is a complex operating environment where the decisions about how a character should behave can vary due to a vast number of permutations of class, specialization, race, settings, equipped items, talents, glyphs, combat scenario, operating environment, etc. etc. etc. The only thing I know from your post is you are playing a Rogue. Please be sure on subsequent posts to follow the steps links to provide a log file and the detail needed for me to research and provide support on your specific concerns.

      2. you never use ANY AoE abilities: That's not exactly accurate. I have been leveling a Combat Rogue recently and it was actively using Blade Flurry if more than one enemy is in AoE range. It isn't high enough for Fan of Knives yet, but in looking at the code it appears there is an issue with it that will be fixed in the next release.

      3. auto poison reapplication does not work. Will need a log and post as mentioned above to look into this.

      4. there is no feature to Shadowstep to your target. That is present for Subtlety, but it appears that was the only spec support was provided for. Will add in the same fashion it appears there to the others.

      Thanks again for taking the time to post and good luck with your Rogue, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
    7. Dylza

      Dylza New Member

      Dec 17, 2012
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      Hey there Bobby!

      Thanks for the warm welcome, sorry I may have sounded a bit negative in the previous post, although reading your response has definitely lightened up my mood, very friendly and informative!

      I'm very new to all this coding jazz (and just started using HB today), but I've spent some time studying the assassination CC script and doing my best to understand it all, are there any tutorials available to help understand the logic behind your style of scripting or just scripting in general? Would be extremely helpful. Anyways back to the point:

      you never use ANY AoE abilities: Would it be possible to implement a feature where we can pre-determine the amount of unfriendly targets that are in range before using Fan of knives, and then casting Crimson tempest (whilst still in range of set amount of targets) with CP at >4?

      auto poison reapplication does not work So far not once have I seen my poisons being applied or re-applied.

      And yeah if you could add in Shadowstep functionality for Assass rogues would be awesome :)

      I think Day 1 of using HB went pretty well! Also, where can I find the log files?

      Thanks Bobby!
    8. 1990camaro

      1990camaro New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      To the comment above, why shadowstep to just assassination spec, I'd like to see it added to combat as well, nothing like the nice haste bump to start off a fight with...

      And the log files are in the Logs Folder in HB
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the quick and thorough reply! Have a look at How to Report a Bug - Post #4 [CLICK HERE]. The first 5 posts in this thread are worth reviewing, especially for new users. It would be more valuable for you to provide detailed and specific feedback on your experience while using Singular with your Rogue from a players perspective than to review the source code and offer suggestions. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    10. skules

      skules New Member

      Mar 8, 2012
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      There have been posts in the rogue section and around the forums about the poisons bug by the way and the whole it doesn't reapply.
    11. beegdowg

      beegdowg New Member

      May 12, 2012
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      Targeting Thunder Cleft Brave

      Targeting Thunder Cleft Brave

      What Class+Spec are you?: Mage Frost
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questbot using kicks leveling profile
      What level are you?: 87
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: no, fresh install of HB
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? 01:02:40.810 D
      What happened (be specific)? Doing the quest crane mastery targeted a carp hunter then cleared and targeted thunder cleft brave and attacked, then got flagged.
      Then I turned off the bot and ran and invis'd.
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES)yes

      Not really positive if a cc problem or an hb problem or the profile just got too close and aggro'd. It seems like it went after the NPC as it has been attacking a lot of
      things it shouldn't lately as described in other threads.

      Also, using wand to pull and in the middle of rotations. Not sure if there is a reason it should be using the wand at all.Have a new wand that makes a distinctive
      noise and it's using it quite a bit.


      Attached Files:

    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      skules, Thanks for the post. Support for Singular is obtained by following these steps How to Report a Bug - Post #4 [CLICK HERE] that I have already linked once or twice. Additionally users posting their issues in the HonorBuddy Support Issues will be routed here. Users can make posts anywhere they like on the board, but if they are requesting support for Singular you can help them out by kindly directing them here. I'll go back through this thread and see if I possibly overlooked a Rogue post, but the only ones I recall at the moment are a settings issue pertaining to poison selection (fixed many moons ago) and support for Recuperation not available (added recently.) If you have a post that you spent a great deal of time preparing the detailed explanation and provided a log for that was unfortunately posted in the wrong forum and would like me to review, please post a link to it and I'll gladly research it in detail. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Rogue, -Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      beegdowg, Thanks for the detailed post! I will review this in detail a little later when I get back. Here is a link [CLICK HERE] to see my reply to another post on targeting issues. In it I explain when Singular is targeting mob (which isn't often.) It primarily counts on the Bot to set the current target since it handles the specifics of where to go and who to kill, while the Combat Routine merely follows orders and kills who its told to. -Bobby53
    14. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Tested out Singular on my 483 affli-lock at the dummies outside Shrine, and was pleasantly surprised. Went up to a stable 50k and stayed there, great job Bobby! ^^
    15. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: DK/Frost
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal):BG
      What level are you?:90
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?:Nope
      What happened (be specific)? No bugs CC is great actually not sure how bobby maintains as much as he does.
      Really just wondering if we could implement Dark Simulacrum - Spell - World of Warcraft on all Healing or big damage spells? Example: Priest trys to flash heal pop it. Lock trys to Chaos Bolt or Fear. Stuff like that.
      Second note Chains of Ice this may be dumb but personally if my target ISNT within melee range I want COI on him until he is. Put a distance check and check target for existing COI would love it!
      Keep up the great works thanks for keeping CS's alive
    16. suuzzee

      suuzzee New Member

      Sep 3, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Warrior, Fury

      This is not a bug report just a request.

      As the T14 4 piece set bonus reduces the cooldown of Recklessness from 300sec (5mins) to 150sec (2.5mins) would it be possible to check for the 4 piece bonus and if so use Recklessness on CD again? keeping Recklessness just for the execute phase reduces several useful procs on bossfights (that last 5-10+ mins) you can be losing 4 or more procs.

      if this isnt possible to detect could you add an option to use Recklessness on CD?

      Thank you.
    17. Dylza

      Dylza New Member

      Dec 17, 2012
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      Hi bobby, could you please add in this script especially for assassination rogue under normal rotation, as when going up against 3 mobs it is more beneficial to use fan of knives rather than Mutilate or Dispatch:

    18. darkuz

      darkuz Member

      Oct 19, 2011
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      Hi there,

      Running my frost dk with Singular is pretty amazing. The only problem I have is my frost dk uses Deadth Grip in dungeon/raid. Is there anyway to detect that I'm in dungeon or raid to disable Deadth Grip.

    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      amp, Thank you for taking the time to post regarding your Singular success! +rep and continued luck with your Warlock, Bobby53
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      rascal9, Thanks for the detailed post! It should have been casting Chains of Ice in battlegrounds (probably a little too much.) I've revised the behavior for Chains of Ice so it will cast if your Current Target is not in melee range and is moving away from you, otherwise it saves it. Will definitely add DS but in an upcoming release. Thanks for the post and good luck with your DK, -Bobby53

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