fuck fuck fuck I was botting for about 3 hours in ferelas, when i got a weird encounter with 49 rogue a saying prepare for the after-cata banwave in an emote... He instantly knew i was using honorbuddy and lots of other shit that made me freak out so i just hearthed and logged after saying i had to go and i wasn't botting. im really scared i dont want to lose my 2 80's.. should i tfer them or lay low D:
I dont care who you are.... how long you have been botting. YOU WILL GET BANNED EVENTUALLY ON 99.9% OF YOUR BOTTED ACCOUNTS.... nuff said moving on.
doesn't mean anything as you might play on a low population realm and he on a over full realm where everyone is an ass that reports.
same here, but what works for one, doesn't simply work for others this is and has always been like that.
Because the ratio of people banned in US is huge compared to the EU. Granted they outnumber us massively but I still get the impression the EU GMs are too busy drinking dutch lager and slapping hookers about in Amsterdam to bother trying to catch us. I mean you file a petition and then have to wait 4 hours for a GM to come online for a response.
This is the reason I try and stay on medium pop servers only. High pop servers have more people so a greater chance of getting reported. Low pop servers in my experience you can corner the market but there is very few buyers and its very hard to unload your stock. Medium is right in the middle and as worked well for me so far.
netherlands is always the best country, well for some stuff anyhow high pop works for me as I can unload 4 times a day.