They are doing mass bans every 6 days, these are the days they have hit me recently.. and so far it has always been happening between 9pm-1am CST 10/24 11/1 11/26 12/1 12/6 12/12 12/18 Looks like they skipped over christmas and new years, how sweet of blizz LOL 1/2 was the next batch ban however i did not get hit by it YAY!! lol.. only have 3 accts left atm though. 1/11 still didnt get hit woot. 1/17 one acct got hit today i really have a feeling its stucks 1/23 I got a strange wow response on 2 of my accounts and it was not the typical ban/unban templates used.. I wish I would have copied it and saved so id have proof but, it was someone actually responding and had a bunch of typos and it said your account will not be actioned for this again. Well it was actioned again 6 days later and the response was deleted and replaced by a normal template on both accounts. Figure id start keeping track of eu... 1/26
2 unusual responses.. heres one were they said i was unbanned and then.. However, we have reversed our original judgment towards your account, and upheld our recent findings. Your account's closure has been reinstated, and will not be reversed or amended. This response is intended to clarify the situation and confirm for you that your account will remain closed. something silly ive never seen.. My name is Calvatron, and I have been sent from the future 2929 by Blizzard Technical Support & Account Management. First off, I would like to apologize from the bottom of my robotic heart for the issues you have run into thus far! Upon further review of the account with my cyberoptics eye implant, I have noticed the issue has been answered.My programming doesn’t allow me to interfere with your timeline any further, but if you have any further inquiries, chose the reply option which will create a time displacement field with your request and travel through the portal to me.(? ?_?)=? Hasta La Vista Baby!?.•??.•*??) ?.•*?)Game Master Calvatron(?.•? (?.•? ?.•?Cameron C.Blizzard Technical Support & Account Services
Looks like they skipped over christmas and new years lol merry christmas and happy new years botters LOL Looks like the next batch ban was today 1-2
banning every 9 days now? up from 6.. will see looks like gatherit profiles are very popular.. i wonder if they are actually tracking the profile or maybe the system is catching ppl running the the same waypoint patterns.
It's simply too many people running the same path which leads to either botters reporting other botters or actual players reporting bots when they see them flying in a line after each other...
lost an account in todays batch ban i noticed today i was stuck on the tip of the tinest branch, its so aggravating to watch lol and hb and logmeout does absolutly nothing against it. i have just been having a feeling its the cause of my bans in recent months when i started noticing an unusual amount of retarded stucks.. its like wtf am i even stuck on? the tip of a blade of grass? come on now btw whats going on with the forum? its taking 55 seconds to load each page