i have been rewriting it the whole time, but i did do a major revision during netherweave, if that is what you are asking...
Hello! Nice profile so far I think i'm slowly sorting out issues. I have issues getting cloth farm file to load via professionbuddy, but loading the cloth farm itself works fine. I think you may want to drop the netherweave start level to 300, and have the runecloth target level at 299. Or at least this is what i've done to get netherweave farming as soon as rather than making mageweave until grey and getting more benefits from making bolts of nether. Thank-you so far!
hey wabu - would i be able to load just the cloth farm profile on a toon w/o tailoring to have it farm all the locations ? example 3 toons w/ tailoring are at lvl 60 ; and wanna get them all to 300 tailoring ; im thinking could i load the farm profile on a 90 toon farm all the cloth till they hit 90 - if i can do this do i just load up profesionbuddy ?
yes you can load just the farm profile, as it's currently the only way I can get it work on it's own, but I have loaded it through professionbuddy and it works fine.
it would take a bit of modification, since it chooses which place to farm based on your tailoring level. so, the short answer is no. it "could" be done, but i am not inclined to do so at the moment... still need to finish it up for at least horde side before i tackle any new projects.
I'll look at that... when i was doing the lower level stuff, i was getting the info from a profession guide, but at netherweave i went a diff route, and looked everything up on wowhead myself... TBH, it probably isnt going to get modified until after Horde side is complete from 1-600, then i'll go back and streamline horde side, then add alliance support once the horde side is smooth, so i can troubleshoot alliance without thinking that the base profile is the culprit... i personally dont give a rats about alliance, but since so many alliance guys make their profiles horde friendly, i figure i should prolly return the favor.
is the cloth farm profile in your: \Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\Tailoring folder? if not, that is why it doesnt load automatically from professionbuddy. professionbuddy insists that profiles that it loads be inside the professionbuddy folder itself.
The bot tells me: "Err: Unable to find profile: HBProfiles\Tailoring\Cloth Farm.xml" when the mentioned file is clearly placed in the correct folder. I'm not sure what's going on lol!
Yeah it's in that folder but it's not happy about loading the file every now and then. Apologies about the netherweave stuff, i meant as in i played a little (if that's OK) with the netherweave code and changed the level etc and it seemed to help the farming a lot.
Nevermind, I thought only the Cloth Farm file needed to be in the ProfBuddy folder, guess the default profile had to be in there as well. Will report bugs!
The bot really does not seem to like the pathing for frostweave at times alternating getting stuck to falling down holes, and stays like that for hours until i manually move it to the start again.
yeah, i may need to revamp the frostweave farming hotspots, since my toon is only 80-82ish, he aggros from a pretty good distance... i was thinking that the 90s may have a different time of it... i will try some hotspots around the edges, instead of straight down the middle of that area.
i dont mind, per se, but i am still dealing with some base code issues, so i cant guarantee that the underlying framework will remain the same for your alliance code. i have been kinda slacking the past couple days, trying to level up a diff alt, but i will work on this more tomorrow, and should have embersilk rdy to go, but untested, by mid afternoon west coast time. it will include some of the other code i have been working on, such as working zeppelin transport to northrend from org. i may throw in the new hotspot routing that i mentioned in the previous post. the biggest drawback that i can see atm for doing alliance, is that the farming locations for the low level cloth should not be the same, since low level ally stuff is in EK, and horde is all kalimdor. its your call, but i dont wanna see you do a ton of work, and have it nullified by something i change without realising.
For frostweave although the location may be busy on some servers I know on mine in particular the converted hero area is quite flat and open so without obstacles etc. Unfortunately a lack of humanoids may be an issue though and it's a suggested zone on farming guides. I'm trying different zones out once i've buffed the level of my mage a bit more and i'll get back to you
cool... the frostweave cloth is the one we need the most of, it requires around 1200 cloth, so the more mobs the better.
so i have been messing around with the converted heroes area, and i am kinda "meh" about it... for one thing, the area is geographically huge, so it involves long periods of running, even if weren't camped to shit... which it is... which means that a group that is there now might not be there next time, making the run from hotspot to hotspot even further.... looks like my toon is training for a marathon, not farming... i'll check somewhere else... on the upside at converted heroes, NO STUCK SPOTS.
ok, just updated with the new route for frostweave... been running for about 45 mins, and no stucks so far. my pull distance is set to 5, for the record. also put in the profile with working zeppelin usage, so now hearth cd should not be an issue.