if you 12/18'rs are looking for something more entertaining then a fresh start on d3, give path of exile a try, the gameplay and mechanics are similar, yet have much more depth, it is only $10 for a closed beta key, and once its open beta it will be free to play. This means you could have a seperate bot account at no added cost, and if it was banned, you could just (for free) create a new 1. The currency system is a bit more complex, but it will work excellently for selling on websites (much like item sales in diablo 2). in fact their dev has said in general chat of the game (yea you get to play with the devs!,) that although selling currencies on sites would be frowned upon, it wouldnt be explicitly not allowed. i know this company does not yet intend to make a bot for this title, although I wish they would, its still a fun play even by hand
wonder if it'll be worth botting it one day? i've been hearing good thigns about it, maybe it'll become big?
i believe it will, especially considering all your active skills will come from gems which are tradable items. i log into the servers and it is more lively then diablo 3 live despite that it is still their (p.o.e.'s) closed beta; and at the start of the open beta on 1/23 all characters are being wiped (besides names, which are made in the diablo 2 fashion, no 2 players having same name, each character having unique name and no battletag nonsense). the depth of the skill gem / passive tree system is enthralling.
lol. First game I ever botted in was Ragnarok Online. Sometimes I get bored and still go back to open up 30 accounts to bot (free-to-play now). Crazy thing is I usually get banned within a couple weeks (if I'm lucky). A game that small with far less income has a far stricter GM team lol.
It is already pretty big, and their staff consists of like 18 people in total. Not saying for sure it will not have a strict botting policy, but I haven't encountered anything that would suggest that.
botting games with no rmah are only so profitable. there is no ingame currency other than items and gems, so it is extremely hard to value some things over the others right now. later on it might be worth botting, but not for quite a while. also, if you wanted to bot, you would have to buy the bot, or get 1/1000000000000000000 chance to find someone who will program a working bot for free. Id say if there were to be bots, it would be for casual botting and personal gain
The fact is that it can't be unprofitable lol. The accounts are free =P. Little to no risk, asides from losing time.
this, and I am not saying it will be profitable right away (ofc not until open beta at least) but the games without an in game auction house make item purchasing more exclusive. it could bring back an era like diablo 2, where you could sell a tyraels might to d2legit.com for $150. or skill (charms in d2) gems for say $10.. could end up way more profitable because of less anonymous competition like we face on the rmah
Twas why I used Ragnarok Online as an example. The game was a decent size, but not too big. I ran multiple trade bots and sale bots in the game and sold the proceeds (or sometimes items a well) to the websites that sold currency for the game. The game was such a perfect size that there was only a few websites out there that competed for sales. It made it easy to sell and keep a constant flow. Where there is in game currency and items, there is profit.
i'm sure soomeone will create a bot for it eventually. On a side not did you guys know d2jsp was first a bot? and that it was a bot website? Now its a "no 3rd party program" site lol. I can understand tho, its good it has that policy. Anyways the website has a really interesting history and how it came to be
I know BuddyTeam has no plans and is not planning to make a bot for Path For Exile at all. Also, high chance this game will crash and burn and sink like Hellgate: London, especially when it is still short of so much funds and when they are selling "power" through their online cash shop before the game is even ready.
have you played it, or checked out the staff lineup at grinding gear games? it seems more finished now then d3 was at release and even has pvp already. when they have downtime to apply an update, it literally is a 1-3 minute downtime. i dont know, maybe i am catching on late and it has been slow to get to the point its at now, but i am impressed by it already myself. i am sad the buddyteam has no plans for it, yet also curious as to why theyre so set to not make one... either way its really worth a look into
Yes, I have a "paid" closed-beta key. I have a few major complaints which is that the game - simply forces me to do town runs once every 2min - it's to hard to tell the difference from a wall and a door from the minimap/overlay map - i have to keep referring to the transmutation table of resources to figure how the scrolls/orbs work. Given the failed case of Hellgate:London, staff lineup doesn't matter.
Can anyone elaborate on the PVP aspect as that is why I want to do in a MMO, real skill-based PVP like original UO. Nothing since 1995 has had the same PVP/loot all/murderer-pk system since then that actually was SKILL not ITEM/GEAR based. They need to take ideas from UO:R and prior and incorporate that into a game. Nothing more exciting then getting on Roger Wilco (yes im dating myself here) and banding up with 4 people and taking out 20-30 people and LOOTING EVERYTHING, house key? We own your house now and everything in it. To further grief, it had thiefs who could disarm and steal that "Echoing Fury" from you and you could chase him down and kill him to take it. 1 world pvp. Asherons Call DarkTide had that feeling, DarkFall had the similar ideas as the developers were such UO fans but it never took off and was TOO hard to get going. Feel free to discuss anything that is like UO specifically those characteristics.