This is a great way to get banned. Obvious spot, low level toons hanging around the area makes it even worse. My server camps this area daily to pick off the bots.
So far running slowly using the tweaked route. Have a 85 MoP geared DK running the route with my 2nd account and the RaF linked (3rd) account on the roof. Both the RaF and the linked account started at 15 (monks) using crawlerbot to do the antiafk and using the guild perk and 8th anniversary xp buff. Started off getting about 78xp a kill but has steady gotten better as the 2 accounts level up. I am keeping an eye on it as this place gets farmed big time for the cloth drops, plus the quest line runs through here. Very nice though....thumbs up. One thing I did encounter as some others it will take a while to load tiles.....just let it run and it will eventually go. Also all addons besides Lootfilter are disabled. Cheers
so here is my input. I have a 90 warrior that is rafd to my 30 druid. my 30 druid is rafd to my other 30 druid. I also made a trial account and used one of my bot keys to make him sit on the roof without going afk so I can get more xp Hopefully. Lastly, If there are people in the cathedral, if you have an extra account, go onto it and make an character on a different battlegroup and then make him real id friends with the group leader, and then have the group leader invite the character from the other server and promote him to leader, should fix your problems. I know its a hassle but it seems to work for me, and it definitely does work with 90, if it isnt working for you you are doing something wrong,
It works with a level 90 char, but its definitely slower then with a 85 toon. My lvl 73 gets about 900xp per kill when i do this with my lvl 90. When i use my lvl 85 Alt the lvl 73 Toon gets about 1200xp per kill. So its about 30% Slower when you use a lvl 90...but on the other Hand no one ganks you when you use a lvl 90 dk with 500k hp ^^
I would happily pay for a complete overhaul to this profile. Make it look less bottish, hearth to dal after full bags....vendor, back and do it over again.
Doing this at the moment with a 86 xp-frozen prot pala, had to modify singular to do some decent AoE dps but at lvl 30 it's taking about 12 minutes per level (with 4 raf accounts)
I have a question: How can my low level chars which are RAFed go to Northrend and on top of the building? Do I need a RAF mount so my main and one of the low level chars can get on it and then place the low level char and summon the other? What will happen when my low level chars die?
didnt blizzard fix RaF so that both have the players have to be in like a 3 level range and if not you wont get the 3x exp?
My pala is 86, just put it on top and did 'summon friend', got a warlock to summon the others. I don't see why your low level chars would die, because on top you get no aggro from anything. Nope, even as a 86 you can still get lvl 1's triple XP. Put em in a lvl 25 guild and you have some nice XP bonus (though, 1-10 takes really long.)
So for example my level 11 char can be summoned to my level 85 paladin when they are linked/RaF? If this works then my other chars could summon to the one who just got summoned. 1st char (85) summons 2nd char; 2nd char summons 3rd char; 3rd char summons 4th char etc? I have 9 battlechest keys and I want to RaF all. How many chars can be in a group? Is five people max for a group? And is it faster to RaF with 3 chars (1x 85, 2x low-level) than with 5 chars (1x 85, 4x low-level)?