Hello. Just recently i started using this bot on my Druid to farm herbs and already at start i encountered a problem. When bot attacked a mob,every time my fps droped by alot slowing down my farming,but okay i did some research and asked members of this forum for solution. They said its a CC problem. I was using singular untill then,but after trying out few different ones i found Fpsware AIO and it works perfect for my balance/feral druid. Sometimes my fps drops but nothing special. After making some gold from herbalism i wanted to create new char from scratch-i made a mage. Now since Fpsware AIO does not have Mage combat routine but only for Warlock Hunter Priest and Druid i switched back to singular and simply said it sucked. I also tryed few others for frost mage and no difference- My fps drops to ZERO or 2fps at best when in combat slowing down my leveling. Now i'm wondering-why is FPSware AIO soo much better than Singular? What makes such a huge difference and can anyone else confirm having this problem or is it just Me??
Hi, Jobthirteen13, Blaming it on the Combat Routine is only one possibility. Drops in performance are most frequently due to Plugins. Try disabling them all--yes, all. If that solves your problem, then start narrowing down the offender(s). The way some plugins are written, it can be more than one that contributes to the performance drop. The fact that your performance drops between 0-2 FPS is quite disturbing, however. Your machine is horribly underpowered, or you've got something else going wrong outside the scope of Honorbuddy/WoWclient. cheers, chinajade
Not this. I have used Enyo for a long time. and currently pretty much only singular for CC's til Legion drops. Shaman, hunter, DK, DH are all fine soon as i load boomkin SPLAT goes the FPS. normally on the other routines 80-106 fps. As SOON as i turn on Boomkin. 4fps if i am lucky. Stop the program not just pause and fps flies back up. there is something wrong in the boomkin CC