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  • [Bot] (Beta) DungeonBuddy - A Dungeon bot.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by highvoltz, Jul 6, 2012.

    1. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Fail role check / dungeon queue pops

      Hi - getting this issue fairly often in my 5 man bot group. Usually a DPS or a healer won't pass the role checks or que for the dungeons after a few runs. So things start out fine - they just break down after several runs.

      Not sure if the log will help or not, but here it is.

      Attached Files:

    2. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Re: Bots not moving to "Loading Titles"

      Here's my theory:

      "Loading Tiles" was one of the last messages at the bottom of the HB window - but isn't actually the problem. I've noticed several times now messages that are bugged out and not accurate. For instance, it says something like "waiting to pull" etc. but the Tank is already in the fight. Or another example that I'm looking at right now, "Honorbuddy Stopped" but the bot is running. I will post a log(s) next time I experience it.

    3. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I just updated 'A brewing Storm' script has a min ago, Fixed several bugs and improved the escort behavior. This is my favorite scenario, only took 9 min and 40 seconds for the entire run using 3 dps.
      Update: slipped in another update fixing issue where bots wouldn't talk to Blanche
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    4. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Cata Dungeon - Black Rock Caverns

      Hi again. Here are logs from my recent trip to Black Rock Caverns. Rom'ogg Bonecrusher issues as described a while back with similar problems on other fights. Including logs from 2 DPS. What I want to point out is after chains of woe are down, the group does not run from Skull *****er.

      Now...I outgear this fight currently, so he dies pretty fast - but he still begins casting skull *****er and they haven't run for a very long time.

      Also in this log - Corla. The group is not handling the transformation streams properly. More than 1 party member attempts to block a stream causing issues. Once again, they haven't handed this fight properly in a long time. (release .517 was the last time I experienced fights that were handled properly - beating a dead horse, I know, sorry!!! I never supplied logs - hoping it might help)

      View attachment 3824 2012-12-28 16.34.txt

      View attachment 24244 2012-12-28 16.38.txt
    5. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I couldn't see anything in log indicating whats causing this issue.. This is a sign that HB's lua event handler isn't functioning anymore. Possible causes are bot was logged out of game briefly or there was a /reload command issued in WoW while hb was running.

      An interesting log entry.
      [21:37:47.586 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: Auth Session is invalid.
      I never seen HB fully recover from an invalid session without needing a restart. maybe something to it.
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    6. Tamahawk

      Tamahawk New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Damn you! Hahaha ;) I've never managed better than 10m00s exactly but I've never gone in without a healer...

      I'll go give it a shot in a few minutes and let you know what happens.


      Yeah, so still nothing. They just won't fight. I'm attaching the 1MB 2min long log file for the leader, which like the last one, is full of the same, repeating error. I also saw this just before and after the bot is started; don't know if it's relevant:

      [02:14:17.486 D] XML Error: Unknown tag "DungeonId" (Input: "<DungeonId>517</DungeonId>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 4 - [<DungeonId>517</DungeonId>]
      [02:14:17.486 D] XML Error: Unknown tag "BossEncounters" (Input: "<BossEncounters>
      <Boss isFinal="true" entry="58739" name="Borokhula the Destroyer" killOrder="1" optional="false" X="2201.443" Y="-1019.821" Z="450.771" />
      </BossEncounters>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 5 - [<BossEncounters>
      <Boss isFinal="true" entry="58739" name="Borokhula the Destroyer" killOrder="1" optional="false" X="2201.443" Y="-1019.821" Z="450.771" />

      The repeating error is:

      [02:15:05.266 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Bots.DungeonBuddy.DungeonBot.(WoWItem )
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(IEnumerable`1 source)
      at Bots.DungeonBuddy.DungeonBot.()
      at Bots.DungeonBuddy.DungeonBot.(Object )
      at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
      at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Bots.DungeonBuddy.DungeonBot..Tick(Object )
      at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

      Here's the full log: View attachment 4868 2012-12-28 21.12.zip (had to be a Zip cuz was 0.01 too big! Ugh)
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    7. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Blackrock Caverns - I think I got something in this log!

      Highvoltz!!! Check THIS out - log says fighting Corla lasted xx seconds - I wasn't fighting Corla I was fighting Zon'ozz. I hope this helps identify something!!!!

      Maybe the reason the fight isn't working by design, the script thinks I'm on Corla already...

      View attachment 7328 2012-12-28 22.27.txt
    8. HB9357A89

      HB9357A89 New Member

      Jul 13, 2011
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      Summary: Getting stuck here if the tank are already upstairs. It is just before the second boss (Master Snowdrift)
      CustomClass: Singular,HazzDruid
      Role: Healer
      Queue Type: Random Queue
      Party Mode: Off
      Dungeon: Heroic Shado-Pan Monastery

      WoWScrnShot_122812_191348.jpg [h=1][/h]
    9. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      The xml errors can be ignored, the other errors are whats causing your issues however. I would try closing WoW and cleaning WoW's cache ( by deleting the entire Cache folder in WoW's folder)
    10. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      The was a known mesh issue though i thought it was fixed. Could be the fix isn't live yet.
    11. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      The port out and port in behavior is there as a pre-caution for situations where the person that died and released can't make it back to group on their own e.g from trash re-spawns or something. Maybe it could be improved to only port out and back in if player dies x amount without reaching group.
      Edit: I changed my mind about mounting. I'll keep the logic in but it'll check your mount settings.

      Fixed but not live yet.
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2012
    12. Tamahawk

      Tamahawk New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Okie dokie. I'll try this in a bit.


      No, SSDD. I deleted everything (both folders) under my wow's cache folder, even deleted the WTF for the Hell of it. Created a new folder and new install of HB too. Nothing new. NO FIGHTING. Same errors too.

      I'm curious though: you've said that you have made fixes over the past few days, etc... yet the DB version number has remained v368; is that normal?

      I'm not attaching the logs because they haven't changed. Same stuff, same guys, same errors. Bummer.

      Thanks for all your help though.

      EDIT 2:

      EVEN DELETED THE HB Meshes folder, just to try that. No good. Here are the logs anyway. Everything went right EXCEPT they won't fight. :(

      Leader's log: View attachment 4804 2012-12-29 13.04.txt

      Follower 1 log: View attachment 3604 2012-12-29 13.02.txt

      Follower 2 on diff pc:
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2012
    13. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I have to admit I'm running out of ideas and I apologize for for the inconvenience. There is nothing strange in the follower1 log. The reason it's not attacking I understand . Followers will not attack stuff the tank/ leader has not tagged. In scenario the leader is picked based on spec > highest Health pool. In next release followers will defend themselves regardless if tank/leader tags a mob.

      The real issue is happening on your leader. I can not trace the issue directly because of the obfuscation but I know it has something to do with items in your bag. If you're still up to try some things you can try manually vendering trash loot, restocking on food etc to see if this makes any difference.
    14. Tamahawk

      Tamahawk New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      In my bag? Really? OK, you got it HV. I will do this butt naked "FOR SCIENCE"!! (and with empty bags, of course). Stay tuned...


      Holy S#!t Batman! OMG! WTF? LOL :D I emptied my bags COMPLETELY and everything works! What's up with that? How can I know WHAT exactly is/was screwing this up? How does an item in my bags screw with targeting on the leader? Did you by chance see a specific item number? Do you have any idea what I should look for in the very long list of things I emptied from my bags?

      I'm elated to know that it works again and I'm frustrated that there's no obvious way to know what specific item is/was messing with the leader's targeting. *ANY* idea what to look forward would be welcome.

      I noticed that the pathing in A Brewing Storm seems a lot better.

      I also noticed that all 3 bots always run together to the same fire to extenguish it; is there a better way where the bots can tell eachother "I got this!" and send the other bots to other fires? Seems awfully inefficient to have them almost always all go to the same fires.

      GREAT JOB HV! WoW! I'm dunbfounded. What the HELL is in my bags that's messing this up?

      Thanks SO MUCH! :cool:
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2012
    15. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Congrats fixing that!

      How many bag slots did you have left?

      What is the setting in you config to return and sell/mail?

      The bots tend to get less reliable over time...they get gummed up zoning out, repairing, buying food, mailing, etc.

      Yours must have been stuck in some state where it wanted to dump something and couldn't move on, even though it would perform other tasks.

      ...empty all our bags...GOOD TO KNOW! (doing it now on all my toons lol)
    16. vibrator

      vibrator New Member

      Nov 10, 2011
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      you can go to battle.net support tab there is an item restoration feature thats instant now you can do this every 30 days you can go through and see everything you ever vendored destroyed disenchasnted and it will come to you in the mail as soon as you do it but you have to pay the gold you got from the vendor back or have the mats in your bagfs if you disenchanted it In YOUR BAGS not gbank or personal bank must be on your character
    17. Tamahawk

      Tamahawk New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Scenario: Fall of Theramore still not moving ahead to Stage 4 & Final Stage

      OK, I'm very happy :D this is working again, thanks so much. I just completed The Fall of Theramore and ...

      This all brings me back to my post in this thread 6 days ago about the Fall of Theramore scenario (for which I do not believe I saw a response) and the bots not moving ahead to Jaina Proudmore to begin Stage 4 or the Final Stage. Please review that post, linked here:


      I'm not uploading additional info because after the run that finished minutes ago, everything was the same. Everything went fine except as described so I intervened.

      Let me know.
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2012
    18. Tamahawk

      Tamahawk New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Scenario: Crypt of Forgotten Kings

      In the aforementioned scenario, is there any chance of telling the bots to RUN the Hell AWAY from the Abomination of Anger when he's about to use his "Deathforce"? That s#!t is deadly! and the bots have no clue. It's announced in the chat frame before he actually unleashes it so there IS time to react.

      Going through all the scenarios as best I can... ;)

      Thanks for them all!
    19. Zoeroo

      Zoeroo New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      bot just wouldn't start in BRD, worked well the first time in there when the last boss was the one just around the corner.

      Attached Files:

    20. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I don't see anything in log that gives a clue to why bot isn't working for you.

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