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  • Altec's Rogue Routine

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by altec, Nov 24, 2012.

    1. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Killing spree is not a part of AoE rotation.
      You have two possible options for it:
      1. If you have it checked under "Combat" subtab it will be only used on bosses, i havent tested it on rare mobs so im not sure for them.
      2. If you check "Always use cooldowns" under "Utility" and Killing spree" under "Combat" sub tab it will be used always, the same moment when its off the cooldown, even if you are fighting one mob.

      I personally think that its a loss to use such a powerful CD on single mob, so i like to keep our big CDs on manual use, im leaving it active ONLY if im using some profile to grind reputation with old fractions.
      Last edited: Dec 31, 2012
    2. Timmid

      Timmid New Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      this routine is way better than singular! thanks so much.

      only one thing: since i'm using this for questing i commented out the part that makes my character go behind the mob because it was just too buggy looking.

      a future option for enabling/disabling this would allow people to use this in more than raids or dungeons. (which would be neat)
    3. Dorin85

      Dorin85 New Member

      Dec 4, 2012
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      Alright, so I'm running Assassination spec with this CC and ilevel 483. It's only doing ~50k dps in LFR. An assassination rogue with far lower ilevel gear was doing 15k dps higher than me. Could I be doing something wrong? I'm running Combat Bot as the base, is that correct?
    4. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Has anyone else tried this with Dungeon Buddy? It freezes and crashes every time.
    5. User0828

      User0828 New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      this CC wont show up in my list of CC's when i start honorbuddy.

      i put the latest "stable version" svn in my routines folder and updated it. but it still doesnt show.

      any ideas?

      EDIT: nvm, i found out the stable version is empty. your gonna want the BETA svn.
      Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
    6. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Let me test that and get back with my results, im on work atm.


      Assassination rogue
      Item level: i477
      RtR: unenchanted/unreforged/partly gemmed.

      Altec routine
      Target: Raid Combat dummy.
      Test time: 3min
      Spec cooldowns: No
      Average damage: 55k

      Target: Raid Combat dummy.
      Test time: 3min
      Spec cooldowns: No
      Average damage: 57k
      Average damage: 59.6k - energy pooling

      Altec routine
      Target: Raid Combat dummy.
      Test time: 5min
      Spec cooldowns: No
      Average damage: 57k

      Target: Raid Combat dummy.
      Test time: 5min
      Spec cooldowns: No
      Average damage: 59k
      Average damage: 61.5k - energy pooling

      Altec routine
      Target: Raid Combat dummy.
      Test time: 10min
      Spec cooldowns: No
      Average damage: 60k

      Target: Raid Combat dummy.
      Test time: 10min
      Spec cooldowns: No
      Average damage: 61k
      Average damage: 63.6k - energy pooling

      There you are, complete breakdown for aprox duration of a boss fight.
      It was a bit long test, but i decided to do it completely. I followed exactly the same rotation as routine (using Vanish on CD and opening with Mutilate) and no cooldowns are used.

      I also found Assassination rotation to stop working completely several times, simply broke down until i manually used next spell in rotation, its mainly bugging it self when target have Ripture, you have SnD and Envenom with 5cp on target (happened few times). Routine just stops and do nothing, or its auto-attacking until you use next spell in rotation.

      As much as i noticed, routine is slowly building its buffs to full duration (casted with 1cp, refreshed always with +1cp at least until it comes to 5CP buffs), while i used 4cp Rupture, following by 2CP SND, following by 5CP Envenom.
      As you can see, as duration of combat increases routine manages to reduce the gap in DPS as it does it more perfectly casts that we do.

      Taking in concern its slow build up of buffs till full duration, i presume that on fights with target switching this gap in DPS will be bigger. Also,you need to keep monitoring Assassination CC since, as i said, i found it bugged few times which forced me to reset test and keep monitoring CC's rotation, so if it fails, i can quickly cast next spell in line so CC can continue rotation.

      Hope that this helped you a bit. Personally, im using combat since its simple, forgiving and more easy to execute it and Altec CC is doing it perfectly. :)
      Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
    7. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Altec - Have you noticed it's freezing in Dungeon Buddy, or have a suggestion on how to resolve it? You're CC is the best out there for rogues right now it would be great to use it for getting gear with DB.
    8. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, sorry, I have been out of WoW for a couple of weeks now. Let me take a look at what I missed in the meantime.

      I have not checked recently, but when I was using the CC with assassin spec on a 479 iLvl, it was pushing 60k easy. I will need to check into this.

      Have not checked any real botbases, only questing and combat.

      Is your problem solved? If not, what is the issue you are getting?

      Last time I was fixing Combat rotation, Assassination is probably bugged, not sure.

      I have not ran other botbases at all. I will check into the issue overall first.
    9. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      It should go into melee and stop, maybe since the target is not in combat it doesn't work. But if the target is in combat it should stop movement once you get into melee range.
    10. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, releasing a new BETA for you all to test. All 3 spec's work in this one, but Sublety has some things to make note of. Since I have not finished working on movement, and it stops once it reaches melee range, and how sublety requires being behind the target, I recommend to turn off movement when playing Sublety. Else, a huge bulk of it's output will be missed. Other then that, I have not noticed a huge difference in the specs, all run smoothly on my end.

      I even tested all 3 specs on the dummies in my Combat reforge / gemed gear. Supprisingly all performed about the same ammount of dps. The only buffs I have on are my poisons and whatever procs from trinks / weps / combat buffs / no group. All performed at or around 51k dps, give or take. Keep in mind this is my current gear in combat forge / gems.

      As of this update, Revision 35, is there any issues that anyone has?
    11. luba1984

      luba1984 New Member

      Sep 23, 2010
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      Have small error

      new Decorator(ret => SpellManager.HasSpell("Shadow Step") && ARSettings.Instance.ShadowStep && ValidUnit(Me.CurrentTarget) && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 10 && Me.CurrentTarget.InLineOfSpellSight && !Me.HasAura("Killing Spree"), new Action(delegate { CastSpell("Shadow Step", Me.CurrentTarget); return RunStatus.Failure; })),

      "Shadowstep" and not "Shadow Step" . and so very good , now work sprint ) but need mod only pick pocket and dont atack mobs or function blacklist .
    12. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ah good catch. Always thought it was two worded. Every time I type it I always make it two words. I'll add in pickpocket only mode in the future.
    13. demonbuddymeh

      demonbuddymeh New Member

      Jul 14, 2012
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      is there a way to make it stealth after looting? right now it stealths, then try to loot and breaks stealth. i'm trying to use it to quest level. ty :D
    14. savolion

      savolion New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      Was trying to test assas rotation on a dummy.

      However it would cause my fps to drop to 1 everytime it executed a command. Shouldnt be an issue as i have never had it happen before with other CCs and my computer can easily handle wow.

      Lazy Raider
      Testing CC on Target Dummy
      Finally, Upload a log so either me, or one of the other users of this CR, can help you troubleshoot the issue.

      Attached Files:

    15. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Hi Mate and Welcome back, i hope that you managed to solve your RL issues.

      Found a bug.

      .523 HB,
      AltecRogueBeta - Revision 36

      Bug 1:
      Even so "Enable Moving" and "face target" is disabled, CC still is moving behind target in combat on his own and trying to position it self behind target.
      I was in front of entrance of Raid and started HonorBuddy buffed up and entered raid and started combat. As soon as i entered combat i got 2s complete Freeze of PC, and after unfreeze CC started to execute it self and position it self behind target on its own. I double checked "Enable Moving" and "Face Target" options, both were disabled, so i exited HB and did completely fresh install (deleted Compiled and Settings folders) and, again, double checked are those two options disabled, they were, but same thing happened as before, 2s freeze and moving on its own.

      Fixed it for my self by completely removing part of code responsible for moving in "CombatPS.cs" This stopped Routine from moving by it self, but also removed nasty freeze that was happening, so i presume that somewhere in that part of code there is an error.

      Bug 2: Again same bug with dismounting in air to eat. As i mentioned several times before, CC will dismount in air and try to eat.. Usually sight is not pleasant to watch how your character is failing into death. I would like to suggest a option in UI to disable/enable eating option.
      Again fixed by completely deleting part of code responsible for resting in "CombatPS.cs"

      This is just one of those eat fails, i did manage to land and walk away with 5hp.
      View attachment 76588

      First thing that i noticed is that im capping energy rather frequently in assassination spec, specially during "Shadow Blades" + "Bloodlust/Timewarp" combo, im having Rupture and Envenom up and Routine is just auto attacking, capping Energy rather quickly.. That looked odd to me since im having talent "Anticipation" which is +5CP room.
      What i did.. i did test run on Raiding Dummy and i noticed that is not so big issue since im "pooling" energy to toss in Mutilate after Envenom and my DPS was 60.5k. Next thing that i did is create a party with my coop Shaman and asked him to pop BL, this time it was an far bigger issue, since i on purpose had "Shadow Blades", "Vendetta", my "on use" Agi trinket, engineering springs and "Bloodlust" up.. this resulted in actual DPS loss since Routine was auto attacking during our highest burst phase and ended up with 58k as end result.
      Sooo.. i did once more edit.. i dig up part of code which is responsible for Mutilate and Dispatch and changed that their limit is <10 CP.
      As end result, my test runs under same conditions ended up with 61.4k and with 63.5k with Bloodlust.

      Overall, i did notice far smoother rotation and slight DPS increase compared to previous version, also i did notice that you did code rewrap, keep up the good work.

      I have to do Elagon test, previous beta version of routine was completely stopping to work when sparks were up and heading to their pylons, dunno why..
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    16. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Fixed, in the latest revision, 37.

      By default no, since the way HB sets up the looting. But, with some code write-up, yes. Remind me when I get a stable version out and I ask for suggestions / improvements to the CR.

      Looking into this.

      Short answer: Looking into this, Long answer: Wait and let me look into this :)
    17. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, I only seem to get that error, when I put my lazy raider settings like you have yours. Which is RaidBot like checked. With it unchecked it runs smooth. Apparently Raidbot, or Lazy Raider in RaidBot mode, will cause a framelock issue. For now, just do not use RaidBot or Lazy Raider in RaidBot mode.
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    18. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, fixed this issue. Forgot to add in GUI check into movement options. Not sure why it would put you behind the target, it should stop as soon as it gets into the melee range of the target.

      Fixed the issue, did not really update the rest command of this CR. Added in check to only use food, poisons, if you are not mounted.

      Looking into the rest of this, since I have mainly been testing on raid dummies solo, I guess I never took into account excess energy regeneration.
    19. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Fixed energy capping issue for all three spec's
    20. Jaypizzle

      Jaypizzle New Member

      Jan 5, 2013
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      Any chance you will be adding Paralytic poison? Right now, I only see Crippling, Mind numbing, and leeching poison for the Non-lethal poisons.

      Also, it seems like I can't use shadow step for some reason. Every time I go to class configuration, check shadow step and save, it is somehow unchecked again when I go to class configuration again.

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