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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      rascal9, Please feel free to fire away with suggestions. If they are criticisms or changes to existing functionality, it will be more effective to write them as bugs. For something like Atonement healing which currently has no support, it is better just to give a detailed run down of what you would like to see. Thanks for any thoughts on improvement you may have, Bobby53
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Best way is to remove Gorefiend's Grasp from your talent selections. If it's not selected, your Blood DK won't have the talent so it it will never be cast. Here is my earlier response...
    3. noamchomsky

      noamchomsky New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      THANKS for all the hard work on this awesome combat routine! A couple things I wanted to bring up.

      1) How do I know which talents Singular will use, pretty please? :)

      2) If it's not too much trouble, would the coders mind fixing the FERAL.CS file (in Honorbuddy\Routines\Singular\ClassSpecific\Druid\Feral.cs) to have the spell "Prowl" (which enables stealth) cast before the spell "Wild Charge" which near-instantly enters combat? When in combat, the Prowl spell will not work which then prevents Pounce and other openers. Prowl would ideally be activated before Wild Charge.

      Thanks again for Singular!!
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
    4. Apruus

      Apruus Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Warlock/ Affliction
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal
      What level are you?: 90
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? 12:52:15 PM EST
      What happened (be specific)? When I try to do the Klaxxi dallies the CC will just sit there and wand. I had to complete them by hand but to show a log I put the bot in grind and did a grind profile and it does the same thing and also it does not move, will just sit.
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) Yes x2

      Attached Files:

    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Apruus, Thank you for the detailed post. I can't really use the file 1644 2012-12-31 10.48.txt as it appears to be a partial log from a GatherBuddy session and doesn't seem to fit the problem description provided. The other log file named 2324 2012-12-31 12.40.txt once adjusted for local time stops at [17:47:48.919 D] which is 4 1/2 minutes before the time you mentioned the issue occurred. I reviewed this file further and it appears you encountered an issue downloading the mesh for that area, which would cause movement and combat response issues:
      [17:44:00.607 D] Exception when attempting to download HawaiiMainLand_27_34: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: Could not connect to net.tcp://www.buddyauth.com:5031/AuthService.svc. The connection attempt lasted for a time span of 00:00:01.3370764. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it  ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
      Note that mesh download was occurring in one form or another from [17:43:58.805 D] through [17:45:09.964 D], so a little over a minute.

      The log file also indicates trying to run the Grind bot with a Questing profile in the following line:
      [17:41:23.923 D] XML Error: Unknown tag "CustomBehavior" (Input: "<CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Ground" />") in "HBProfile"! - On line 3 - [<CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Ground" />]
      That won't work. The two bots use two different profile formats. To use the Grinding bot, you will need to load a Grinding profile, move your character to the area the profile was designed for, and then press Start. Attempting to run the Grinding bot with a Questing profile loaded will leave your character standing still as described. The same will also happen if your with a Grinding profile and your character is too far away from the area it was designed for.

      I greatly appreciate your efforts in trying to provide details for the issue. If you encounter a problem with your Warlock again please post the same level of detail so I can assist further.

      Thanks and good luck with your Warlock, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 31, 2012
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      noamchomsky, You're very welcome! Thanks for taking the time to post. You should assume all talents are used. If you encounter one that isn't, treat it as a bug and follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. Wild Charge issue fixed in next release. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    7. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      What Class+Spec are you?:
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal):
      Questing w/Kick's "[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick].xml" profile​
      What level are you?:
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?:
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur?
      [07:56:33.372 D]​
      What happened (be specific)?
      Hi, Bobby53!

      I don't know if this is beyond Singular's design goals or not, but thought I'd double-check. This example is from a Paladin, but the same situation happened when running Mages and Druids through the same scenario.

      The Scenario:
      While doring the Breaking the Emperor's Shield quest, we are sent to kill Nakk'rakas <The Spiritshaper>. As soon as you engage him, he pops a shield that makes him invulnerable, and summons an Imperial Guard. You must kill the Imperial Guard before Nakk'rakas' shield will drop. Several times throughout the fight, he will pop his shield and become invulnerable, and summon another Imperial Guard.

      The Problem:
      Honorbuddy initially targets Nakk'rakas, and won't switch to killing the Imperial Guard when Nakk'rakas becomes invulnerable. Instead, Singular continues to attack Nakk'rakas until the encounter resets due to timeout (I assume--as the mobs just depopped after a while).

      (Not shown in the log) If I manually target the Guardian each time, Singular spanks it good, and returns to Nakk'rakas.

      Incidentals (may be helpful or not):
      The shield raised by Nakk'rakas is called Protection of Zian. The initial shield shows a stack count of 3. Each time he pops a new shield and summons a Guardian, the stack count on the shield is diminished by one.

      I expected Singular to pick another target and spank it, if the current target cannot be touched. If this is not a Singular design goal, that's perfectly fine.

      If this is just a quirky scenario, that's also fine. But, just wanted to make certain there wasn't a bigger problem in multi-target situations where a mob becomes invulnerable.

      As always, the fact you are the Master of Singular makes me happier than bacon-wrapped cupcakes!

      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES)
      Yessir!... View attachment BadNakkrakasEncounter.txt . Everyone knows Tuesday is 'log posting' day!​
      Last edited: Jan 1, 2013
    8. Variz

      Variz New Member

      Jun 20, 2011
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      Bobby53 - I asked before but I don't think I worded it right.

      What Class+Spec are you?:
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal):
      Raid using (LazyRaider)
      What level are you?:
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?:

      Is there any way to turn off crowd control? I find the bot using Hibernate and I'd like an option to turn it off. Wasn't seeing it in the GUI.

    9. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What Class+Spec are you?:
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal):
      What level are you?:
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No

      Hey bobby,

      Just letting you know elemental shaman needs some help, it does not use any of it's elemental totems like Earth/fire would be really handy when taking on multiple mobs for Earth elemental totem to be used.

      No use of earthquake

      No use of Acen

      No use of Stormlash totem.

      No use of Hex (hex one mob if fighting 2+ mobs.)

      Also the self healing for survival could really do with a work over there has been many time's it has died when it could of quite easily healed itself. it needs better use of Healing surge (i have noticed it's almost dead but just keeps on dpsing sometime's when it should have healed) also use of Astral shift would be handy.

      One more thing that i can remember Ghost wolf needs some tweaking like a default setting for distance to object to use ghost wolf currently it uses ghost wolf even if it's only going a yard or 2, looks really stupid.

      Also Evading mob detection is not working correctly (it detects it, says it blacklists it, but then keeps attacking it
      [/COLOR][/B][/B][/B][/B][/I][Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it![Singular] Casting Lightning Bolt on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it!
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it! 
      [Singular] Casting Flame Shock on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Casting Lava Burst on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Casting Lightning Bolt on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Casting Lava Burst on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it!
      [Singular] Casting Lava Burst on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Casting Lightning Bolt on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it! 
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it!
      [Singular] Casting Hex on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Casting Hex on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Casting Hex on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it!
      [Singular] Casting Searing Totem on Myself 
      [Singular] Casting Searing Totem on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Lava Burst on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Casting Lightning Bolt on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Casting Lightning Bolt on Unga Fish-Getter 
      [Singular] Casting Lightning Bolt on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it! 
      [Singular] Casting Flame Shock on Unga Fish-Getter
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it! 
      [Singular] Mob Unga Fish-Getteris evading, [SPELL_MISSED]. Blacklisting it!

      If any of this is currently implemented let me know because that would mean it's not working as intended and i'll post a log.
      Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
    10. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Just adding a note here :: No use of Acendance << Stormblast and Laser Beam isn't added to spellmanager yet. Natfoth said that it's being added to-do list
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      See Post #4 [CLICK HERE] in this thread for details on posting issues, questions, and requests for support.

      To be sure you saw this, you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Visit the first post in this thread to download. The prior version is still available there as well in the event you feel the need to downgrade at any time.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      New feature for Hunters (Focus Frame Unit chain CC'ing) and Warriors (T14 DPS 4pc Bonus) plus a lot of work on all specs of Rogue and Retribution Paladins. Read the Change History for details.

      Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Variz, Thanks for the post. A couple quick points:

      - I only see one post from you where you referenced Harmony. Here is my response to that post [CLICK HERE]

      - Neither that post has a log file attached. A log file is always required, especially when you are asking about Singular behavior

      Most likely what you are encountering is a side-effect of using RaidBot. It causes the Combat Routine to only initialize the first time the Start key is pressed. If you press Start while outside of an instance, this will cause Normal context behaviors to be used rather than Instance (Raid) context behaviors. You have a couple choices:

      1. Don't even press Start on RaidBot until you have entered the context you want to run in ( Normal, Battlegrounds, or Instance.)

      2. Switch to using LazyRaider for raiding. It will correctly reinitialize the Combat Routine when you change contexts

      Thanks for the post, be sure to attach a log file if you would like a response, and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    13. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Nice work Bobby! Still want to see my DK using his spell steal but love you non the less :) Keep the good work pumping out
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      xsilverdicex, Thanks for the post. All are implemented, so will need a log. Here are the conditions:

      1. Evade behavior is implemented so would like a log file for that alone. There is a knownn issue for evade mob handling that pertains to melee classes and is fixed in the release I just posted, but not for ranged.

      2. Stormlash totem is cast when Bloodlust is active.

      3. For Questing, Ascendance is used if you encounter a stressful situation (3 or more mobs, an elite, an enemy player)

      4. For Questing, Hex is used in a fashion similar to how most CC is implemented in Singular. It will CC an add if the add is 10+ yds away from your current target and you, you are facing it already, and its in line of sight. Requiring it to be 10+ yds away allows continued use of AoE spells while the enemy is hexed. Same thing for Bind Elemental

      5. For Questing, Earthquake is used if 6+ mobs in range and no crowd controlled mobs will be in AoE. Additionally only cast if Mana is > 60% or Clearcasting is active

      6. Self healing for survival -- log?

      7. Ghost Wolf: cast by both HonorBuddy mount logic and by Singular. Will need a log if you would like me to look into this for you

      Thanks for the post. If you find it not matching that behavior post a log and let me know the local computer time you observe the behavior not occurring when you believe it should have. Additionally, please set Debug Logging = true before creating the log. Thanks, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 2, 2013
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's in the next release. This release kept getting delayed by adding one more thing so had to resist adding more at the moment. Bobby53
    16. BaturalNoobs

      BaturalNoobs Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Awesome - thanks bobby53! Happy New Year!
    17. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i went through the logs from yesterday and found the one with the evading mobs when it seemed to not be blacklisting correctly

      It happen between:

      [06:50:50.716 D] to [06:52:28.983 D]

      Sorry dubug logging was off, ill run it with it on today and hope i find an evading mob.

      Attached Files:

    18. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Monk / Brew
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Dungeon
      What level are you?:62
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: Singular-3-1496

      Getting stuck throwing keg when if mob dies before the toss is made. Than toon stands there with green circle out waiting to throw.

      View attachment 9564 2013-01-02 19.45.txt

      Sorry initializing isn't there im literally letting this run while i watch
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      xsilver... I have attached a replacement EventHandler.cs for you to copy to your installation. Do the following:

      1. Close HonorBuddy
      2 .Download and copy file to ROUTINES\SINGULAR\UTILITIES
      3. Launch HonorBuddy
      4. Set Singular setting Debug Logging to true
      5. Click Start

      This will write unambigious information to the log that indicates what is occurring. It appears that the Questing Bot is ignoring the blacklist and retargeting, but this module will verify that it isn't a blacklist failure and the entry added can be found.

      Thanks for the help in troubleshooting this, Bobby53

      Attached Files:

    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      rascal9, Thanks for the post! Unfortunately I can't see your screen, so to be able to research further will need to know the exact spell (did you mean Dizzying Haze or Keg Smash?) and the specific local computer time that one failed in this state. If you could change the Singular setting Debug Logging to true before running on this character so the log file will contain additional detail that would be very helpful as well. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Brewmaster, Bobby53

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