Confirmed - happens consistently for me on my paladin. Log shows: [12:18:13.361 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LOOT_OPENED with handler HandleLootOpened [12:18:13.361 D] Goal: [MrFishIt][v1.0.1] Fishing for Item 79046 [12:18:13.361 D] [MrFishIt][v1.0.1] Fishing for Item: 79046 - Quantity: 10. [12:18:13.395 N] [MrFishIt] Casting ... [12:18:13.630 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 131474, KnownIndex: 189 [12:18:36.169 N] [MrFishIt] Casting ... [12:18:36.385 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 131474, KnownIndex: 189 (over and over and over) It never sees the bobber. It doesn't matter which quest it is or as far as I can tell which parameters are issued to the QB. If the bobber is clicked manually after every cast then it does still exit correctly once the items are fished.
Very strange... it should look like this: [16:27:00.693 D] [MrFishIt][v1.0.1] Fishing for Item: 79046 - Quantity: 10. [16:27:00.770 N] [MrFishIt] Casting ... [16:27:00.990 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 131474, KnownIndex: 200 [16:27:01.412 D] Activity: [MrFishIt] Waiting for bobber to splash ... maybe the wait for lag duration is to long for some people.. i have change something and have it tested with a monk, shami and pala. Let me know if it works now.
hunter had the issue as well [09:33:26.318 N] [MrFishIt] Casting ... [09:33:26.537 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpel - edit: testing new version now
Should the [QB]MrFishIt - EmptyProfile allow me to test it in open water? When I start the bot with questing bot base and load this profile and click start it says "Bot Stopped:Reason nothing left to do" so I assume not. Is there something else I can test with since I have no more dailies today?
open the [QB]MrFishIt - EmptyProfile with a text editor and add a water location to the CustomBehavior, like this: <CustomBehavior File="MrFishIt" CollectItemId="123" CollectItemCount="123" X="123" Y="123" Z="123" />
tested it with empty profile. Same issue as before. Full log below. class:Hunter [17:43:25.053 N] Logging in... [17:43:27.175 D] Attached To : D3D11 [17:43:28. -
could you please test the version on the bottom and if this not work could you pls then equip your fishingpole and test it again? *downlaod removed*
Not working sometimes it registers as getting a bite once, but still doesn't loot it. Log with no fishing pole: [18:57:19.211 N] Starting the bot! [18:57:19.223 D] Changed tilemap to HawaiiMa - Log with fishing pole:[19:00:42.330 N] Starting the bot! [19:00:42.357 D] Changed tilemap to HawaiiMa -
Same issue no fishing pole: [00:44:56.408 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.6663.523 started. [00:44:58.380 N] Logging in. - with Fishing pole:[00:47:24.023 N] Logging in... [00:47:47.965 D] Attached To : D3D11 [00:47:49. -
this is very strange... that fishing has to work for all classes, and not only for a few.. the fishing behavior is 1:1 from MrFishIt. if you equip the fishing pole or not, seems to make no difference. I have now checked everything again, and can not find any fault. Also I have compared the fishing behavior with AutoAngler and it is very similar. No matter what I do, I get this error never so I can not say what it is.. *edit* i have found the error.. it is Singular... could you please use another CustomClass and test it again
Could you be more specific with "it's singular"? I use singular and it works flawlessly with my DK (only chat I test with at the moment).
This makes sense actually. I had a similar issue with auto angler on my shaman a whiles back in Cata. (The people in the autoangler thread never acknowledged the issue. I assume because they didn't use the effected class they thought it was my error). I gave up on it and have no idea if it works now even. It didn't work with ShamWoW or Singular back then so I assume a similar issue is happening here. I use singular on all my classes, so it's a class specific singular problem. classes it works on that i've tried. Mage/Warrior and you've tested DK. Classes it doesn't work on: Hunter, and I believe shaman? Going to test Fpsware Multiplicity on my hunter now.
i dont know why at the moment.. in my tests i have the same issue at my monk and shami when i use singular.. if i use ShamWoW, TuanHAMonk or no CustomClass it works perfect.
To add to this, with TuanhaDK and TuanhaPaladinSE it does not click the bobber. The DK stood next to me was clicking just fine ( he was running TheBrodieman's dailies too. I'll try tomorrow's runs with different cc's to confirm
thanks for the info you could test it even now: open the [QB]MrFishIt - EmptyProfile( with a text editor and add a water location to the CustomBehavior, like this: <CustomBehavior File="MrFishIt" CollectItemId="123" CollectItemCount="123" X="123" Y="123" Z="123" /> then start the QuestBot.
Ok done that, I've attached the logs. View attachment When I get some time i'll run more through if it is helpful.
so now should all work! need some tester. *edit* I have it tested with Singular at Monk and Shami and it works for me! *download removed*