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  • [PLUGIN] Pokebuddy - Gotto kill em all!

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by maybe, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. _Hausi

      _Hausi New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Every Battle i have this in my logs:

      The Char wants to mount.... why ?
    2. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Quick question if anyone knows. I have over 100 pets ( not captured - Owned) will this pokebot or any of the plug ins cycle thru all of my pets till they are level 2 then cycle till they are level 3 and then 4 and 5 and so on ...... ?

      okay one more question. Is there a way to not capture the same rares ?
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    3. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Thats gatherbuddy trying to mount. No clue how to prevent that

      There's an additional plugin for that, not made by me. But it should work really sweet. Its somewhere in the uncataloged section.
    4. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Question 1:
      Battle Pet Swapper

      Question 2:
      Inside the settings for Pokebuddy where it says "Catch When:" You can choose the option "Higher than the pet I have" and if you have a rare (blue) it will not attempt to capture anymore of that pet.

      Good luck!
    5. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      brief technical question, the pet ID's, are those numbers linked to the UI?

      if so,
      can you add in an option to export to 'name.xml' when you hit save ?, next to one of the "save generic" options ?

      i've created about ... 30 id.xml's (had some free time) and now can't recall which is which, unless i load it up in PB/LC :/
    6. wowsoul

      wowsoul New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      Have a little question,

      U said it's 30% swapout by default. where can i change that?

      It's plain boring to edit every logic for all the low lvl pets i want to lvl

      so my idea was delete all and just have logic of the lvl 25 i fight with.

      My low lvl pets keep dying couse they can't survive the last 30% :(
    7. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      I can add a field in the file with the name? Or make an index file?

      Im planning some stuff that would fix this. Cant say when its done though, hardly have any time.
      For now, edit line 1589 in Pokehbuddy.cs to change the default logic
    8. minotir

      minotir New Member

      Mar 4, 2012
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      Hi! First of all I want to say that the plugin is working great!

      But I can't really understand how to make combat routines. I know how to add commands and save them etc. but if someone could help me to make one for my Winter's Little Helper I think I learn it out from reading the lines you provide!

      1-I want it to start the fight by casting spell number 3. This one has a cd of 5 rounds. and I only want this to be recasted when target is over 40%
      2-I want to cast spell number 2 wich is a weather buff that lasts 9 rounds. I only want this to be recasted if target is over 40%
      3-I want spell number one to be a filler spell to be used when the rest is on cd.

      Hope someone can help me with this :)

      Winter's Little Helper - NPC - World of Warcraft
      Thats the pet if you wondered! :)
    9. wowsoul

      wowsoul New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      thx that's what i wanted
    10. DaBear78

      DaBear78 New Member

      Dec 27, 2011
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      First I would like to say that this plugin really rocks, I love it ;)

      But I have one little problem: I use PetArea for leveling a few pets and I'm always stuck for the last level. That means for example when I'm using the "12 - 14 Southern Barrens.xml" profile (first profile the error occured) I will only get to level 13, after that the bot won't battle any pets because the highest pet in this area is lvl 10. And even if I set the plugin to "3 levels lower than my lowest pet" it won't attack pets which are more than 2 levels lower than my pets. Why does it not fight lvl 10 pets (lvl 13 - 3 is 10, so it should fight them...)? Should I try "4 levels lower than my lowest pet"? Or is there anything else I can do? By the way: The profiles before this one worked great, but only because there are pets which are high enough (10 - 12 works because there are lvl 9 pets and as a lvl 11 pet I will battle them, but it won't battle lvl 8 pets, evenso lvl 11 - 3 is 8, so it should battle them...)

      EDIT: OK, setting it to 4 levels lower makes the bot attack those lvl 10 pets. :D
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
    11. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      here's a pseudo version, i can do it properly, but this shows roughly how to work it out for yourself.

      the first 5 are just for safety, so you can AFK

      swapout if health islessthan 70
      passturn if buff 822 equals true
      passturn if buff 498 equals true
      passturn if buff 174 equals true
      passturn if buff 734 equals true
      cast 3 if health(enemypet) is greaterthan 40 AND cast 3 if cooldown 3 is false
      cast 2 if health(enemypet) isgreaterthan 40 AND cast 2 cooldown 2 is false
      cast 2 if weather buff is false AND cast 2 cooldown 2 is false
      cast 1 if cooldown 1 is false
      edit: just thought i'd fill in the pseudo routine as you outlined, in the above, it will fire if the weather changes or when the buff expires or if the health is low.
      with the change, it will fire every time the weather changes but only if the enemy health is above 40. this could be every 9 turns, or every 3, if the pet has weather/can heal.

      Arguably, with cast 2, you have a few options:
      You can let it loop on CD ("if" it crits, it will hit harder than #1)
      when the weather changes or the buff expires,
      or as indicated, with weather/HP checks before running. (combining both cast 2 lines into a single line will do this, as shown below)
      or another, better, 4th option (??)

      tbh, i'd just leave it on a flat cooldown and re-buff every 3 turns, since it hits quite hard. as it stands, it will re-buff and cast when the health is high, and will just use the filler once the health is below 40%.

      if you want it strictly to fire every time the weather changes but only if the enemy health is above 40, change to the following:

      cast 3 if health(enemypet) is greaterthan 40 AND cast 3 if cooldown 3 is false
      cast 2 if weather buff is false AND cast 2 if health(enemypet) isgreaterthan 40 AND cast 2 cooldown 2 is false
      cast 1 if cooldown 1 is false

      to explain
      -- the passturn's are for the stuns & polymorphs from other pets. , 822/498 are definitely more common.
      -- you can set the swapout to 30 for even level combat, i.e. lvl 5 to lvl 5 but if you're levelling a lvl 3 in a lvl 11 area for bonus XP, you can set this to swapout at 80 to take 1-2 hits before swapping to a higher level pet which can heal. If you PvP, nearly every 3rd PvP battle is 2 lvl 5's and a level 15/25 healing pet, so it's okay to keep the swapout high on non-healing or non-tank pets until you've reached lvl 20+,. then set it back to 30 % once you're done levelling.
      -- You can change the 2x Cast 2's so that all 3 statements are in one command, it will slow down the battles using the filler, instead of hitting all CD's first.
      -- cast 1 is default, and last
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
    12. minotir

      minotir New Member

      Mar 4, 2012
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      Thanks alot! This gave meaning to me :) Ill test it out now!
    13. minotir

      minotir New Member

      Mar 4, 2012
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      never mind
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
    14. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      And now im curious :p
    15. TreeK

      TreeK New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      How's that?

      I actually thought this belonged more in the swapper plugin (as did Guadah I assume), as that is what actually moves the pets in and out. If you can add it into PokeBuddy, more power to you. There is a WoW plugin called 'PetBattleTeams' that implements the saving/restoring of selected pet spells. That might be a good place to look to see if any of their LUA can be made to work in PokeBuddy.

      Thanks for looking into it.
    16. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      The way i see it, its more pokehbuddy related since you might have to swap logics as well as spells change.
      Im planning some changes in the logic and logic editing anyways, and this might just fit in.

      Will keep you updated.
    17. abcdillon

      abcdillon New Member

      Apr 8, 2011
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      so i dunno what happened..yesterday it worked fine....now today i cant get it to work at all.....i deleted it, and redownloaded the svn, and ran it just like it said in the instructions...started HB, went into a battle, start, then stop, configed plugin, start, and it does nothing....
    18. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      i'll edit this when more info comes along since it may be another issue unrelated to SVN/config.

      haven't personally tried SVN rev 201, i had a look at the svn to check what's changed though, but, there's only the 2 changes (thanks for adding the extra 2 stuns to the "new/unknown pet" profile :) )

      it might be the gui button wont open .. ???

      when it targets a battlepet in the game, what does the HB window show,
      what does the log say after it shows [BB] Battle Preparation ??
    19. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      I have been away for a few days due to having to get surgery done, but wanted to make sure this got posted in your thread =)

      I was wondering if you could add in some logic that could select secondary attack options. Some pets have some very strong and useful secondary attack abilities, but of course they need to be selected pre-fight.

      i.e. The Strand Crab starts with a Heal in the #2 spot (like most), but it is a Heal over Time, which sucks and doesn't really work out well. The second option for that is a pretty strong heal that most healer pets get as their primary.

      The Eternal Strider has Soothe as its #3 ability, which is just pointless IMO. It's secondary option is Pump, (Cast a buff, second cast is a BIG Damage hit) Extremely useful and one of my favorites.

      If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
    20. DaBear78

      DaBear78 New Member

      Dec 27, 2011
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      Seems as revision 201 (updated a few minutes ago from svn) is having a little problem. I can open the gui only once. After I closed it pressing "Settings" again does nothing. There is only one way to reach the gui again: restarting the bot. Don't think that this is the way it's planned ^^

      And there is one more problem I'm having and I hope somebody can help me. The plugin does not use the species logic files (made some myself and also downloaded from the 2 sources mentioned here). When I edit a file for a single pet and save it, the plugin creates a file called something like "123456789.xml" and this file works for the pet without a problem, but when I use the "species save" (doesn't matter if I overwrite or just create for pets which don't have any logic) it creates a file like "Fawn.xml" and it does not work. The pet (and all other pets belonging to this species) still use the standard logic. When I open the editor again all I can see is the standard logic, no matter what I do (even tried to reset it to the species default which I created before). So there seems to be a problem with using these "species logics". Is it because I'm using german WoW / HB? Maybe somebody also had this problem and knows how to solve it.
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2013

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