Title says it all.... Just had them upgraded with MOP and GTCs. Sticking to fresh, store bought accounts from now on. Shame. I'm from EU btw.
Yeah i quit using SOR accounts a few months back because of this. I have some from over a year ago that are still running fine, but any new ones are locked up awaiting picture ID's.
Idd thats important, thats way i always ask the original owner info. My old SOR accounts are still running but new ones are a problem if you not have the old owner info.
Got the same situation, bought 4 SoR acc 6 days ago, and around 1,5h ago they all got locked can you tell me where did you get these accounts? might have been same seller from ownedcore
i wonder if blizz bans/links by paypal id - wondering if it's worth buying 5e battlechests for botting
They can do that if they want. Look mate, I am realy sorry for you. I know you are botting and keep gold to buy more accounts to expand you botting and they are kicked you realy bad. But dont buy unmerged accounts anymore. Dont level your chars whit BGbot. It is not safe. Dont even do lot questing whitout watching! I was take from 3 different sellers SOR accounts and get locked. Then I got explanation about all WOW bussiness. They all work for same suppliers. Some of them is greedy, some not. But for security doesnt matter.
They got locked at the same exact moment - this wasn't because of players reports for botting/haxxing - it was a routine SOR lock wave. I do not use BGbot and I supervise all leveling. 0 whispers, ergo, I think 0 reports. Other, older SORs remain untouched.
True . I used to bot with SOR accounts , making 450€ / month +/- . I will end SORing . Will buying accounts from blizzard form lvl 0 and lvl up . Its way safer , but that you waste more time and money to lvl up ... But i prefer to waste 40€ and 10 days to get an lvl 90 and farm for 3 month that to buy 1 sor and get banned 1 week after :S Happy botting !
Well sometimes if u are enough lucky to get a lazy or a guud guy GM, adn you come up with a fairly normal story they unlock SoR accs with your ID sent in even is the lock reason was mismatching name. I got lucky 2 times, but with 3rd SoR lock i cant get done anything, after the 17th ticket i gave up.
Started with 4 , end up with 3 . Anouther thing .. I dont know this for sure , but i guess that SOR accounts are banned at first or with some luck second caught . My legit accounts have been caught 2+ times and it never been banned prema
You were making 450€ / month with 4 accounts? That's cool, were they 24/7? I'm thinking in expanding, already have 4 accounts, but only have 3 sessions, but I run for 10/12 hours, with 3 accounts, I make 30k a day.