Second time been suspended for 3 hours whilst botting BattleGrounds (on main account - 85% supervised) My bot account bots BG's 20hrs daily (no ban - 0% supervised). Is this ban due to multiple people reporting me for being AFK? Should i write them an email this time since its my second suspension of 3 hours in 3weeks? (Maybe explaining that i was AFK due to dinner or something?) Thoughts?
yes ppl r reporting u for being afk or maybe just being a bot this is why you should have a whisper monitor; our bot is good, but it can't think like a 12 year old
I was not blaming the bot at all. I guess i just need to 100% supervise it. I submitted a ticket anyways.
bg botting is risky i wouldnt use the bot in bg just use lazyraider and move ur self in bg the most risky ban things are gathering bg so if u gather monitor it and dont do it for a long time.
Theres nothing good about bg buddy no more, once you acknowledge that and try to fix it, the pvp playerbase prolly wont rage as much as they are doing now on eu and us forums. We deserve some update, this is going on for months and months. But my best guess, you dont know how or it would be done allr. Bg-ing is suicide atm.
Helllo, i really would settle down yor horses with the pvp bot on the main, and trust me you are lucky about this 3 hour ban.. Just take care and prevent being banned again. Greetings Sven.
keep posting this till something gets solved, multiple post and not even a developer trying to answer.. this Spot the bot! World Of Warcraft sure doesn't have many botters - YouTube is retarded !
botting is safe just dont be dumb to bot in isle of conquest, or gilneas, vote down those maps and you should be fine, pirox was 10 times easier to spot, and i used it for 2 years and not a single ban
Very ignorant comment IMO. So you're saying it's smart to bot in WSG? LOL --->Botting in "any" BG right now is suicidal.
Just thought id let everyone know, i got a response from blizzard, they said i was flagged for not participating (which i guess means AFK?)
You get 3 hr auto ban if you get the deserter debuff 3 times in a short period (I think it was <24 hrs)
No its not youre just a paranoid fuck... thousands of people are botting... theres more bots overall in BGS these days than real players... people dont give a fuck anymore they dont care because bgs are overflooded with them....if blizzard banned every single botter they would lose alot of cash. botted many characters for months in bgs and not a single ban. 3 hr bans are due to your character just standing still... if you got disconnected the bot can stop working if you log in without restarting the program. the only time i got deserter buffs was by relogging and not restarting HB. who cares what crybabies on wow forums say. nothings gonna change unless hb are sued and or they detect it themselves... if they do they probably wont even permaban you lol.
Ive been using HB for a very long time and have never been banned until today. I got banned twice today, both for 3 hour intervals, both while botting BGs. this is pretty odd. I been doing this for ages. first time for everything i geuss