There are problems with the last updates. My warrior doesn't use Raging blow at all. Maybe here are the -10k dps u are talking about?
I'll investigate. Expect an update tomorrow if there's really something wrong. I have the rev 65 release version in my archives. Edit: Alright found some significant changes. Reimplement in version 125, will be up on the SVN tomorrow.
thanks for update. but i have some troubles with the new version and the update feature. on every start it updates?! also the new feature for impending victory as rotation filler doesnt work. when i check the option in the config and hit save. it doesnt save. did you look at the line i posted? Cast("Heroic Strike", ret => Me.CurrentRage >= 110 || (Me.CurrentRage >= 90 && TalentManager.HasGlyph("Glyph of Unending Rage")) || (NonExecuteCheck() && (MeColossusSmashAura && Me.CurrentRage >= 40) || (DeadlyCalmAura() && Me.CurrentRage >= 30))), that doesnt make sense. you put Me.CurrentRage >= || (Me.CurrentRage >= 90 && TalentManager.HasGlyph("Glyph of Unending Rage")) but normaly you dont have more than 100 rage. makes more sense to swap the rage values. Me.CurrentRage >= 90 || (Me.CurrentRage >= 110 && TalentManager.HasGlyph("Glyph of Unending Rage")) thank you.
Hi everyone, as my time today was unexpected very limited I need some more time to handle this matter. I'm truely sorry for the inconveniece caused, but I'll implement all the good of the current rev and rev 65 into one version which will be 125. Updater will also become "better", possibly not included with rev 125. Even with the loss, this routine still beats the competition. I'm glad you guys reported the issue, and I will fix this. Just need some time.
Поставил теперь данный СС "YourBuddy СС BT -. Warrior". Но проблема такая стала что SVN не обновляет данный СС. Из последнего скрина сказано что нужно перезапустить HB,все это делаю но он все равно не работает. Подскажите в чем проблема.
Small update; Updater has been removed in the next version, will work on this slowly. Almost done with the new version, only the rotation left to do. While I was on it, I've implemented many "quality of life" stuff in the routine making everything MUCH easier to read and code with. I'll be discussing with Pipedreams how to get the optimal single-tgt rotation together. Hopefully this will be done today.
Проверял сейчас в ТВВ дпс уменьшился почти на 20 тысяч. Как скоро будет доработано данное обновление,и нужно будет сейчас самому обновлять его или он будет автоматически обновляться сам?
It's not always using Raging blow it should use wild strike to rage dump not heroic strike Heroic Strike should only be used with deadly calm its not using Taste for Blood Procs up all the time either getting my best dps by assisting the routine like casting RB and WS on my own for procs o they go to waste sometimesi wrote a better reply last night after raid but i got high and forgot to click post reply I guess and closed the window
This is a great project and by a lot of people who care. And I know that I can speak for everyone in saying that we are extremely grateful. Just look at the likes! ? Amazing. But I am seeing a bit of varied consistency between revisions in terms of dps. And now this guy says the rotation is not doing what it should. How much dps are we throwing away by not following the basics? Is there anyway we can get some experts, people that have DPS records on World of Logs that know how to get the most out of a rotation and get that knowledge injected into this project?
Working on that. Advice from experienced warriors is always welcome though! Unfortunately the replacement version is a bit delayed as I'm fed up with an infected thumb ...
cut it off imo less trouble later and to cheer you up while you are all my booboo thumb Banana and Potato Song with Subtitled Lyrics (Despicable Me 2 Trailer) - YouTube
As Nomnomnom is taking a break. I'm reworking his rotation for him (again), as such it will take a couple of days hopefully. And I'll have the cc in tip top shape, I'll prob add arms rotation for him as well
Ok Test is up! MoP BT - Warrior/ Remember if you want hotkeys to work (Cooldowns key = q and AoE key is e) Hotkeys are on per default on this test build on development. Lots of improvements done
Compiler Error: c:\Honorbuddy\Routines\YourBuddy MoP BT - Warrior\GUI\YBMoP_BT_Fury_GUI.cs(43,13) : error CS0103: The name 'checkUpdates' does not exist in the current context Compiler Error: c:\Honorbuddy\Routines\YourBuddy MoP BT - Warrior\GUI\YBMoP_BT_Fury_GUI.cs(140,49) : error CS0103: The name 'checkUpdates' does not exist in the current context Initialization complete. Routine is currently unusable once updated.
hey alxaw nomnomnom told me in pm other day that the dev SVN is broken also he removed the autoupdate from it because it wasn't working causing issues the svn you linked is nod good we get errors and HB says no routine found
hey alxaw nomnomnom told me in pm other day that the dev SVN is broken also he removed the autoupdate from it because it wasn't working causing issues the svn you linked is nod good we get errors and HB says no routine found