Yes - you need to (back up if nec and) DELETE the DefaultCombat folder before unzipping the new version. Those two (Lethality and Trooper) I moved into Joe's since I've coded for Vanguard and Lethality). If you don't delete the original folder and just unzip - there are conflicts that would account for your error. Sorry - will try and make note of that in the install instructions (on a "version update for Joe's").
Done that still doesn't help it. All I can figure is it is something with the Quest file I'm using in how BW is handling it.
I love the ability to switch the "TargetWeakest" code. That's just awesome. I don't like how I can't turn off Movement when I'm solo anymore. It was useful to turn on and off in certain situations, even while not in a group.
Sorry - I should've asked for 1. Class (Inq or Assassin) and 2. Spec If I support it, I'll check the code. Joe
Hi, the attachment isn't working. How can I activate the firebug talents? "2. Firebug.cs - in order to assign the proper spec, the return from SpecHandler.cs - first routine - should be forced - return tree3; (ONLY for Firebug/Pyrotech Mercs). . File Link: Attachment 71756 - Copy this into"
Joe, can you please change the the way the operative is using RECUPERATE (self healing after fight) He does that after every fight even if hes at full health after 1s - he still uses the whole cool down. Maybe change it to so he just uses it if at 50% health? Also, is it possible to use the ROCKETBOOST in the script if not on a mount? (inside buildings)?? and how do ispeciy that I want to use a specific mount? I have like 10 and he alwasys uses the very first one I got with the pre order