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  • [Plugin] Battle Pet Collector

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by Andy West, Dec 21, 2012.

    1. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Updated so there is a new setting which indicates whether to stop the bot if all pets are caught in the current continent.
    2. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      I think it is because you have a German client...I have changed the plugin to use Ids rather than pet names. So update and give it another go :)
    3. Bossbot

      Bossbot New Member

      May 9, 2012
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      k so heres my feedback , i love it cause it helps what pokehbuddy misses, i love that theres a message in cyan color in the log of honorbuddy that helps, also he switches zones i guess when u already have the pet u wanted, so basically if u dont have any quality of 1 pet it catches it also u can just go for only rare else forfeit thats good, 1 thing this plugin misses is if u catch 1 of these pets it blacklists them so u cant get the pets which spawn as secondaries for example , catch 1 firebeetle, it blacklists the mob itself so u cant catch anymore of firebeetles if u wanted 2 or 3 of the same pet, or just cant get the secondary pet , maybe a snake in some zone which only spawns as secondary in the firebeetle.

      i think it should blacklist CATCHING A FIREBEETLE (NOT BLACKLISTING THE mob). so u can still get RARE secondary pets if some may spawn.

      hope u can answer if u already thought about doing it , or ur working on it. would be cool.
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
    4. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      'Blacklist owned pets' is an attempt to speed up the collection process and can be turned off. If you need to catch 3 rares of a particular pet then you don't need to use this plugin at all, just run pokehbuddy with a zone profile where the pet spawns. I think collecting 3 rares of every battle pet is a little insane, so I don't think thats what you mean.

      So what I think you want is a kind of don't catch pet 1 if I need pet2 even if pet 1 is rare. During the battle pokehbuddy will decide which pet to capture as it handles all logic in the battle (apart from the forfeiting), so I can't help with that.

      I would set 'forfeit when no blues to trap' to true & 'Blacklist owned pets' to false, I think that is the best I can suggest.
    5. Killerer33

      Killerer33 New Member

      Feb 4, 2012
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      As of right now my bot works but using pokebuddy it doesn't blacklist owned pets and just flies around fighting everything even with the option toggled on
    6. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Can you add in a setting that will continue to search the zone if there are some pets not at rare level, but continue on if all pets are rare quality?
    7. Bossbot

      Bossbot New Member

      May 9, 2012
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      ye i still didnt quite understand the plugin

      but heres what isnt that good, i was in lochmodan i had a (UNCOMMON QUALITY) little black ram, and a (RARE QUALITY) little black ram spawned, and he didnt catch it : / what the hell (BLACKLIST OWNED PETS, yeah but not rare quality pls or at least 1 rare should be gotten before blacklisting)
    8. superstargoddess

      superstargoddess New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Where is the plugin?
    9. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Once a fight has started this plugin is not responsible for catching the pets, pokehbuddy (or whatever) runs the fight, it contains the logic on whether or not to catch.

      If you only want rare battle pets then set pokehbuddy to only catch if rare, and release all your battle pets less than green.

      Hmmm... I think I will add a setting 'Only consider rare pets as collected!'
    10. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Its in the first post. I have added a zip option for download now... but SVN is easier to get updates though.

      If you've never used SVN then please read the section "How to Use an SVN" in the pdf in this post 39589-guide-honorbuddy-dummies-armydr.html
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
    11. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      This would fill my request also, looking forward to it!
    12. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Check out the latest version :)
    13. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Andy. Awesome. So far it's working perfectly, I'm going to test it out for a bit and I'll give you some feedback.

      Well done sir.

      Not sure if you can do this, but something I would like to see, and would use, would be a way to change a profile for the zone's I'll be working on without having to change the hard code. This might be a big pain in the ass, but was just a thought.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
    14. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      The profiles for a zone could be overwritten e.g. Plugins\BattlePetCollector\profiles\[GB2] Krasarang Wild.xml

      or you could edit the xml file Plugins\BattlePetCollector\Continents.xml
      e.g. <Zone name="Krasarang Wilds" profile="\BattlePetCollector\profiles\[GB2] Krasarang Wild.xml">
      <Zone name="Krasarang Wilds" profile="\BattlePetCollector\profiles\my Krasarang Wilds profile.xml">

      individual pets in a zone in the file can also have profiles specified:

      <Pet name="Resilient Roach" profile="\BattlePetCollector\profiles\Resilient Roach[HB].xml" id="64238" />

      You could then merge your version when you did an svn update, if I had changed anything else in the file.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
    15. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Right, this is what I did. I have a secondary Dread Wastes profile that skips the water, because in my original DW profile the bot will never leave the water area, making it impossible to collect the other pets in the area if you don't have them. Took me a few hours (way more then a few) to realize this was happening, but it's unavoidable. You have to hit the water if you want to be able to collect the Emperor Crab (BEST pet to have with Power/Power in the game currently), yet once you get into his area... you're stuck forevah!
    16. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      There are a number of individual pets that are difficult to acquire in Rare form, if at all. Some are just flat out impossible (Minfernal, Scorged Whelping). If I post the profiles for the harder to come by pets, would you want that for this plugin? This way when it gets down to just those pets, or just those pets in rare form, it can just search that specific area instead of the entire zone.

      So far in Pandaria, what I've had somewhat of an issue collecting in rare is:

      Dread Wastes:
      - Silent Hedgehog (unsure why, there are a ton that spawn)

      Krasarang Wilds:
      - Mei Li Sparkler

      Jade Forest
      - Wild Golden Hatchling (Need exalted in Cloud Serpent to see)
      - Wild Crimson Hatchling (Need exalted in Cloud Serpent to see)
      - Coral Snake (was a bitch to find in rare, very low spawn rate and area)

      Kun-Lai Summit
      - Summit Kid

      I'm not saying these are rare pets, they have just been kind of a pain in the ass to collect as rare.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
    17. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Not sure if you can use this, but for collecting pets, the best pet to use - hands down - is the Terrible Turnip.
      His #1 ability, Weakening Blow, will only take a pet down to 1 hit point, never below. So there is never a threat of killing it by accident with a big critical hit.

      Do you think it's possible to do a check and over-ride your Ringer if you have a Terrible Turnip at level 25 and above 90% health?


      Suggest for the Collector. If you can ignore pets when traveling to a zone. I turned on HB in when I was in Goldshire, the first zone it wanted to go to was Silverpine Forest, quite the long fly. Even longer when it attempts to stop at every pet along the way.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
    18. Andy West

      Andy West New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Re: Terrible turnip. The swapper plugin has a favourites list, perhaps you could put 3 turnips in your list?

      Re: Travelling to a zone. Pokehbuddy decides what to fight, once it sees a pet it takes control of the thread the none of the other plugins can run until it has started the fight, so there is no way I can blacklist the pet and so stop the fight.

      Re: The rare pet profiles. I could include them in the profiles pack and add them to the pets if they are listed in the continents.xml file (most I imagine are commented out). But they would only get used if the person using the bot amended the xml file or used the profile outside of the collector plugin.

      Re: Getting stuck in water. Pokehbuddy seems to ignore pet battles which don't start in a certain time, perhaps the blacklist timeout it is giving needs to be longer (like 2 hours). Or perhaps it should throw a hissy fit GRRRR and kill any pets it can't battle :)
    19. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Killing pets it's unable to battle isn't a bad idea, this would set them to respawn in a place you can battle them.

      The Terrible Turnip is found while doing the farming in Valley of the 4 winds, it's more of a rare pet and can be difficult to even get one. I'm not sure what they run on the AH, but they can't be cheap. I was stoked when I finally got mine and flash-leveled it up to 25 to use it.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
    20. Guadah

      Guadah Member

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Zone: Deepholm
      BlackList owned Pets: True
      Forfeit when no blues to trap: True
      Forfeit when no new pet to trap: True

      Maximum Zone Minutes: 60
      Only consider rare pets as caught: True
      Stop when no pets to catch: False

      When I come across a Rare pet as a secondary pet, it still forfeits the fight instead of attempting to capture them. I started a battle with a Deepholm Cockroach. The front pet (Deepholm Cockroach) was grey, the second was a rare Deepholm Cockroach which was an upgrade. Instantly forfeited the fight and moved on.

      PokeBuddy Settings:
      Catch when: Higher then the pet I have
      Forfeit if no interesting pets in battle (Unchecked)

      Edit 1
      I'm testing now to see if the two options "BlackList owned pets" interfere with "Only consider are pets as caught".

      Edit 2
      I changed the BlackList owned pets to False and ran it again. Came across an upgrade to a rare Emerald Shale Hatchling and it still forfeited the fight. Changed the setting on "Forfeit when no new pet to trap" to False and running again.

      Edit 3
      With the current settings, I can Forfeit fights with no Rares. It will fight battles that has a rare, but none to catch. And it will fight battles with rares to catch and capture them.

      BlackList owned Pets: False
      Forfeit when no blues to trap: True
      Forfeit when no new pet to trap: False

      Maximum Zone Minutes: 60
      Only consider rare pets as caught: True
      Stop when no pets to catch: False
      Last edited: Jan 20, 2013

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