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  • TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Dec 24, 2012.

    1. crazybuz

      crazybuz Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      CR does not attack construct on ambershaper fight in HOF, or MC players on first boss.

      Other then that I have not had a problem with fights.
    2. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Can you give me the exact Aura ID and Aura Nam to add to the must attack list?
    3. crazybuz

      crazybuz Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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    4. pnuk

      pnuk New Member

      Jan 1, 2013
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      link to the file work?
    5. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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    6. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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    7. Fintelligenssiii

      Fintelligenssiii New Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      I thought it was a problem with ddos attacks on the servers, but it seems to be me and a few others that cant download the file. Changing browser seems to make the problem go away.
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
    8. RobertPaulson

      RobertPaulson Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Hi again,

      I posted a fairly long list several pages back about several things that from a Blood Tank perspective really need to be implemented. I use your CC's for my Monk, Pally, and DK. My DK is my main, and atm I only tank with him.

      I do NOT see the issues of my machine lagging EVER with your CC's, and I bot 3 toons at the same time, so FWIW there isn't an issue there lol. What I would LOVE to see added are a few items that I'll try to list again below, again, from a Tanking Blood DK point of view:

      Use of Rolling Blood to spread Diseases on adds, along with this, DnD very rarely gets cast when adds join. There is a constant issue that the CC doesn't even notice an add(s) that show up, and if say on a quest with a helper (like Shadowpan) it will target your buddy and ignore ANY adds. This also happens when blood worms take off on an add OR if your goul goes off on an add. Instead of the DK helping, it just waits until the goul/add/whatever dies before doing anything. It never will even target said add. This also happens when you are farming the soil at the ranch and an add pop's up, it NEVER will retarget the add, it stays targeted on the soil no matter what unless manual intervention is done.

      So, the Tier 1 Talent Rolling Blood eliminates the need to use pestilence, simply tossing a blood boil spreads all diseases to all new adds, assuming they are noticed.

      Tier 2, you have mentioned it's not coded yet. When it is, from a real life Tanking perspective Lichborne is seriously needed. Especially considering currently while tanking if I do not manually intervene I end up Runic power capped anyway. Might as well use that power for Lichborne and/or the next point (Dancing Ruin Weapon).

      Dancing Ruin Weapon is NEVER used currently, this is a shame as it is a great ability. Combined with multi Blood Boil's will cause mass AOE dmg. PRETTY PLEASE add DRW into the CD/on Burst list.

      Tier 3, I use Deaths Advance. IMO it's the only Tanking option to choose as the other two options are far more PVP oriented, I could see chillibains for kiting but rarely in real life.

      Tier 4, Death Pact, to me a no brainer. It seems to be working atm, but I manually jump in so can't say for sure 100%. I can say I don't see the point in popping Raise Dead unless your about to pop Death Pact. If you goul dies before you pop Death Pact your screwed, and the gouls dmg is honestly nothing anyway.

      Tier 5, Blood Tap... Since we are running a bot this IMO is absolutely the best option as in theory we are taking out the human element which is Blood Tap's main weakness. Blood Tap charges can be automatically tallied and put to use when best needed. In theory Runic Empowerment CAN produce more death ruins however this is rare, and those theories are assuming you don't have a bot on your side making sure the counts are dead on;-).

      Tier 6, I honestly like all 3 talents here. I mostly use gorefiends grasp once I have agro on enough mobs to move them to my current melee target. However Remorseless Winter is great for kiting, or just in general for the stun effect. Honestly for many encounters Desecrated Ground would be the best choice, when used in combination with the human talent Every Man for Himself would damn near eliminate stuns/slows.

      Glyph wise I use AMS, Icebound Fort, and DnD (though Vamp Blood get swapped in as apropriate). The only decent minor is Path of Frost so I use that as well.

      I would really like to see some more on burst/on cd options for the following:
      Dancing Ruin Weapon
      Soul Reaper at target < 35% Health for the massive execute style strike
      Health Pots, Health Stones (The health stone rarely gets used currently)
      Blood Boil option to spread disease's/mass AOE (It scales better with gear than heart strike as well)
      Raise Ally (Have NEVER seen this work, would be way cool to have a way to choose either a specific toon to raise or say Tanks #1 healers #2 as an option)

      It would also be pretty slick to grab an undead pet automatically, another check box lol. But along with this something is acting odd with the targeting behaviour as I stated before. I know I haven't posted a log, I can if needed but it is 100% consistant. Try tilling some soil with a mob under it and watch what happens.

      All this is just constructive critisism, I use your CC currently regardless and really appreciate your time and work on all the classes. As soon as a donation option is up I'm on it, but really would like to see some of the above implemented;-). A few pages back I wrote a similar post that you thumbed up, hopefully between this and that one it will give you some more ideas to help the CC grow;-).

      Many Tanks,


      Editing to correct a couple things:

      Lol, never fails, I just did Shadowpan daily's and go figure, it was DnDing on 2 adds as I told it too so that seems to work. It seemed to be using outbreak for diseases, not as soon as up, but I'm sure that was due to timing of other abilities, so that seems ok. For sure BB hits harder for me, it is my number 1 dmg ability atm with 2 mobs or more.
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
    9. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank RobertPaulson for the long and helpful suggestion list.

      Some of those problem is currently on todo list, some not yet and will be added (thank to you) and some are technical difficulty (aka HB limit) and we just can't do nothing about it.

      There current technical difficulty is HB can't detect some unit if the change status from Friendly to Enemy or Enemy to Friendly. For example, in Shado-Pan Monastery dungeon, when the student monk turn from enemy to friend, it still "think" that student is enemy... and nothing CR can do if HB fail to report the unit status.

      Other technical difficulty is the botbase targeting system... When you use Questing bot or Grinding bot and your target die, it doesn't target the next one that attacking your pet/minion/blood worm... I have a logic to workaround it but need a test to confirm...

      And many other HB technical difficulty that I haven't able to find a good work around just yet.

      For other suggestion ideas, I'll try to get the best out of it and make DK tanking really awesome next 2 week. (Sorry, really busy on Monk 2.0 these day xD)

      Thank you for your support man.
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
    10. kalanikila

      kalanikila Member

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Is there any way to disable deathgrip?
    11. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Q and A page 1:

      Question and Answer

      Is there a special edition in the future?
      Yes, the special edition is under development and we will email to donor when it's available. (Estimate release date is before Feb)

      I want to disable some spell and use it by my own. How can I do it?
      Simply open
      TuanHA-DK-Settings-[random character].xml
      Change <SpellName>True</SpellName> to <SpellName>False</SpellName>
    12. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Hello Tuanha,

      As always, its good to see that you do great job developing your CC's and maintaining them. I have a small question, which i presume that its has been asked before and got answered, but im not quite able to find it.

      Is your Combat Routine for Haste or for Masterfrost build? I presume that you are familiar with both builds and play styles and difference in rotation/gameplay between those two.

      Im asking this, cause im planing to use this cc, however im not familiar how should i reforge/gem to maximize DPS output using this CC.

      Thank you in advance and keep up good work. :D
    13. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Man, I what is Haste / Masterfrost?

      TBH, I don't have enough time playing my DK (coding all day lolwoot) so I really don't know what the diff in these built.

      Can you give me more info into this so I improve it?

      Thank you.
    14. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      there are 2 frost builds, haste and masterfrost
      in one you stack haste and in the other you stack mastery
      depending on wat you do the rotation changes
      when you start working on this cr again i suggest you keep working as you are doing right now (haste) and when its time to finalize and optimize throw in a GUI switch for masterfrost and let the cr adapt the rotation on that
      tbh in cata i got best results pvp wise with haste build, but i can understand why ppl eventualy wants support for masterfrost build
    15. samu

      samu New Member

      Sep 6, 2011
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      haste is for 2hand
      mastery is for dual wield ( masterfrost)
      maybe he can implemend a button that we can choose for 2h or dw
    16. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      2h / dw is buildin detected, i always dw in pvp with haste, keeps you from being disarmed completely :)
      i beleve there is a different rotational priority with masterfrost, but i dont realy know, tried it to short, i like haste the most
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
    17. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Combat Routine automatically detect if you are using 2 handler or dual wield and use the correct rotation.

      You can easy find out that in dual wield, there a Death and Decay in rotation and never see that on 2 handler. You can event switch weapon in combat and CR change rotation dynamically.

      Not sure if it is the Master Frost/Haste you guys are telling about.
    18. crazybuz

      crazybuz Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      Yes this is true tuanha, in cata there was 2 play styles you could choose a mastery build called masterfrost and a haste build.

      When mop was released they split the builds Masterfrost is now the DW priority you use in your CR, Haste is now the 2h priority you use in your CR.
    19. musicocd89

      musicocd89 New Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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      not sure how hard this would be to code, but here is a selection from EJ about unholy runes

      in the case of dual wield, even before stacking mastery, 2 howling blasts hit harder than an obliterate, and as such howling blast takes a far more prominent spot in our priority. Unfortunately, while both frost and death runes can be used for said howling blast, unholy runes cannot, often leaving us with 2 ugly green runes to get rid of before we can go back to spamming HB and FS.
      There are three ways to get rid of unholy runes, let's see which is the best.
      Death and decay: 48.2k dmg
      Plague strike: 23.2k dmg + 100k (full duration disease, 10k per 3 seconds)
      Obliterate: 78.1k dmg +45% chance for free HB = 113.2k dmg
      HB: 78.0k dmg

      Obviously your best bet is double HBs whenever possible, but let's say you have 1 unholy and 1 frost/death, what should you do?
      In order from best to worst:

      Using plague strike and HB gives 201.2k dmg IF diseases are about to fall off
      Using plague leech, plague strike and 2 howling blasts gives 179.2k dmg
      Using DnD and HB gives 126.2k dmg
      Using obliterate gives 113.2k dmg
      Using plague strike and HB gives 101.2k dmg
      Ignoring the unholy rune and just spending the frost/death on HB gives 78k dmg

      While it's true you can use plague strike and howling blast at half disease duration and count the 50% refresh as 50k dmg, it prolongs the ability to fully refresh diseases via the top option for 15 seconds, and is therefore not a damage gain. If blood plague is not just about to fall off, count it as if it isn't refreshing at all.

      So, if diseases are about to fall off, plauge leech is off cd, or dnd is off cd, use the above options to remove unholy runes, otherwise just use obliterate if you have to.

      Note: Due to DW's current state of being close to GCD locked most of the time, we need to reexamine the way to deal with unholy runes. While the above-mentioned list is accurate in terms of numbers, obliterate is more complicated than it seems. Obliterate has two possibilities, it either does 78.1k in one GCD, or 156.1k dmg in 2 GCDs. While we can average this out easily, as done above, the GCD cost has to be considered. Using DnD/HB does slightly more than obliterate on average, but costs 2 GCDs. Using obliterate over DnD is a gain if you are GCD capped. Depending on luck, you'll either gain free damage with the rime proc, or gain a GCD which will avoid overflowing resources which will be a damage gain. If you are not GCD capped, DnD/HB wins out.
    20. musicocd89

      musicocd89 New Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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      from what i can see, masterfrost rotation is your DW rotation, Haste is your 2h rotation, and when applied to DW only, Masterfrost is greater damage than the haste rotation, but the haste rotation is much more forgiving/easier

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