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  • "HSB bot is a great foundation that was never taken anywhere"

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by sugarworm, Oct 1, 2014.

    1. sugarworm

      sugarworm New Member

      Jul 24, 2014
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      So I read on another bot forum this statement from one of admins. Do you agree with this? Bot started in april under the Buddy name, before it had another name and was already a work in progress. We are now 6 months in beta and yet I feel like this isn't going anywhere.

      Since Obtkamer made Silverfish AI the buddy them hardly does anything. HearthBuddy is inferior to other bots in every way besides maybe injection. I know it's not nice to compare competition products like this but it's your last wake up call. Check out other bot communities - they are bigger and more active than this ever was.

      I think that statement from the topic is 100% true. You had a great chance and you blew it. I will continue to use this bot because it does it's job. I don't need bot to get me to legend but I would like a bot that will be able to farm arenas so I hope that we will finally get a good product that the Buddy name promised.
    2. Demel

      Demel Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      An improvment in arena is realy neccessary.
      BOt should create a deck with most valueable cards and play with them.

      but this is the only thing. for golden hero farmin it does his job well.
    3. bobikson

      bobikson New Member

      Sep 26, 2014
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      yep i agree 100% whit OP
    4. BaliOne

      BaliOne Member

      Jun 8, 2012
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      i agree with the OP. we could even say Obtkamer saved the bot because the bot was very bad before his Silverfish AI. it's time to give some love to this bot!
    5. NiklasNikke

      NiklasNikke New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      Absolutely agree, even created a thread very similar to this.
      I feel like the development of this bot is going absolutely nowhere.
      There's no updates, nothing. It's a shame for a 'Buddy' product. I usually associate Buddy bots with quality.
      But every real competitor out there blows this bot out of the water both with updates and functionality, unfortunately.
    6. Thickchesthair

      Thickchesthair New Member

      May 29, 2013
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      Agreed. Honorbuddy is great - and when I purchased this bot I assumed it would be just as good. It isn't up to the same standard at all.
    7. jotd

      jotd Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      That an issue I also have with this bot.
      It is not bad, but I don't understand why there is no real arena feature in half a year development.
      I think it would be really easy to better the arena option - just make a config file where I can set the weight of card from 1-10. Done. This would already be an huge improvement.
    8. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Sad but true.

      And soon We may not have botmaker because Real life comes first.

      I personally stopped botting hearthstone. Here are the reasons

      im waiting for hearth buddy to get on Level
      Hearthbuddy does not compare to the other.
      I still cant play druid.
      Botmakers been around for months Silverfish supports mulligans and combos. But hearth buddy still does not support Silverfish in Full so that mulligans and combos work..

      Arena bot would be amazing and if it could use ArenaValue - Hearthstone Card Value Calculator But even then can the AI make arena value usefull? I have used Silverfish to get 7 wins in arena using arena value but prob wont get any more then that untill everything is worked out.

      I personally think they should stop work on a Wildstar bot People still play that game? Because the time to capitalize on sales and users for that game has gone and passed. Where hearthstone i would think they would get more out of more users in the long run then wildstar.
      i gotten so many emails for wildstar it seems like there really hurting to get people to play or come back to play.

      Hankerspace and botmaker are amazing. I thank hankerspace for making a hearthstone bot for buddy i just wish it did not seem like he is the only one working on it.
      BotMaker for his AI and Making a Version for Hearthbuddy. I just wish hearthbuddy supported his Mulligans and Combos.txt
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
    9. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm not sure why you think someone that loves Wildstar and wants to make a bot for it would be right for Hearthbuddy.

      We are adding a new developer who loves Hearthstone to the project.

      What features are most important for you guys?
    10. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Sorry hawker I did not mean it that way!

      I just meant it in a business perspective witch would be more profitable and that the time to capitalize on wild star is prob over. Maybe not I don't and never played that game.

      And are you meaning apoc? Because apoc is a great person and you can see he passion in what he does.
      And if he loves the game I would never want to take him away from it because then the passion could be lost. And that goes for anyone apoc hanker botmaker you and the dev on the arch buddy. I was shocked and surprised to see a fully working bot for the game ready for launch!

      I know that boss land and I hope both parties don't get mad have offered botmaker to be a core dev. And I know he's in the middle and torn about it right now Because of real life he may not be able to support silverfish. I'm glad he supported us as much as he did since he can't even run hearth buddy where he lives. I know I wouldn't support something I can't use. Well I take that back maybe I would. Just like hanker space I offered him to teamviewer into my spare PC.
      To try and show I support because it can go a long way with moral.

      I'm glad to hear you are adding a new member to the hearth buddy team I welcome you new member if you need anything that I can help with let me know. And when your ready please introduce your self. As to we are well I know I am curious to know who you are and meet you. Unless you prefer to be a shadow warrior

      As to what I would like to see i sure most would

      1. An AI that is cape able to get legend. With mulligan and combo support. But those are a given if it's able to get legend. I know that silverfish with time will be able to do this silverfish gets better every day!

      2. Ability for the bot to chose arena cards maybe based on arenavalue.com or something like that but this also kinda relys on #1 because what good would this be if it can't get past 3 wins?

      3. Making the bot seem more human.

      4. more support for daily quest. And maybe expansion quest support so that someone in the community can eventually make this.

      5. The ability to play Druid =P

      6. The buddy team to crush the competition!

      Now I know it will take time and don't expect this next week or next month take all the time needed. Just be more social or have the community more involved because we like that. We like being involved and know what's going on. I know it's hard for dev to do this because there are so many pin heads that cry and complain about ETA when when when now now now.

      I am here I'm putting my self out there I an willing to test and help make this the #1 hearthstone bot ,to continue buddy bot legacy. And to get all the hearth buddy members back that left for the other.

      <3 <3

      You can see my/our passion for buddy team Devs and it's community.
      And how we all have this passion to bot in common and some truly want to help and make it better.

      Sorry for the wall if text it looks like one from my phone and thank you for your time and filling us in Hawker.
      Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    11. picsa2

      picsa2 New Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      just inspect rival bot and implement their features and ai :D, that will be enough for me
    12. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      what do you mean exactly?
      a fully automated Quest support system?
    13. NiklasNikke

      NiklasNikke New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      I honestly don't care about quest support, but would wish that the bot was able to compete with the competitors.
      Competitors are able to reach legend, but this is nowhere near. I realise it's a work in progress, but it just seems like it's going nowhere.

      There's still missing support for a bunch of cards, for example druid.
      Silverfish AI works pretty good, but what about the default one? No offence to botmaker/obtmaker, but I'd trust a default AI developed by the Buddy team a bit more, as I expect it to get updated continuously and for the bots lifetime.
      I don't think features per se is the most important thing, but definitely the AI.
      If you want to focus on that, great - but as it is right now it's really only Silverfish that is getting updates every once in a while. I'm not sure what your relation with him is but eventually helping him, encouraging him or whatever would be great.
    14. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      I think hearth buddy was called bot of stone prior

      This is a 2 parter. Support for daily quest you can do this kinda now with the random deck setting but the ability for the bot determine what quests you have a pick a deck. Like if you have a quest for hunter Mage and warrior it will pick your hunter Mage or warrior deck rather then random it and pick your Druid deck 3 times then your Mage then it might pick your warlock deck and might now pick your warrior deck at all In the time you allow it.
      So basically like a smart deck picker

      And in the future API features so that some one in the community or even buddy team can yes make it so the bot can automatically unlock all the cards and the next wing if you have the gold from nax

      And as to I did not mean it that way if that was a question. Hawker asked why taking someone who loves wild star should be working in hearth buddy or something like that.

      I did not mean it that way. If apoc if that's who we are talking about and anyone else. Like I said on my other post I would never want to take some one away from something there passionate about. As they will lose it.
      Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    15. bobikson

      bobikson New Member

      Sep 26, 2014
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      1st things first - ARENA developer guys , its most importent , for peeps who reach all golden portraits and and all 60 there iz no much to do , we WANT ARENA !!!
    16. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      I personally think that the AI should come first but will prob take longer because if we loose botmaker and silverfish what good is an arena bot if it can't get to 7 wins plus I know hankerspace has improved the default AI and I have not tried it since he did that so I might bite my tung on that one

      But since arena is something that even the competition can't do yet I don't think. if this was released before they do it it would be good for the buddy team.

      And this can be worked on side by side with AI improvements.

      Arena and Ai are the top things people want I would say
      Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    17. paperc07

      paperc07 Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      arena is definitely first its honestly so crucial because if we could get arena to be perfect you could get so much arcane dust, gold and card packs that everyone would be using hearth buddy

      I feel like shit because I was putting out decks, submitting logs every day, but then I just gave up because I felt hearthbuddy wasn't going anywhere, so if we get developers and shit ill start helping again. I need to just fucking learn code but im lazy, because I wish I could just help out, I would soley focus on Hearthbuddy, but im not a coder
    18. 1337xxx

      1337xxx New Member

      May 13, 2014
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      You guys have stuff called important, LMAO !
      The most important thing is to make the bot stable and not crash every 2 or 3 game all time!
      Then we can talk about new features.
    19. NiklasNikke

      NiklasNikke New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      Then there's something wrong with your setup.
      One thing I'll give the bot is that it's stable (for me that is). I've been running it over night plenty of times without a crash.
    20. 1337xxx

      1337xxx New Member

      May 13, 2014
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      Nope, posted logs several times , did what i was told by toni, still crashing all the time, and i saw im not the only one with that crashing issues.

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