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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Flaccid, Oct 6, 2014.

    1. Flaccid

      Flaccid New Member

      Oct 5, 2014
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      I have a history in botting several different games, and I'd like to share my knowledge and suggestions with the rest of this community to improve Hearthstone botting.
      Please show your support by leaving a comment, and feel free to let me know if you have a suggestion of your own.

      1) Breaks
      One of the features on many botting clients is to let the game take a "break" for x amount of time.
      I'm not sure if Blizzard even has an anti-botting system implemented yet, but it would be useful to have, rather than seeing a bot play 12 hours non-stop using the same deck.

      2) Speed differences
      Currently, the time gap is exactly the same in between plays, and it looks awkward.
      The bot "thinks" for about 7 seconds at the beginning of the turn, and then takes the same amount of time to click on a card, and click on its target.
      This isn't how human players play, it's too clunky. Make it so that you think about your turn for about 5-15 seconds, and THEN once your turn is planned out, make it so that there's little time between clicks/targeting.

      3) Emotes
      Another more human-like addition. If someone says "well played", respond with "thanks". If someone has lethal on you, either automatically concede or use the "threaten" emote.
      This can easily be abused by human players by spamming "well played" and seeing you respond over and over and over with an emote, so add a time-gap in between times the emotes are said.

      4) More reliable AI
      This is an obvious one, but I've heard of cases where bots have a Rockbiter in their hand, and the bot uses it on turn 1 to hit face.
      Some plays aren't optimal. Some plays just don't occur (like putting down an injured blademaster and NOT using circle of healing... why not?).
      Improve the base AI, and make it so that developers can add scripts for specific decks that can be completely optimized.
      (It would also be very useful to have suggestion #6 so that buggy cards can be prevented from being used in the first place).

      5) More settings
      Why can't I select more than 1 deck to play while my bot runs? There's an option for a "random" deck, but why not make it so that you can select the deck slot of the other decks you'd like to use?
      Switching up your class would seem much more human-like, and it can also vary the progress towards your golden portraits throughout the day.
      More customization like this makes for a much better experience.

      6) Forum re-formatting
      I can't be the only one who gets confused when seeing that the "custom decks" section of the forum isn't actually for deck-lists...
      Add more sections, especially one for "news and announcements", so that if a card is bugged in a certain version of the client (Loatheb for example), it can be announced to the public.
    2. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      All good Ideas and Suggestions.

      Arena And AI are top priority's i would say.
      1,2,3 Are all to make the bot look and behave more human That will help with peoples fears of being spotted as a bot.
      5, Would be good. and help with Daily quest being completed quicker. Until a Smart Deck / Questing API is released.
      6, I also agree on this. The Sub forums need to be Revamped and Botmaker Should get his own sub forum with rights For silverfish.
      Broken down with Decks, Suggestions/Misplays, And support. As well as the Default AI with the same Decks, Suggestions / Misplay sub Forum
      But thats up do Buddy forum
      Last edited: Oct 6, 2014

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