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  • Did you get banned? Did you used other bots beside Hearthbuddy? How did you play?

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by sugarworm, Oct 28, 2014.

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    1. sugarworm

      sugarworm New Member

      Jul 24, 2014
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      This thread is for information gathering. We do not know at this point how accounts were chosen to be banned and we need to find common ground to work out a strategy. So please post information like this:

      Banned: Yes/No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy/hearthbuddy and other bots/other bots (you should name them i think)
      How I play: only casual for daily gold grind/golden heroes portrait farming at 20th rank/legendary grind with bot/arena
      How long I bot: everyday/24h/few hours per day/few times a week/ etc.
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Yes/No (like you got some friend request and people would write that they are going to report you)
      Will I still bot after this wave: Yes/No/Other (precise)

      I will start with mysefl:

      Banned: No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: daily gold grind on casual
      How long do you bot: everyday for 3-4 hours till bot makes the daily gold cap
      Did anyone wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No, I do not accept any friends invites.
      Are you going to still bot after this banwave: Other. I will switch to secondary account to see what happens with that account and I will wait for more information.
    2. sugarworm

      sugarworm New Member

      Jul 24, 2014
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      Also please do not panic. If this is your first encounter with using bots you should know that this banwaves are normal. We brake the rules and we should all be aware of danger it poses. Please also wait for developers to say something once they will have something to say about this situation.

      This is not the end of botting in Hearthstone. We will rise and continue! Like we always did.
    3. Demel

      Demel Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      Banned: Yes 90 days
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: ranked for golden protraits until all heros were golden
      How long I bot: everyday several hours (mostly over night)
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Could be possible. in the 3 month i farmed my golden portraits i had 4-5 friend requests, but no one had been accepted.
      Will I still bot after this wave: Not with my main account, cause i already stopped botting 2 weeks before as i reached 9/9 golden portraits. But with another account of course i have a lifetime HB ;-)
      Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
    4. fredfredfred

      fredfredfred Member

      Oct 16, 2012
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: only casual for daily gold grind for now because I have completed 9/9 golden hero portraits
      How long I bot: everyday, few hours per day for daily gold cap
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No, declined all friend invites
      Will I still bot after this wave: Yes , i bought a lifetime HB and i still have not complete collecting all the hearthstone cards even after 4 months + of botting for daily gold cap, quests and golden portraits. I will only stop after I have finished collecting all the cards. i think hearthbuddy users are safe so far. By the looks of it this ban specifically targets hearthcrawler only, its probably detected. Never bothered to research n find for any other bots, only heard of hearthcrawler because it is capable of getting legendary rank.
    5. seagiant

      seagiant New Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: golden heroes portrait farming at 20th rank
      How long I bot: 24 Hours a day on october.
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Yes but I never accepted
      Will I still bot after this wave: No
    6. LordxLightning

      LordxLightning New Member

      Oct 19, 2014
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      Banned: Yes
      Bot used: Hearth buddy and at some point in the past HearthCrawler, but this was before I knew about Hearth buddy.
      How I play: only casual for daily gold grind and Golden hero portrait farming. I never did over night botting, but, I did have it run for many hours.
      How long I bot: everyday, few hours per day.
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No, never got one single friend request. lol Most times my opponents said. "Well played."
      Will I still bot after this wave:Much like Sugar said. I'm gonna create another account and use a different ip address to do so, and see what happens.
    7. chrisngoftw

      chrisngoftw New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: Hearthbuddy
      How I play: Previously 24/7 grind for 9 golden portraits. In the last month or so have been doing daily gold only.
      How long do you bot: Till I hit gold cap. So roughly 6 hours?
      Did anyone wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No, I do not accept any friends invites.
      Are you going to still bot after this banwave: Will wait and see the status of other Hearthbuddy users.
    8. Impala

      Impala Member

      Feb 19, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      Banned: Yes
      Bot used: Hearthbuddy and Hearthcrawler
      How I play: Ladder for golden portrait and rank
      How long do you bot: at night, wake up turn off bot (8 hours)
      Did anyone write to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No, I do not accept any friends invites.
      Are you going to still bot after this banwave: Probably won't touch the game ever again
    9. duduru

      duduru New Member

      May 20, 2013
      Likes Received:
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: daily gold grind golden heroes portrait farming at 20th rank sometimes arena
      How long I bot: 24h
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No
      Will I still bot after this wave: Not with my main account
    10. Granis

      Granis Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: only Hearthbuddy
      How I play: Casual, grind classes to max levels
      How long I bot: Everyday for a min 8hours a day
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No
      Will I still bot after this wave: Yes
    11. scrampc

      scrampc New Member

      Apr 24, 2014
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      Banned: No (yet)
      Bot used: only hearthbudd
      How I play: all of them, but never grinded a golden portrait
      How long I bot: I was botting every day for the 100 golds, but around last 3 weeks didn't botted so much, a few
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: dk, never accept them adding me as friend
      Will I still bot after this wave: maybe a few
    12. htc123

      htc123 New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: Only HearthBuddy (but also Demonbuddy and Honorbuddy)
      How I Play: Have only had HearthBuddy for a few weeks. Use it to grind out Dailies every 2-3 days. I use it on both Casual and Ranked modes. I have two Bnet accounts and I've used Hearthbuddy on both accounts the same way.
      How long I bot: 3-4 hours at a time. I've left it on for 12-14 hours once though when I forgot to turn it off and then went out, lol.
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Nope. My friends list is full and I never told anyone I got Hearthbuddy.
      Will I still bot after this wave: Will probably hold off for now. Might use it on the second account.
      Other: I use Demonbuddy and Honorbuddy a lot. I probably bot every hour I'm not actually playing myself. I bot Demonbuddy during the day and Honorbuddy overnight. I'm safe (as of now) on both my D3 and WoW accounts. Not sure if that affects this ban wave or not, but thought I'd mention it.
    13. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: hearthbuddy/hearthbuddy
      How I play: Casual / Rank Never concede after win.
      How long I bot: Never 24/7
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Yes
      Will I still bot after this wave: No
    14. diegomxxx

      diegomxxx New Member

      Aug 7, 2012
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: hearthbuddy/hearthcrawler
      How I play: Rank until i get all the golden potraits then i just farm the 100 daily gold
      How long I bot: 10-12h
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: IDK
      Will I still bot after this wave: IDK
    15. Impala

      Impala Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Buddy has always been above the game with protection, that's why they are getting sued as opposed to be people getting banned
    16. drkztan

      drkztan New Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: only casual for daily gold grind + the last 200 wins on my golden shaman
      How long I bot: every night-dawn for about 7-8 hours. I have the bot on autoclose after 30 wins (or less If i've gotten some gold in the day)
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Not that I'm aware of
      Will I still bot after this wave: I'll wait out a week for the waters to settle. I've already got my golden shammy anyways, maybe I'll bot out the 100gold/day I have remaining after my play-sessions.
    17. She3p

      She3p New Member

      Jan 12, 2013
      Likes Received:
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      Banned: Yes/No
      Bot used: only hearthbuddy
      How I play: So far Ive only played vs friends / done some arena
      How long I bot: 24/7 for last 3 weeks.
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: No, but I used to get alot of friends requests.
      Will I still bot after this wave: Most likely not on hearthstone. Free game so they'll ban like nothings the matter.

      Btw imo its the other big bot thats been caught, actually so glad I didnt jump ship when I heard about its AI.
    18. Ignoral

      Ignoral New Member

      Oct 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      Banned: No
      Bot used: hearthbuddy and Hearthcrawler
      How I play: I used to grind Golden portraits/gold and ranks
      How long I bot: 24/7 when I botted.
      Did anyone ever wrote to you that you are a botter and they will report you: Yes I got a lot of friend requests adding me saying I know you are botting and I have recorded/taken screenshots you will be banned soon I would play a game over hearthstone.exe so while the bot would play minions my cursor would be over the enemies portrait or his minions LOL
      Will I still bot after this wave: No, done with it
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