Project Status Things have been rather quiet lately, but don't worry, the project is still being developed and worked on! There's been a lot of work on behind the scene stuff to help address various issues as outlined previously in terms of the "direction" we want to head with Hearthbuddy. I'm not going to cover all those points again, but we're doing what we feel necessary to move the project forward. These things take time though, and after having had such a long downtime in December due to the previous update, we want to make sure we don't burn users out on big changes or things that prevent them from just being able to casually bot. We have had someone working on fully understanding Silverfish to be able to make the changes we'd like and take the AI in the direction that works best for our setup. More info about this will be in the next section going over upcoming beta changes. While it's a large task, we feel this person is up to the task, and will be able to start taking care of the various SF "tweaks" users would like. We hope to start putting forth some improvements in the upcoming weeks in this regard. The next "big" change for Hearthbuddy will involve a new GUI and slightly modified setup for users to develop things for Hearthbuddy. Tankleader recently updated to MahApps as well, so we're very happy with what we can do using MahApp.Metro to help improve the quality of our products. Hearthbuddy will not look quite the same as Tankleader or Wildbuddy, but it'll be setup to hopefully be simpler to use and more intuitive than the current temporary setup. A few things need to be worked out still, such as the way plugins are setup need to change, but I'm confident the new setup will allow us to finally move forward on things we've been wanting to do, but can't currently do due to the current design we're using. For example, user developed custom arena drafting should be able to exist as a plugin that users can drop in and out of the bot, and not change their Routine, but that is not currently possible. A new design is required to allow for that. Other various non-AI changes in the way the bot works are included, but not specifically mentioned as well. More API changes are also desired, but we're pretty bound to the current legacy version to ensure we have a working bot. Upcoming Beta Changes Beta will be getting some big upcoming changes soon first. When this happens, you'll not be able to update Beta, and instead be given an error saying "Hearthbuddy is now out-of-date. A new installation is required." This is simply to prevent users who are using Beta as a "stable" version from updating to something entirely new and not understanding how it all works. More information about this and a new separate Beta thread/guide for that version will be made later as we get everything in place. Part of our desire to change the way Silverfish works involves reorganizing some files, and changing the way the interfaces are setup. As a result, we need to do this in a new version of Hearthbuddy (typically why we have Betas in the first place) and the changes might result in the bot completely breaking time to time. As a result, we only want people who are comfortable testing Beta and helping us improve it to run it on a semi-regular basis rather than trying to use it in place of Release. It is strongly recommenced to switch to Release now if you're not interested in using Beta as a "test version" in the near future. Don't worry though, when the update comes, you'll not be able to update Beta, so you won't miss it by accident. Patch Patch was deployed today, and Hearthbuddy is currently being updated. A new Release/Beta thread will be made for the new versions as soon as they are ready. We don't expect extended downtime for this update, but as with all our products, we'll take as much time as needed to ensure we deploy something we're comfortable with. This game doesn't get as many client updates on a regular basis, so it's a good idea to test a bit after patches to make sure nothing obvious was missed. Testing takes some time to run though things and double check, so hopefully the updated versions will be out before a day or so has elapsed.
shazam! This is great news! I like to hear positive things about upcoming changes! The ability to customize picks and manipulate the program with plugins that are user created is very nice indeed! I know that you guys work hard on these things and I don't mind paying for hard work! I would even suggest to make a version that is a "tier" above standard that comes with additional settings and user manipulations that the "basic" version doesn't have. I'd gladly pay for more additions that allow a greater end user experience. I use this program to grind the gold and wins to get all the golden heroes. I for one have actually purchased every card in the game and have supported blizzard since the game came out. I am a very accomplished player and I enjoy just watching the AI play. I am looking forward to the new release and actually writing some plugins for myself! Keep up the good work guys!
hey pushed maybe some tips for u to watch this video Gamasutra - Video: Building the AI for Hearthstone Video: Building the AI for Hearthstone