Iso, thanks. But almost all of these problems you have created yourself UILogg_2016-09-02_19-20-45 Misplay: At 2 mana bot play Totem Golem + Coin + EndTurn. On a clean bot it play without coin. You have created the file _combo.txt with lines: /// Turn one Coin->Totem Golem over other plays GAME_005,1;AT_052,0;mana:1;bonus:70;hero:shaman; This line forced the the bot to do misplay. UILogg_2016-09-04_14-42-15 Misplay: On board 0/7 Doomsayer. You can't kill him, but play Totem Golem. You have created the file _combo.txt with lines: /// Turn two Totem Golem over other 2 drops AT_052,0;mana:2;bonus:60;hero:shaman; This line forced the the bot to do misplay. UILogg_2016-09-04_15-15-11 Misplay: Bot play Doomhammer then Tunnel Trogg. On a clean bot it play Tunnel Trogg then Doomhammer, as it should be. Do you have any other modified files? Combo is a powerful tool. Use it carefully.
Wow, thank you for checking this, Coolmaster. I use files from Otis