Hi there i'm playing aggro shaman recently i found my finley always choose the left one i check the Default Routine.cs line 747: int sirFinleyChoice = -1; if (ai.bestmove.actionType == actionEnum.playcard && ai.bestmove.card.card.name == CardDB.cardName.sirfinleymrrgglton) { sirFinleyChoice = ai.botBase.getSirFinleyPriority(discoverCards); } DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now; if (sirFinleyChoice != -1) dirtychoice = sirFinleyChoice; //then i check the ai.cs i can't find "getSirFinleyPriority(discoverCards)" maybe that's the point? or this problem was been fixed? Sorry my english is not good , but i try to explain my problem
I actually have the same question/problem, I'd like to set Sir Finley to which Hero Power I want rather than the AI making that choice. I don't really know how this would be incorporated since it's more of a priority-based choice of the 8 Hero Powers where you only get to choose from 3 (that never include your own). This would be great. To be honest, it's always the Hunter power that I use, though lock is extremely good too, Hunter power really helps aggro decks wreck face faster. Is this anything that can be done?
You can set the priority as it done here. (BehaviorOverloadShaman.cs > public override int getSirFinleyPriority() and SirFinleyPriorityList()) If you are using another behavior (BehaviorControl.cs or Rush) just change that code there.