Yes, but it also attacks 2-1 minions etc that one should leave on board, especially on like turn 2, 3 etc. I had grapplehammer on board and he traded it with another cheap minion which wasn't worth it at that point. Anyways, regarding the Staghelm, it is a cycle deck, so if you can use the spells to do 4 dmg and draw a card you'll rather do that than play staghelm with 0 mana left and super early in the game where you are pretty much bound to have an opponent that hasn't used his removal. If I played manually I'd keep him for another couple turns where I know I'll at least have him for 2 spells or even another round or two. I've tested another priest deck, it should be easier to play for the bot than the other ones, will send it to you now.
replaced a pair of fresh spirit claws with spirit claws. View attachment replaces same weapon with same weapon for no reason.txt
I watched a lot of pro gamers playing pirate warrior on twitch recently and all of them said: It's really important to secure the early game and build a decent board(and buff up weapons). In the mid/late game we can ignore it mostly - only take good trades like a 1/1 into a 4/1 or if there are REALLY important minions like Frothing, Tunnel Trogg etc. on the board. So I added a small bonus to trade a bit more in the first 4 turns, a bonus to go more face if the oponnent is below 15 hp and a huge bonus to go all face if he gets below 10. It does only apply to warrior and hunter - other classes should pla as usual. Should be fine to bot now. Here are my results from today: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (10-3 vs priest LOL, used only pirate warrior tho) Download latest update Update7.1 Download updated in first post! removed behavior Face(please don't use it anymore because it's quite old and buggy) added mulligan for pirate warrior to behavior ProjectLegend removed Taunt Warrior deck(it's bad, I agree) and mulligan extended some settings no penality to attack face with weapons - unless it's a bigger one and the last charge(save for possible upgrade) (doesn't apply if we have another weapon or a card that generate weapons in hand) added some code to go a little bit more face with warrior(but don't ignore the board completely) added small bonus to trade more in early game added huge bonus to go all face as hunter and warrior if lethal is close tweaked bonus/penality to equip Arkanite Reaper(only overwrite small weapons - unless lethal) force to attack with Southsea Deckhand before attacking with hero (still doesn't work sometimes because the bot is bugged: added big penality to attack Dragon Egg unless it has taunt increased penality to replace Spirit Claws with another Spirit Claws added penality to play Wyrmrest Agent with no dragon in hand increased penality to play Twilight Guardian with no other dragon in hand added penality to use Power Word Shield on minions with low attack unless they have taunt or we are low on cards Edit: Looks like they fixed the issue with Carddb. Please download it from here and put it in Hearthbuddy Folder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\data
Made some changes to the deck (-1 southsea captain, -1 dread corsair, + leeroy, + ooze for mirror matchup) All matchups are winnable, only jade druid is unfavorable due to their snowball capabilities of spawning jades.
Thanks for the update, is it usual that HB doesn't start with Silverfish anymore? Usually silverfish AI started with the "command prompt", together with HB, but that's not the case after replacing the files. Besides, Hearthstone freezes occassionaly during Mulligan and calculations, already changed to a lower resolution + window mode but that did not really improve anything. What changes regarding settings would you suggest? Misplay, Jade Druid: Raven Idol Turn 1, going for Minion > Spell, taking Majordomo Executus instead of Leeroy.
Wish I was able to afford Pirate Deck... Playing Beast Hunter -- Not going well at all. About 35% WR at the moment.
@Denisaurus Interesting tech choise. I actually win a lot of mirror matches because people are just dump and go full SMOrc But maybe it's good vs shaman and other decks. Please upload your stats after a couple more games. @hs001 You're welcome Yeah, it does run without silver.exe. Hearthbuddy.exe's calculations improved by a lot since then, so it's not needed anymore imo. About lags and freezes: Does it acually rope and skip turns? Changing the res doesn't do much, you need to make the window smaller. I run mine like this: Also check if you can kill some other background tasks(updaters, anti virus scanner etc.). Thanks for the log - will look into it. @filter Hunter is not that great actually- haven't seen many hunters on ladder. Try replacing some cards if you don't have all of them. No promises Or just try another deck. Priest is also good. @Markz23 Yes it's all in one Just pick behavior ProjectLegend. You can find a screenshot in the first post of this thread.
leeroy is def. a must have, was a win condition often, either because he was able to remove a big taunt minion and clear the way for going face or as a pure face finisher. two of the games the bot roped because of a desync exception or something like that, sadly I was sleeping and didn't notice. :/ the 2 question marks on top are both wins
Did Rank 16 to 9 5 Stars with the Old Midrange Shaman Stats 33/19 I dont want to Craft Patches...but maybe i have to.
hey, this is a great project! this is the first time i use this, i replaced DeaultRoutine, and restart bot, error occurred: Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing Current bot set to DefaultBot. Compiler Error: c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Hearthbuddy\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\cards\Sim_CFM_606.cs(13,30) : error CS0115: “HREngine.Bots.Sim_CFM_606.onAMinionGotHealedTrigger(HREngine.Bots.Playfield, HREngine.Bots.Minion, int)”: 没有找到适合的方法来重写 and the DefaultBehavior still had 2 options, control and rush pls help me! thx!
It's OK now, i re-install the bot,it is fine now Im testing the Jade Driod now,will give result soon, late tomorrow, i think
Misplay Hello. I'm reporting a misplay He attacked Frothing Berserker with a minion before attacking with the weapon (the weapon had 1 durability).
Is 2/3 weapon considered big or small? Does you current routine supports Leeroy? With "supports" I mean if it calculates 2 x 1/1 spawns not to kill smth important on board when not a lethal. Could you please fix Mortal Strike? Bot always fires it in the face for 4 dmg if have enought mana,.. many games to be won if it waited till own hp dropped below 13 and fired it for 6 dmg.
Have you selected "face" by accident? Because mine doesn't just fire mortal strike into face for no reason, mostly it uses it for trades. I use leeroy and the bot doesn't just randomly play him, only if necessary to remove a big/taunt minion or to finish off as a lethal combo etc.