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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by psylar, Sep 11, 2014.

    1. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      why did I have to accept the new way of using profiles that were available free from the relevant section, but are now linked to the buddystore.

      the store shows a free button for a certain profile, but the profile wont load to my bought section as it should, and I cant view it from HB when it runs.

      this means I am now waiting for a 3rd party to fix the profile availability rather than just going to the HB profile section? where is their motivation to do that?

      you have changed forever the way in which we use profiles, and the way in which they are delivered, without the opportunity of feed back, and I feel disadvantaged because of that.

      no longer is there the impetus for a profile to be shared, now there is a model for a profile to be bought.

      how is that a better way?
    2. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      We did not turn off the old way to release things meaning you can ask the author if he would also release the profile in another way or here on the board for free like before.
      We leave it up to the coders to use the store or not.
      The Store itself is not final meaning its open since a couple of days now and not everything is perfect.
      I am sure we will see updates on this sooner or later too :)
    3. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      so you are responsible for the buddystore, and the forums, and the changes to the way people can now sell products (that were not allowed to be sold here before, just donated to)

      the free profiles, that helped build the donator/paid versions, have been moved to the store. the guy selling his wares there has no control over the his profiles downloading, he has to have you guys look after that?


      the good thing about the way you had this site set up, was that there was a tangible responsibility for the guy selling his schill to have a working free version.

      where is that now?

      before you just provided a place for download buttons to be listed, now it seems you have control of the button
      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Moving thread to Honorbuddy general forum, as this is clearly not a Support issue.
      Hi, Ansa,

      We have addressed some of your concerns in this article:

      Basically, the Buddy Store has:
      • Unified an existing, distributed market in a way that makes it 'safe' for both the User and the Developer.
        It also gives the User much stronger price leverage than they had in the previous distributed model.
      • Old mechanisms still are available.
      • Developer motivations have not been altered.
        They are strongly encouraged to provide 'free' (e.g., lite) or 'trial' versions in the same fashion they always have—this is just common sense and good use of marketing.
        Also, not all developers are motivated by money.
      You are most welcome to your opinion. But, the Buddy Store is here to stay, and the Bossland GmbH staff are not going to make any more time trying to explain, justify, argue, or discuss its existence. The article cited above already provides rationale in the FAQ. You may disagree, but the business owners have decided to go in this direction.

      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    5. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Honestly bud as a developer. I love the buddy store. Number 1 issue i had with selling my profiles was theft (was one of the 2 reasons i stopped doing development for hb). And with buddy store the end user has no access to the source code.

      Think of the store as walmart... yes sony could come to your house to sell you a tv... but they (and i) would rather put it in walmart and make walmart waste there gas time and manpower for there cut. And you waste your time gas and sanity heading to walmart :)
    6. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      i would like to see more developers on the store. I have a few profiles id like to post for $1. maybe offset the cost of a couple more keys.
    7. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      ok, I hear your tone loud and clear, but my issue stands. and in all of this.. which is just my questioning of a delivery method, the method isn't working for me.

      would someone please please fix the free profile download that is now supposed to be here but doesn't download?
      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    8. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      I hear what you are saying.

      maybe it is because I am old and don't like change.

      but I do hear what you are saying.
    9. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi again, Ansa,

      I believe I see where the confusion is now. If you follow that link, you will see that product is a "Plugin"—not a "Profile". (The orange banner at the top reads Home → Honorbuddy → Plugins → Questing.)

      So, if you've already 'purchased' that product, you should find it in:
      → "Settings & Tools"
      → Plugins
      → "TheBrodieMans Compendium Lite"​

      We'll bring this to TheBrodieMan's attention to see if he can add something to the title or description to prevent this mistake from being made in the future.

      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    10. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Gotta give it all time to work out new system = tons of bugs im sure
    11. BubbaDad

      BubbaDad Member

      Jul 29, 2013
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      The problem I see with not having the code is when it screws up and you cant look at the code to tweak it. Many profiles were tweaked by users here and giving feedback to developer. Using Store profiles means we are at the mercy of the developer and his schedule for improvements in the profile. Brodiemans profiles are mostly good, there are some glaring problems though, at least on the rep profiles. I am using the free version and trying to decide on buying the paid version.

      Another problem for the moment is being able to use arelog to access the profiles from the buddy store. I am sure that HB team will fix it, but will it be able to load through Brodieman screens?

      Overall I like the idea of a buddy store as it assures us the developer at least committed development and service for a short time.
    12. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      I understand that stuff for sure and for 1 I will be having a thread open for discustion and improvements and anyone can always get me on skype 24/7

      But yea I realy like that idea to have a specific sub forum for buddy store profiles.

      Far as relogger I am in middle of a project but im sure it wont be a big issue to add it havent looked at scource on one in years
    13. patto92

      patto92 Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is why I will give the xml or change a certain version for users, at the end of the day piracy will happen and I'd prefer the user had a better experience :) Hell, Even if the people are using my profiles they buy off me ( when I give them the xml ) for learning, that makes me happy. As I learned the way I'm sure most learned, which is buy looking @ others code :) Most devs will be pretty good with this and help and mostly give you the xml's if you request.

      Also, I know it's a huge problem with HBrelog ect, I give xml's out for that aswell :)
    14. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      This is HB-1080 and has been repaired in the .748 drop.

      And, this is exactly the attitude we mean when we say "not all developers are motivated by money". I think you will be surprised to learn that most of our gifted developers have attitudes like Patto92's. Gratitude and recognition for their very hard work is almost a complete substitute for money—but many don't understand that.

      In the past, many of our developers have retired due to thankless leechers insulting and rudely demanding improvements of free offerings. They completely miss the fact that the product could've been had for a little respect and a song. (Please note: this is not an invitation to harass and beg developers for gratis versions of premium products. Take their free offerings already present, and be sure to say "thank you".)

      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    15. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Yup I am with u patto I have no issue w people having access to xml on free profiles think it should be manditory honestly but paid verstions are a different thing in my world.

      Take for instace if u make a profile doing uhhhhh glyph making 100% automatic requireing u to do nothing except initial set up. U want to offer it to people for pay cause you put in countles hours making it work right u are a nice person but u dont want everyone using it because it would ruin ur market.

      So u dont want the source going out public so u dont get 150 others doing it on ur server. Thus killing ur market and profile.

      In this situation users not having access to the source will LIMIT the possibilty for the nattleground train.

      And will mabey help a few people that would otherwise not have access to such a unique profile.
      Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    16. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      thanks I should have seen big letters saying plugin.. the part where it says profile compendium bamboozled me.

      however, I click the obtain for free button and nothing happens, which I am told is a store issue.

      can someone have a look and see why when I click it, nothing is purchased and it does not become available in the HB plugin list?

    17. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi again, Ansa,

      This is a different issue, and there is only one cause of it. The account (e.g., email address) you are using in the Buddy Store with your browser is not the same account you used to purchase Honorbuddy (e.g., email address). Your Buddy Store account must be the same email address you used to purchase Honorbuddy.

      When you make a purchase in the Buddy Store with the wrong account, you should see a box that looks like this:
      The text in the red box says:
      "Error! Purchase failed. You don't own a key for Honorbuddy in your buddyauth account. Please make sure you are using the buddyauth account that your Keys are bound to."

      However, due to a bug, the "red box" is present, but the text is missing. We've got an issue open on this, and the problem looks like this:
      Although the text is missing, the problem is the same as above.

      If your purchase was successful, you should get a green box at the top of the page that looks like this:
      The text in the green box says:
      "Thank you for your purchase!
      This product will be loaded in your bot automatically on next start.
      Please check out our guide about how it works: Getting Started with the Buddy Store"

      This article should help you get your account situation all sorted:

      Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
    18. psylar

      psylar Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      this is it.

      it appears I have 2 accounts, and explains why when I login to buddyauth portal I never see an active session.

      although I had2x HB accounts, hb doesn't show up when I am running it.. in either of the 2 accounts, however I am showing 2 demonbuddy 3x use accounts. (I tried demonbuddy for a while...diable isn't for me)

      any ideas how to rectify this?

      I cant find anyway for me to fix it so I think only you can.
    19. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      buddystore will only work with official keys. keys bought here. find your original email from the purchase of your official keys. use that email to log into buddyauth.

      if you still have trouble, send an email to support from your original email address, list your transaction number given to you when you purchased your official keys.
    20. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi again, Ansa,

      Indeed, only the Bossland GmbH 'front office' (support@thebuddyforum.com) has access to the tools to resolve this for you.

      How you want to handle it is up to you.
      If it were me, I'd just merge all 5 accounts (2x Honorbuddy and 3x Demonbuddy) into a single one, and tell them which one to keep. This gives you access to all 5 keys from a single Authentication Portal account. (e.g., You can monitor and manage all active sessions, have access to the same Buddy Store products, etc.)

      Last edited: Sep 12, 2014

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