I was getting annoyed with constantly opening up folder and updating directories. This command updates SVN's via batch file. Code: START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"**put path here**" /closeonend:1 Just make a batch file with that command. Add how ever many you want. (PS- I feel like there is probably a better and simpler way to have all my directories auto update. I just havent discovered it yet). Example batch file: Code: @echo off FOR %%A IN ( "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\- HBRelog" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHADKSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAHunterSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHARogueSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAShamanSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAWarriorPatronEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHADruidPublicRelease" ) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%A /closeonend:0 Thanks to mellome for the more practical code.
Something like this? Code: @echo off FOR %%A IN ( "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\- HBRelog" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHADKSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAHunterSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHARogueSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAShamanSpecialEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHAWarriorPatronEdition" "C:\Users\&USER&\HB\Routines\TuanHADruidPublicRelease" ) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%A /closeonend:1
open notepad, put it in then save it as whatevernameyouwant.bat make sure its not .bat.txt but only .bat then you could double click it to run or place it on Start > Startup or create a schedule task to run it everytime you login.
if you want something a little bit more technical ... PHP: @echo off set WoW_Dir=C:\Games\World of Warcraft set WoW_Local=enUS set HB_Dir=C:\Folder\Honorbuddy echo removing WoW Cache If exist "%WoW_Dir%\Errors" del /q "%WoW_Dir%\Errors\*.*" >nul If exist "%WoW_Dir%\Cache\WDB\%WoW_Local%\creaturecache.wdb" del /q "%WoW_Dir%\Cache\WDB\%WoW_Local%\creaturecache.wdb" echo Removing HB cache If exist "%HB_Dir%\Cache" del /q "%HB_Dir%\Cache\*.*" >nul If exist "%HB_Dir%\CompiledAssemblies" del /q "%HB_Dir%\CompiledAssemblies\*.*" >nul echo cleaning up cache ping -n 2 localhost >nul 2>&1 echo Updating ... echo echo Bots FOR %%B IN ( "%HB_Dir%\Bots\AutoAngler2" "%HB_Dir%\Bots\Prosto_Pets" ) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%B /closeonend:3 ping -n 12 localhost >nul 2>&1 rem echo Plugins FOR %%P IN ( "" "" ) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%P /closeonend:3 ping -n 12 localhost >nul 2>&1 echo done. you can also add in a "start command" at the end to launch the game exe i.e. PHP: start %WoW_Dir%\WoW.exe -noautolaunch64bit ping -n 9 localhost >nul 2>&1 wmic process where name="wow.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority"
Read namednoob's reply. And its just makes its easier to update all of you SVN's at once than individually updating them.
Hopefully, soon to be shipped with the bot: Jimmy06's Auto SVN Updater He's looking for beta testers as of recent, if anyone's interested you may want to check it out. It's a plugin that will let you input a list of SVNs and have them named (Ex: Kick's Questing) As the bot starts up, it automatically updates any SVN on the list as the bot loads.