So i found this sentence from a HB staff/creator "We speculate, that at some point, Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement." Now my question is, is there any fancy program that could block this kind of actions ?
here is what a Gm said when my acct got banned 2 days ago. To tell the truth I used combat bot without a profile to test something,the char wasn;t even mooving and I got a perma.I think Tripwire is broken.
Sounds wierd. Ive botted the last 4 years, every day. Different stuff like small farming, combat routines, dailies and whatnot. Only been banned, when i actually "over farmed" on some test accounts, which was MY OWN FAULT. Dont believe the people that say they "used the bot for 15 mins and got banned". Its damn near impossible. 90% of all the people who got banned ATM was using public profiles, which was too popular (felblight farm for example). About the process thingie; if that were the case, wouldnt it be easy for Tony to somehow hide the process from the taskbar. Im sure he/they have thought about this when making the bot.
To tell the truth, I looked at your post history and found something interesting: So which is it now, buddy? One day you're farming, the next day you claim you never used a bot in a long time and try to stir up shit asserting Tripwire is broken? You got banned because you used a public profile and someone reported you, deal with it and move on.
That's just how it is with public farming profiles, the more people using them, the higher the risk. Just use them as a base and create your own private profiles. Change waypoints a bit, add a few more, etc. and don't use the same one for more than 1-2 hours. Still not 100% safe, but less risk.
so your saying private ones that are the paid on this site or straight from developers are still pretty risky if they are popular or the risk is reduced a fair bit compared to public?
I haven't used the bot in 1 month or maybe more .When I USE IT i farm or make level or other shit.Nearly one week ago i opened the bot for 5 minutes on Combat with no profile to test a plugin and that was all.I was basically standing still doing nothing (no profile active) so don't tell me it's my fault cuz it ain't.
How is it not your fault? You knowingly used the bot and you got banned. It doesn't matter if it was for one second of 24/7, you got caught and it's your fault.
Although your statement is true people are getting more upset lately because HB had a great run of never getting hit with a ban wave and then they did. Now it seems some people are getting hit quicker than before. Whether that's because they foolishly tried to play another botting toon on a non fresh pc, they used other bots that also got them banned, or they didn't take precautions they should while using HB I don't know. Plus first offenses are permanent more often now than giving a 72 hr warning like they used to. Blizz isn't messing around anymore with people who bot. The risk has been elevated and people will quit HB because of the increased risk.