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  • How to get off of Blizzards Blacklist?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Keldorn, Jul 24, 2014.

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    1. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      to make it as short as possible:

      A friend of me quitet botting nearly a year ago because he got banned after 6 Months or more and then hey bought new accounts over and over and got banned soo quickly that there must be a "blacklist"
      He refreshed IP bought a new machine i think and did alle the other stuff.

      Now I AM on that blacklist - after Month of no ban i got banned after 2 weeks over and over.

      Reset / Refresh Router IP
      Installed Windows freshly and jumped from 8 to 8.1
      Accounts were NOT linked in any way to old accounts
      and so on

      What to do to get rid off Blizzards homing missile like banhammer?
    2. Feep

      Feep New Member

      Jul 24, 2014
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      I had the same problem. Got banned after a few weeks every time. Using fake name + IP reset fixed this for me. Now botting on 3 accounts with 3 fake names and no ban after 7 months.
    3. loyoladude

      loyoladude New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      There is no 'blacklist' like you suggest. They have said this on numerous occasions over the years.
    4. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I always use

      - Fake Name
      - Fake Mail
      - Bought BChest from Store so no info about payment
      - IP Reset in FritzBox (Router)
      - Changed MAC in Windows (even if the MAC is branded)

      I got no idea what to do
      I never believed that there are such bans until they got me.
      Before that "Blacklist" i bottet 24/7 for over 6 Months
    5. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Your friend have fallen over the Blizzard autoban radar, which actually have changed dramatically over the last several months, and the botting today is very different from a year ago, when he had left the botting scene.

      So no doubts he had autobanned so fast. He just need to adopt with the current situation, nothing more or less!
    6. wh420

      wh420 New Member

      Oct 1, 2011
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      Whether you think it or not there's something you left behind linking your accounts. No other way they would know. Whether its simply player reports for obvious botting or there's info left linking accounts. Many people don't realize how much of your information can be linked back to you from one simple mistake that might link something to you. Couldve been years ago you did it but if someone wants it they'll find it.

      Point is, if you really wanna get off the autoban radar, you've gotta take a little break, and change as much as possible. Different ISP, new NIC so you've got a fresh mac (yes its possible to tell if ones been spoofed), disposable emails/acc info, and bought in store.
    7. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      New NIC could be a good choice - cuz its cheap.

      I c-rack-ed my head while thinking about WHAT infos did i left.

      I talked to a guy form Blizzsupport to get my (main)account back (this one was banned 1 year before)

      - he knows that a authenticator was aktive for the account
      - he knows on what time i was logged in in which account (Diablo 3 / WoW)
      - he could tell me what ISP knot i used
      - he told me someone was ingame near my character and looked at me botting
      - he told i was online at unhuman times
      - different specialists took a look @ the account and all were 100% sure that i was botting
      - he excluded the possibility of a man-in-the-middle attack @ authenticator (beacause in that case i had to be online in e.g. D3 because authkey can be grabbed 60s after login)
      - he knows where the ticket was from and where the account logged in (what ISP knot)

      This call took 40m - at the end and over the whole call he told me that there IS NO FUC**NG way to reopen that account.


      MAY IT BE that my Diablo 3 Account (which is on the same B.Net Account where a banned WoW Account lays) leaves a trace?
      So regardless if i buy a new PC and so on... when i log into my D3 they will see "OK that botter has a new machine - lets look what WoWs run on that MAC/IP/whatelse"?
      The B.Net launcher seems to spy or smth.

      Oh and Hearthstone was played on that account also - the Callcenter guy laid some emphasis on the word Hearthstone

      i hate Blizzard - they are tough
      Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
    8. wh420

      wh420 New Member

      Oct 1, 2011
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      All they need is logs to see your ip and mac...if you really wanna play get a second nic used specifically for wow...behind a ***. I haven't studied warden but thatd hopefully do it...unless they check hwid of your hdd but I haven't heard of them going that far for a simple botter.
    9. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      There is a blacklist....But it's just at an account level. They don't do IP address. If you ever get banned/suspended and get back up....walk softly for a minimum of 12 months on that account unless you don't care. I know this sounds like what you have heard before but it's true. A friend of a friend of mine worked at Blizz about 5 years ago....left about 3 years ago now. He assisted in me getting an account unbanned and he explained that they have/had a 12 month purge on account data as it related to account related issues in terms of banning. The overall data holds all but indefinitely but they were instructed on what happened within the past 12 months. They do this so they can move quickly through queries and bannings.
    10. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      OP: After your succesful 6 months of 24/7, are you still trying to play new accounts 24/7? If so, something between a week and two seems to be the average time suicide (24/7) accounts are lasting. It wouldn't have to do with being in their Blacklist, but just their usual "unhuman playtime" autoban check.

      If there is really a blacklist, which I find very likely but focused on big time botters - heavy multiaccounters, and doesn't seems to be your case, there are a few steps that could help you leave that trailing behind.
      -New mail for every account.
      -New bnet for every account.
      -different names / addresses / info in every bnet account.
      -different payment methods. Avoid blizz store, even if it is cheaper. They do use all the info from there to link accounts (why wouldn't they?). IF you buy from some other site, try to buy 1 account at a time. There are several sites to buy, use them.
      Reason is many sites will ask you why did you buy several accounts. Assuming they would rather sell you 100 accounts than 1, I came to the conclusion that this info could be transmitted to blizzard, giving them another way to link accounts.
      -New OS. A new wow install, obviously.
      -Spoof your mac ID and Hard disk ID. There are free programs around that will do that for you. Google them.
      -Use a different installation for every wow instance you want to run.
      -Use roboto's registry cleaning instructions.Daily-weekly.
      -A V_P_N for every bot. A virtual machine for every bot.

      This enormous tinfoil hat could help you or could not. The reality is , if someone really knows what info Blizzard uses to link accounts and pc's, it's a well kept secret. We are unlikely to ever know about it, if you think about it, why would someone that have that knowledge give it for free? Plus, it would have to be a Blizzard highly-ranked ex employee to have that knowledge, and therefore, easily traceable by them.

      A computer-educated friend of mine told me once , when I asked him in depth about this, that there are hundreds of possible ID's in a computer that could be used to identify a computer and blacklist it. It is not only the mac id (which is the most unlikely identification to be used), System ID, Hard disk ID.Furthermore, past programs had a HWID system that took several of those "numbers" and created a new ID using whatever algorithm they wanted. That's what they used to identify comps.

      And this is only taking non-game related stuff. If you wanna consider how easy setting triggers for farming X position, always repairing in the same spot, being online at the same hours each day for X days, same timed breaks or whatever comes to your mind, would be for Blizzard, it aint worth your time trying to avoid the ban. There are too many possibilities to have them covered.Accept it will come, do the easy steps of the tinfoil to prevent being obvious, and choose between going all in 24/7 and lasting 1-2 weeks, or reducing play time setting human-like behaviours and playing the ban-roulette game.
      Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
    11. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I dont think there is an autoban because of umhuman playtime or smth - just because other botters will not get banned for 24/7 botting. And why did i worked for so long time?

      I thought about that too @ when i buy more than the normal 1-3 accounts from e.g. Alternate, they COULD get money for just give Blizzard the info WHEN there is a customer that has bought multiple WoW-Keys.
      Paranoid but not impossible.

      Could you tell me just some program names?
      I am able to change the MAC Adress but HDD ID?
      Looks like the Volume ID / HDD ID looks like XXXX-XXXX an there are some tools to change that ID - i will try that.
      If there is a good tool YOU know - please lmk

      Dunno but i can not install WoW more than once - i could just COPY the WoW folder - is it that what u mean?
      With the super duper B.Net Launcher things got more complicatet? Even if i delete some registry information for WoW - when i load the Setup it opens my Launcher ._.

      Hmm i never heard about that - could give me the URL? Didnt found it with the Search

      Afterall thanks for your answers.
      I hope that the WardenUpdate wont kill Botting more
      Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    12. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      I think there are diferent security checks for new accounts and "old" accounts. Did those accounts that manage to go 24/7 long unpunished went straight to 24/7 after being created or did they have a lower daily playtime first, and after a while, that could be a very long while, went to 24/7 ing? Also, were they botting only accounts or "played" accounts somehow? They tend to be less severe when it comes to played accounts than obvious botting ones.
      In fact, the unhuman playtime autoban or 24/7 check could have been applied after your past accounts were banned. I don't really know, I have no other info than the one available to anyone reading the forum and making guesses.

      You got the Hd Id right. Yep, it is Volume ID changer. A nice one? Hard Disk Serial Number Changer.

      Yep, when I mean installation, I mean a different folder for each one. This is likely stupid 'cause the info regarding this should be stored in the registry, and roboto's cleaner should take care of it, but better extra safe than sorry.

      Create Shortcults from each wow folder's Wow.exe to your desktop, name them with the bots name or the accounts name or what you prefer to be able to differentiate them. In each one of them, right click, go to properties, and at the end of the "target" box, after the ending quote, type (space)-launch. Without the period. Now you will only access the launcher when there is a new update to be made to the client.


      I try to be positive when it comes to this thing. After all, if this warden update is focused on Hb, and is pushed at this time, it would probably mean that the buddy developers should have it controlled and taken care of for WoD's start. Which , to no surprise, is the time when everybody wants the bot active as its the most profitable time.

      And for those people that seem to imply an Blizzard-Bossland conspiration...I find it funny, respect all opinions, but that makes 0 sense to me. After all, the info that Bossland provides us with regarding the legal issues with Blizzard is given to us at his own choice. He is not forced to share it with us, it is not in any contract or promise that he would. He probably does it to be completely transparent.
      I'm not in the fanboy wagon yet either. Same as Bossland itself is clear , I would appreciate if Honorbuddy devs were more outspoken to us. As in " we will need 30 days to decipher all warden modules" instead of "bot at your own risk. In 30 days we will tell you something".
      Keldorn likes this.
    13. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      Thanks for ya answer again.

      So running robots stuff and then COPY the folder or will i be able then to INSTALL the WoW cliebt again?

      Regarding the old accounts / new accounts discusion - i thin that too.
      If i remember right then my MAIN acc wasn banned that fast - but it was banned later - played that account years b4 botting.

      I dont think that there is a way to bot for profit - what do you think?
    14. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      If you want to be sure you made everything you could, you should start by the foundations. That is, new OS install. If you have a botting only computer, or it does not completely destroy your world, format Hard drives to start clean.

      Install vmwares / preferred v_p_n program / a gazillion window updates , etc. If you choose to use a ***, you'll have to make sure it will automatically disconnect every program whenever the *** is not active or it is down. Can't stress the importance of this enough, if you fail to do that even a microsecond cut will likely lock your accounts and turn all GM's heads towards you. That's pretty much a sure manual investigation on your accounts-a.k.a real disaster.

      After that, download a brand new wow install from bnet. Better do not download from a bnet with banned accounts in it. Once you have the 1st install ready, COPY folder / create shortcuts for as many bots as you want to run.

      Running Roboto's file should be done on a periodical basis. Like, you could set up a weekly time, let's say sundays, where you will Run the file, run Volume ID changer, Change MAC ID. Clean you house, in other words. After all it takes no more than 1 second to run the batch and you're done with that.

      Of course there's a way to bot for profit.If when you say profit you mean real life profit... many, if not most people here, are here for that. Once said, it is a extremely exhausting,time consuming and repetitive job. Yep, it is a full time job if you wanna bot for a living.
      You will need to have a strong will and it could seriously affect your social life.You should be warned.And you'll realise you have to compete with lots of people from other countries, meaning that, what took you to make 10 euros of profit, that would be like 100 euros for them in their local economy , or if you want to take it to the edges, 500 euros.
      That's why those people will work their best, and pretty much destroy any attempt to enter the market in a serious way. Their margin of benefit is huge beyond belief, as costs and even personnel expenditures are extremely cheaper. So, it is far more profitable for them than for the rest of us.

      It is hard to fight against that; but it is possible. By all means, if that's your choice, follow it! Just realise the difficulties ahead beyond making a bad decision.
      Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    15. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      Wow... cant believe that there are ppl like you here who give a precise answer in such an epic manner.
      Thank you.

      I know what you mean about people that will destroy every try to make a steo in the busines.
      At my best times i made like 700 to 1000 € / month - long time ago.

      My biggest problem is blizzard and their way to kill ALL accounts over and over again... ofc this is the result of a report.
      Atm i make maybe 100€ profit after losing the accounts.

      I tried gathering months ago but after the LCP stuff and the bans i think its dead?
      I tried instance grinding but thats what my last accounts lead to a ban...
      I tried AH botting, this was the hardest and at the end competition brang down my accounts.

      Now im at a point where im confused...
      Should i play the AH by hand bc of the Warden situation and the estimated downtime of HB when Warlords of Draenor will be released?

      Or should i start again with... lets say 8 - 16 accounts on 2-4 realms botting with all the stuff u explained and i did?
      What would be the way to bot?
      24/7 dead in every way?
      I dont mind buying new accounts every month
      Give gathering a try?

      I like your way to bring things to the point so maybe u have a hint wgat i should do and what could be the way.

    16. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      I hope I could give you an answer to all that, but that I can't. No one can, since no one has the answer as to how does Blizz ban accounts or why. I can give you my advise though.

      If you wanna go big, you'll better separate your accounts completely. I mean, a comp with 5 bots and one IP, another comp with another 5 bots in another IP (and completely unrelated to the previous 5 if possible, different server, new guild,no conection between them.) If you could use another ISP that would be even better, though really expensive. If not, setting a dedicated whitelist IP through a V_P_N provider could be a more affordable option.
      Get some comps with basic requirements. Enough to handle 5 accounts and 5 hb instances just fine. One of the main mistakes I made in the past is buying high end machines, thinking that if I got banned I could sell them or that vmware could separate the account groups just fine. I was wrong in both of these asumptions, a computer worth 1500 euros will be worth half of it in 3 months; and vmware did not help in keeping supposedly unrelated accounts in the same comp safe.

      24/7 or not? Biggest botting question ever! Who knows. A friend of mine, who I trust 100% , as told me he has been gathering 24/7 for almost a month with no ban. Some other people have success in dungeon gold farming 24/7, as it returns investment pretty fast, and you can automate the process with ease, requiring not a lot of supervision. Some quite expert and helpful people around, like Botanist , recommend this. But, even acknowledging it is profitable, doing this with x>10 accounts will burn you out so fast....Better reduce the profit per bot, but increase their expected lifetime. Your time is worth money too...and setting a new pack of accounts after being mass banned is extremely disgusting. You already know that.

      So...I would recommend setting up a relogger, creating logical timetables for each bot with added random times,bot 12 hours a day tops, do several things with each account (HINT: you are not required to only have 1 char per account. Having 2 chars, let's think, 1 questing and the other dungeon farming, should help avoid some of the most obvious triggers blizzard can set in your path.)

      AH is the biggest NO ever as a mass botter. 1st, it would require a big effort EVEN setting Ah buddy, salesman or any other system in your AH accounts . Second....it will link your accounts, and chances to be reported and investigated are massive. No matter if you CoD your mats to the ah account, guild deposit, whatever. Just don't. This is only doable on a small scale , maybe 5 bots , and it is one of the main reasons small bot gangs are identified and banned. If you gather (I wouldn't , at least not with GB2 at the time) make sure you CoD mats to bulk buyers. Avoid AH like hell!

      When WoD is released, as soon as Hb is ready, go all out. Profit is massive there. Mats will be worth lots. I wouldn't dare to advise 24/7, but if I ever were, that would be the adequate time.

      Hope you find some of this info useful!
      Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    17. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I can just say thanks over and over.

      I know most infos u talk about e.g. Gathering, AH and so on but u got the talent to sum it and bring it to the point.

      Now i know what to do and i wish YOU best of luck.

      Thank you

    18. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      op requested thread clouser.
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