Hey guys, I have been using both ZapRecorder2 (WoD) and Robotos theTramper recorder to try and record a very simple yet effective gathering/grinding profile right near Vol'Mar....however for some reason the bot will only go to the first hotspot that was recorded and then sits and does absolutely nothing, so I have no idea what is going on or what is wrong....But I AM trying to get some profiles out there for you guys. If anyone can help me figure out just wth is wrong or what Im doing wrong that would be great! Attached is the test profile I created with Zaprecorder, it includes the mailbox and repair vendor for the Horde side. If anyone can figure out what Im doing wrong pls let me know! If this for whatever reason WORKS for you, please let me know! I am trying to give you guys some profiles for tanaan! My goal is to work on a grind profile for Apexis Cystals and also a decently large gathering profile. Pls pls pls help me figure this out!
Dont know for sure, been awhile since i made profiles but you might want to change and increase the maxlevel to like 101 and try
Hey what guide did you use to learn how to creat a gather profile ? is this it ? http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wor...uddy-private-profile-recording-made-easy.html thanks
For anyone who would like to create your own profiles its pretty easy to do with a plugin called ZapRecorder. Here is the URL for the plugin https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...plugin-zaprecorder2-profile-recorder-gb2.html. You need to create a folder in your plugin directory specifically named "ZapRecorder" not "ZapRecorder2" Then you must unzip the contents of the download into that folder you created. Also make sure you download the BlankGrindingProfile. Turn GrindBot on in HB and load the EmptyGrindProfile and then start HB to enable ZapRecorder. In ZapRecorder settings under the plugin tab on HB a box will pop up. The first tab says start recording, basically you just figure out where you want to start your profile in Draenor and click start recording. Run around the area you would like to grind until youve made a full circle path, as you run ZapRecorder will record your hotspots automatically. (Anyone familiar with WoWGlider back in the day will love this plugin as its almost the exact same way you would create profiles with that bot) Once your done your grinding route just save the profile and name it w/e you want. There are numerous tabs in ZapRecorder, the second one allows you to specify specific factions you would like the bot to attack and the level range of the mob as well, set those according to the area you are grinding. (You will need to use the developers tools in HB to obtain faction Id's and such). If you are trying to gather DO NOT USE GATHERBUDDY bot mode with the profile you are making! ONLY USE GRINDBOT! In settings in HB set your herb/mine range to max. Locate your new created profile, make sure GrindBot is selected and enjoy! NOTE: For some odd strange reason HotSpots are not working in Tanaan jungle if you attempt to create a profile there, I have tried over and over and over again with no success, so if anyone figures out the reason Tanaan jungle simply wont work please let me know if you have a fix! As we all know herb/mine nodes are plentiful there and Felblight is extremely valuable!
https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/219424-fix-tanaan-mesh.html I brought it up in the support forum, it doesn't look like they even know about it, might wanna post there with your logs, although not sure how that will help, the mesh seems to be the problem, anyway I've given up on it running my other profiles atm, and Im not going to stop the bots, if you still have your logs post them there.