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  • [Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by EchoTiger, Feb 26, 2013.

    1. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
    2. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Optimized Gold Farms
      These profiles are designed to aggro and kill high-density mob packs or farm any other 'thing' that gives lots of gold!
      Since these profiles are focused on farming gold, the profiles that farm dungeons will skip some mobs or bosses, therefor these profiles cannot be used by completionists looking for achievements.
      This is a profile 'project' pack, so new farms, profiles and features will be added as time progresses.

      Current Farming Options:
      • Shadowfang Keep.
      • The Botanica.
      • All Northrend Dungeons
      • Some open-world Northrend mobs.
      • Some open-world Pandaria mobs.

      Important Note
      Since the Optimized Gold Farms \ Dungeons profiles utilize the Azyul Cloud.
      These profiles will sell everything by default, including items protected by Honorbuddy.

      To prevent items from being sold, simply use the Azyul Cloud menu to protect the items.
      The Azyul Cloud menu is explained below!

      The Azyul Cloud and Profile Configuration
      Say hello to the Azyul Cloud.
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! Currently the Azyul Cloud menu is in 'Beta', and is still being improved with new features and designs.

      The cloud loads profile code remotely, meaning that the profiles you're using are updated 100% of the time automatically.
      Along with this, they come with a "Profile Config" menu that lets you fine-tune how the profile operates.

      Some settings include guild banking options, protected items, when the bot vendors/mails, and more.

      At the moment, only all of the Optimized Gold Farms \ Dungeon profiles utilize this menu.
      Simply load the profile, start the bot, and the button to access menu will appear above the "Start" button on the bot.

      The settings for this is saved globally so you only have to set them once!
      An option to toggle saving them globally VS saving them per character may be added soon.​

      Getting Started
      These profiles are designed to be completely 1-click and go.
      Simply load the profile you're wanting to use with the Questing botbase, then start the bot.
      From here, the universal navigation code will get you to the dungeon location regardless of where the bot is started, and then the profile will start farming the dungeon.

      After you start the bot with one of these profiles, you'll also notice the 'Profile Config' button appear.
      Make sure you set the settings you want on this menu before the bot starts farming!​

      Quick Tips & Need-To-Know
      • You must copy the Quest Behaviors in order for the profiles to operate properly.
      • All profiles in this pack operate on the 'Questing' botbase.
      • All 'Optimized Gold Farms \ Dungeons' profiles are set to sell all items by default.
      • All profiles support both Horde and Alliance and fully support vendor, repair and mail for both factions.
      • Since these are farming profiles, they will be ran on Normal difficulty. You can manually set Heroic before it enters the instance if you want.
      • All profiles utilize the 'universal transport script.' Meaning these profiles can be started anywhere throughout the world.
      • If the bot finishes the dungeons faster than 6minutes, the extra time will be waited to avoid overloads given the 10 instance-per-hour cap.

      Pull Densities (for the profiles in the outdated directory)

      • Heavy: These profiles are based off of how well a iLvl 430 level 90 Windwalker Monk can handle the dungeon. Pulls are optimized to the character's performance.
      • Medium: These profiles will pull approximately half of the Heavy pulls.
      • Lite: These profiles will pull approximately half of the Medium pulls.
      • Suicide Pulls: Created upon request, these profiles will scale by multiples. (x1, x2, x3, x4 - etc.) At (x1), the Suicide Pull will pull double that of the Heavy Pulls.

      Estimated GPH(s) (all ran with a Feral Druid, and selling absolutely everything to the vendors.)

      • Halls of Lightning: 1,050GPH
      • Drak'tharon Keep: 850~GPH
      • Gundrak: 935GPH
      • The Botanica: 850GPH
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
      Azhemoth and amputations like this.
    3. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Transmog Farming

      Please Note!
      Not all Plate transmogs are currently availible. They're still in the process of being "remade."
      If you'd like to use one of the plate transmogs, then check the "Outdated" folder directory.

      This pack includes profiles to farm transmog items. Primarily transmogs that drop within Outlands dungeons.
      The transmogs that drop in Outlands dungeons are a recolor of the old Tier 2 armor that everyone used to use in Classic WoW!

      This pack also includes some grind profiles that grind world mobs for BoE transmogs.
      BoE transmogs can be sold on the auction house for a hefty amount of gold!

      Getting Started
      These profiles are designed to be completely 1-click and go.
      Simply load the profile you're wanting to use with the Questing botbase, then start the bot.
      From here, the universal navigation code will get you to the dungeon location regardless of where the bot is started, and then the profile will start farming the transmogs!​

      Quick Tips & Need-To-Know

      • All profiles in this pack operate on the 'Questing' botbase.
      • All profiles support both Horde and Alliance and fully support vendor, repair and mail for both factions.
      • Some transmogs drop in heroic versions of the instance. Currently these profiles do not detect if you've completed the heroic run or not.
      • All profiles utilize the 'universal transport script.' Meaning these profiles can be started anywhere throughout the world.
      • If the bot finishes the dungeons faster than 6minutes, the extra time will be waited to avoid overloads given the 10 instance-per-hour cap.

      Color Key
      Used to key the availability of items below.

      •Red = Not yet added to pack.
      •Green = Added to pack.
      •Orange = Requires additional script support.
      •Dark Blue = Cannot be seen on the transmog set, so it's not farmed.
      •Violet = Set doesn't have item. // Dungeon cannot be soloed by bot.​

      Cloth Transmogs
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!

      Leather Transmogs
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!

      Mail Transmogs
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!

      Plate Transmogs
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!

      Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
      Azhemoth likes this.
    4. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Mount Farming

      This pack focuses on farming mounts!
      Currently, more mounts are being added.

      Requests may be taken, however as of currently I'm a bit busy with other projects.
      So I can't promise a request will be carried out!​

      Getting Started
      These profiles are designed to be completely 1-click and go.
      Simply load the profile you're wanting to use with the Questing botbase, then start the bot.
      From here, the universal navigation code will get you to the dungeon location regardless of where the bot is started, and then the profile will start farming the mounts!

      Tips & Need-To-Know

      All of the mount farming profiles run on the questing botbase!
      When using any of the mount farming profiles, you must start the profile outside of the dungeon!
      By default, these profiles will not loot any mobs! It only loots the bosses that drop the mounts. However, these profiles still have vendor and mailing support.​


      These profiles are self-updating!
      Rather than relying on nasty ol' SVNs or constantly re-download ZIP files, these profiles will update themselves!
      They all include a snippet of code that has the profile check for updates every time you load and start the bot.




      The Azyul Project is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0
      Given this, you are allowed to share these profiles as long as you give credit when you do so.
      However, you may not use these profiles in commercial products.
      You also may not distribute these profiles if they are modified unless you have direct permission from me.


      By visiting this thread or using any of the Azyul products, statistical information is harvested from your visitation activity or profile usage.
      No sensitive information is gathered or stored. Any statistical information obtained is merely traffic data or profile usage and not anything private.
      binzones and Azhemoth like this.
    5. Madcatz

      Madcatz Member

      May 17, 2011
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      ok i have a Q the profile is supposed to do heroic first then exit then do Reg correct if so ill post a log of it not switching from heroic to norm ill watch it abit longer

      EDIT: Ok well its haveing a few issues in Shadow labs here is my log i ran the bot while i moved the char sense it had
      Could not generate path from {-155.4564, -467.6175, 17.07729} to {-360.4703, 3016.986, 40.87082} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly i just pasted one of the path issues in that dung here is my log Also i was useing Clu so ill try Singular instead

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      Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
    6. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Yea, after it completes -ALL- of the Heroic dungeons that the set's items drop in, it then switches over to the Normal runs to get the rest of the pieces.

      The log you posted seems to be running a different profile, is it your newest log generated after using my profiles?
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
    7. Arøxan

      Arøxan Member

      Feb 22, 2013
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      Finish the vanilla raids and make me squeal.
    8. Madcatz

      Madcatz Member

      May 17, 2011
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      Also what ive seen in the Shadow labs heroic was it didnt kill the second boss it tried to go thru the door but to gain acccess t the 3rd boss u need to kill the second boss Running the profile justice with Singular now see if anythin else i find out will post logs if there is anything ty
    9. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      The boss has an unpredictable patrol path, so sometimes the bot will skip by it. I've placed a wait code there to wait for the boss to pull, I guess it didn't work. I'll look into it.

      I've added a PullDistance code to (hopefully) ensure that Blackheart the Inciter is killed.
      Update your SVN and try that.
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
    10. Madcatz

      Madcatz Member

      May 17, 2011
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      ok ty also useing clu as i was before i switched to Singular as said in first post its now killing the second boss in labs ty will keep testing an posting if needed
    11. Jinjiro

      Jinjiro New Member

      Dec 5, 2012
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      I was wondering if you could add UBRS to the instance farm.. I have been trying on my own to get the purple 2h off last boss but its such a hassle.
    12. mjj23

      mjj23 New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      I will try to do UBRS today!

      Feel free to buy me a drink if you like my work!

    13. Puches

      Puches New Member

      Feb 7, 2013
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      Please, make a profile to farm Gnomeregan.
    14. Jinjiro

      Jinjiro New Member

      Dec 5, 2012
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      Thanks a ton!! :D
    15. mjj23

      mjj23 New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      As soon as UBRS is done, Gnomeregan :)
    16. Plastpose

      Plastpose Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Got some issues when I'm gonna do MC.
      It pops up "Dont turn off the but, just sit and relax and it will do evetything for you" or something, and I click "Continue profile" and it pops up again. All the time. And then the bot just stand there
    17. mjj23

      mjj23 New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      Where are you starting the bot? Start it anywhere BUT Molten Core :) More accurately, try to start it somewhere that is NOT inside Blackrock Mountain... bot will have nav issues inside mountain otherwise.
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2013
    18. infozeta

      infozeta Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      where is the aq20 endless ? :/
    19. Plastpose

      Plastpose Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      I tried inside MC, and it bugged. So I tried in Sw. worked perfectly :)
    20. mjj23

      mjj23 New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      Re SVN in a few mins :)

      Folder is "Endless Farming Packs"
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2013

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