Hey there. Simple bot. Read below on what it does, and how to use it. (This goes together with my Alani mount farm, which can be found here: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...profiles/farming/243174-skyshard-farming.html ) Use the above profile to farm for Skyshards/keys. What it does: Opens Guo-Lai Caches Will wait 5 seconds to avoid opening them too fast. Will deactivate wind wall if active Avoid traps on the floor Why use this? If you're grinding for Skyshards, you'll get TONS of these guo-lai keys. Around 40g PER cache. Golgen lotus rep items, +250 and +500. Panadrian herbs, Spices, etc GOLD GAINS (53 Keys used): Pure gold looted from chests: Gold Gained: 1364.042 (9163/hr) x32 Relic of Guo-Lai (Golden Lotus Rep +250) x18 Relic of the Thunder King (Golden Lotus Rep +500) x180 Ghost iron = 81g x5 Magnificent Hide = 48g x120 Exotic Leather = 115g x35 Aged Balsamic Vinegar = 26g x27 Ancient Padaren Spices = 22g x40 Green Tea Leaf = 39g x42 Aged Mogu'Shan Cheese = 251g (may of been inflated on my server) TOTAL OF: 1946g. Looting took about 10-15 minutes. How to use: 1. Download the xml. 2. Have empty bags, as bot cannot navigate Guo-Lai vault, and therefor will not be able to sell for you. 3. Start it INSIDE guo-lai vault. HERE: 4. Run bot. Bugs: If the Deactivate Final Spirit Wall is in this area: You must disable it yourself. Do to the avoid script, the bot will not deactivate it. It will blacklist it for 3 minutes, and the bot will likely just keep running into the wind wall. Download: View attachment Guo-Lai Cache Farm ONLY.xml