i uses dungeon buddy to farm lfr while i watch tv or w/e using singular (because its the default CR) and i would notice that the bot is ALWAYS moving, it would change between running in circles, going from point a to point b and back repeatedly and just a whole bunch of crap that makes it botlike. ive looked through the logs and i notice its following quadrant leader (spoils fight) so i would assume its constantly changing the leader every millisecond and cant choose one to stay on. is this a bug or flaw by design? and could it be looked into. even though i wasnt afk for the fight, im sure alot of people afk with lfr on farm which could put them at risk of being reported
everything looks fine. its not always going to stand there, since dungeonbuddy does tell the toon to run around to avoid getting killed, and singular does move around if people aren't in range for healing.
i understand that but i was watching it for a good minute before i stoped it and cleared that boss by hand, as i was watching it, everyone was in range according to my elvui's raidgroup (it dims if their out of range) and i wasnt standing in anything. it was targeting an add (i guess singular does smite healing) and a split second after, it CTM to a corner putting me out of range, as it was moving to that corner it was switching back to the add and the corner but was moving closer to the corner, and then back. ill try to duplicate it and post a video if that helps.
the only thing i can suggest is posting it in the dungeonbuddy section, as more then likely its a dungeonbuddy issue.
ive seen my priest kinda do the same thing, it might be due to the angelic feathers (i think thats what its called) in singular check and see if theres a setting to turn it off. however it could just be from dungeonbuddy. [19:08:11.238 D] Interacting with Lightweight Crate of Mogu Origin [19:08:11.353 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Moving to Quadrant leader [19:08:12.250 D] Opening Closed Door : Lightweight Crate of Mogu Origin Locked : False [19:08:12.250 D] Interacting with Lightweight Crate of Mogu Origin [19:08:12.317 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Moving to Quadrant leader so it looks like its fighting between moving between 2 different things. again it should be reported in the dungeonbuddy thread.