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  • Possible bug, interrupting combat to skin

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Siggen, Jul 15, 2015.

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    1. Siggen

      Siggen Member

      Jun 16, 2015
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      Hi there!

      I'm having a issue where when the bot aggros two mobs, it kills one, then interrupts combat to try to skin the mob while it's still getting attacked, which in turn interrupts the skinning of the mob.

      Attached Files:

    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      use beta build instead and let me know plz
    3. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Yes this is still happening I tried with beta, this is really annoying and bad, bot dies getting attacked while trying to skin/mine... not to mention it can lead to player reports a lot seeing as how you sit there trying to reskin a mob or mine over and over while a mob is attacking you until you're dead, request URGENT fix please!
    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      any wow addons enabled?
    5. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      No addons, don't use any on bots. Btw this didn't happen in the past, the bot would always react when being attacked, now it just keeps going until it blacklists the skin/herb/mine (while being attacked) which takes a long time and the bot gets killed half the time.
    6. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      same happens on 795 build?
    7. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Yes, I was using 795, then I went and downloaded the beta since you wanted to know if it still happens. I did and it happens there as well, so yeah on both builds.
    8. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Btw to be clear this happens with all gatherable stuff, mining herbing skinning etc
    9. Siggen

      Siggen Member

      Jun 16, 2015
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      Have you only experienced this with my profile?

      I don't really do any botting except for my own profiles, so I can't tell
    10. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      No, actually this happens a lot with windrocs in nagrand as well, I have profiles there. What happens there is basically the same, they get aggroed by the diseases spreading to them sometimes, then bot keeps trying to skin the mobs it killed while the windrocs keep attacking it.
    11. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Also I don't see anything in your profile telling the bot to override fighting mobs that attack it for skinning/herbing etc I just had a look.
    12. Siggen

      Siggen Member

      Jun 16, 2015
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      Yeah, there shouldn't be anything. I tried removing "NoClear" to see if that affected it in some weird way, but I still experienced the bug
    13. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      do you get the same?
    14. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      I get this by using his profile or any other profile, right now for example I have a new bot using a treasure profile, there's a mining vein next to rare boss mob, goes and tries to mine it, keeps trying while the boss keeps attacking it, it only fights the boss after trying to loot it for like 30 sec while being almost dead, I'll attach a log very soon with this as well.

      Here's the highlighted part of the log where the bot just insists on harvesting the vein while the boss is attacking it, you can see the harvest spam there even though the rare boss is attacking it.

      EDIT: attached full log

      [17:19:24.944 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
      [17:19:25.173 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Ridge Prowler
      [17:19:25.238 D] Interacting with Ridge Prowler (Unit Id: 79703)
      [17:19:25.563 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Ridge Prowler.DAF4 lvl=94 h=0.0%, maxh=31613, d=2.8 yds, box=2.1, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=79703, faction=2106, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
      [17:19:25.829 N] Looting Ridge Prowler Guid:0x2039708B804DD5C000000D00002BDAF4
      [17:19:25.830 V] Blacklisting 2039708B804DD5C000000D00002BDAF4 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
      [17:19:26.621 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [17:19:26.688 D] Changed POI to: Type: Skin, Name: Ridge Prowler
      [17:19:26.818 D] Interacting with Ridge Prowler (Unit Id: 79703)
      [17:19:28.873 N] Looting Ridge Prowler Guid:0x2039708B804DD5C000000D00002BDAF4
      [17:19:28.873 V] Blacklisting 2039708B804DD5C000000D00002BDAF4 for 00:15:00 [Type: Skin] - Reason: Looting done!
      [17:19:29.597 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
      [17:19:29.466 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [17:19:29.540 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Ra'kahn (id: 77741, dist: 53.5, noLoS, TtB: 20s)
      [17:19:29.800 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:29.865 N] Moving to Type: Harvest
      [17:19:36.322 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Ra'kahn.D892 lvl=95 h=100.0%, maxh=297752, d=8.9 yds, box=4.5, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=77741, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
      [17:19:44.072 D] Interacting with Blackrock Deposit (GameObject Id: 228563)
      [17:19:44.596 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
      [17:19:44.597 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Mining#158754 failure: 'Interrupted'
      [17:19:54.629 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [17:19:54.697 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:54.761 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:19:54.828 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:54.892 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:19:54.958 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:55.025 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:19:55.092 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:55.155 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:19:55.225 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:55.320 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:19:55.386 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:19:55.518 D] Interacting with Blackrock Deposit (GameObject Id: 228563)
      [17:19:56.309 N] (Singular) info: 20 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
      [17:19:57.786 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
      [17:19:57.787 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Mining#158754 failure: 'Interrupted'
      [17:19:59.336 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
      [17:20:06.148 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [17:20:06.213 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:06.280 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:06.345 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:06.415 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:06.480 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:06.547 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:06.616 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:06.683 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:06.750 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:06.815 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:06.878 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:07.013 D] Interacting with Blackrock Deposit (GameObject Id: 228563)
      [17:20:07.833 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
      [17:20:07.834 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Mining#158754 failure: 'Interrupted'
      [17:20:16.503 N] (Singular) info: 40 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular
      [17:20:17.587 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [17:20:17.686 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:17.724 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:17.788 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:17.854 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:17.918 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:17.984 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:18.050 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:18.114 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:18.184 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:18.251 D] Clearing POI - Reason Already looted
      [17:20:18.319 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest
      [17:20:18.386 N] Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
      [17:20:18.386 V] Blacklisting 2839708B80DF34C000000800002AFC99 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot, Node, Skin] - Reason: Avoiding Poi spam; looted twice - no dice.
      [17:20:18.386 D] Clearing POI - Reason Tried to loot more than 2 times
      [17:20:18.451 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [7g75s28c]
      [17:20:18.455 D] [InteractWith-v2059(debug)] Interacting with 'Ra'kahn'
      [17:20:18.456 D] Interacting with Ra'kahn (Unit Id: 77741)
      [17:20:18.842 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You are facing the wrong way!
      [17:20:20.470 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
      [17:20:20.471 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 44.2 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Heal)
      [17:20:20.474 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=82.9%/r=100.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/2/2/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=0 aoe=0
      [17:20:20.405 D] [InteractWith-v2059(debug)] Interact with 'Ra'kahn' succeeded.
      [17:20:20.414 V] Blacklisting 1C39708B804BEB4000000D00002BD892 for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller: at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Extensions_WoWObject.BlacklistForInteracting(WoWObject wowObject, TimeSpan duration) in c:\Users\Exo\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Extensions\Extensions_WoWObject.cs:line 50

      [17:20:20.471 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Ra'kahn
      [17:20:20.481 N] [Singular] *Bone Shield on Me @ 82.9%
      [17:20:20.908 N] (Singular) (Singular) Pull More: attacked by important quest mob Ra'kahn.D892 #77741, disabling pull more until killed
      [17:20:20.908 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
      [17:20:20.908 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Ra'kahn.D892
      [17:20:20.970 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Ra'kahn.D892 lvl=95 h=98.0%, maxh=297752, d=3.5 yds, box=4.5, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=77741, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=Y
      [17:20:21.107 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Ra'kahn.D892 h=98.0%, maxh=297752, d=3.5 yds, box=4.5, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
      [17:20:20.908 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Ra'kahn.D892!
      [17:20:20.971 N] [Singular] /startattack on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 98.0% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:20.982 N] [Singular] *Outbreak on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 98.0% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:21.831 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=81.0%/r=100.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/2/2/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=298936 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=98.0% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=-1s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:21.967 N] [Singular] *Berserking on Me @ 81.1%
      [17:20:22.370 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 98.0% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:23.180 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=81.1%/r=100.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/2/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=297582 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=95.7% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=41s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:23.390 N] [Singular] *Plague Strike on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 95.7% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:24.237 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=79.7%/r=100.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/1/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=296538 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=94.7% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=58s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:24.381 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 94.7% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:25.262 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=79.7%/r=72.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/1/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=295508 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=90.3% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=36s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:25.408 N] [Singular] *Death Strike on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 90.3% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:26.284 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.1%/r=93.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=294483 CrimScrg=14460 aoe=1 th=81.7% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=20s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:26.420 N] [Singular] *Anti-Magic Shell on Me @ 88.1%
      [17:20:26.896 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 76.3% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:27.737 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.1%/r=64.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=293025 CrimScrg=13002 aoe=1 th=74.5% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=16s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:28.636 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 71.9% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:29.447 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.2%/r=53.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=291309 CrimScrg=14153 aoe=1 th=70.5% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=18s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:29.451 N] [Singular] *Blood Tap on Me @ 88.2%
      [17:20:29.854 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 69.5% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:30.705 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.3%/r=67.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=290045 CrimScrg=12889 aoe=1 th=68.8% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=19s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:31.680 N] [Singular] *Plague Strike on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 68.1% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:32.529 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=91.4%/r=82.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=288215 CrimScrg=11059 aoe=1 th=65.2% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=20s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:32.676 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 65.2% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:33.590 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=90.7%/r=55.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=287222 CrimScrg=9994 aoe=1 th=59.5% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=17s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:33.699 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 59.5% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:34.612 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=90.9%/r=66.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=286196 CrimScrg=8968 aoe=1 th=58.7% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=18s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:35.671 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=90.9%/r=67.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=285133 CrimScrg=7905 aoe=1 th=57.0% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=18s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:36.515 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 54.7% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:37.358 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.1%/r=58.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=283432 CrimScrg=6212 aoe=1 th=52.9% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=18s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:37.370 N] [Singular] *Blood Tap on Me @ 88.1%
      [17:20:37.852 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 51.1% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:38.668 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.2%/r=86.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=282118 CrimScrg=4898 aoe=1 th=48.2% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=16s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:38.880 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 48.2% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:39.723 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.2%/r=59.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=281059 CrimScrg=3838 aoe=1 th=45.0% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=15s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:40.529 N] [Singular] *Plague Strike on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 45.0% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:41.343 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.3%/r=75.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/1/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=279434 CrimScrg=2214 aoe=1 th=43.8% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=16s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:41.557 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 42.7% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:42.369 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.4%/r=86.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=278403 CrimScrg=1183 aoe=1 th=39.7% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=14s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:42.578 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 39.7% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:43.433 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=86.9%/r=59.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=277264 CrimScrg=115 aoe=1 th=37.9% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=13s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:44.493 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=85.5%/r=62.0%, Runes-BFUD=2/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=276199 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=36.8% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=13s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:44.990 N] [Singular] *Soul Reaper on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 34.6% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:45.860 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.5%/r=76.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=274828 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=31.3% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=11s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:46.920 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=88.6%/r=79.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=273765 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=29.6% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=11s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:46.986 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:168
      [17:20:47.076 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 29.6% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:47.923 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=87.3%/r=52.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=272861 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=25.1% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=9s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:47.929 N] [Singular] *Blood Tap on Me @ 87.3%
      [17:20:48.363 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 25.1% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:49.206 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=87.4%/r=65.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/1/0/1 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=271574 CrimScrg=0 aoe=1 th=22.8% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=8s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:49.348 N] [Singular] *Plague Strike on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 22.8% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:50.228 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=85.7%/r=78.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/1/0/1 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=14391 aoe=1 th=20.9% dist=3.5 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=8s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:50.669 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStoppedWithinMelee: stopping because target at 3.1 yds
      [17:20:50.426 D] [InteractWith-v2059(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete. Reached our required count of 1.
      [17:20:50.493 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [17:20:50.493 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] cc69435c-189d-45d6-b2e1-e2ad058ab578
      [17:20:50.493 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] fe8e8fcb-41f2-495b-8ae8-bc8f957452d2
      [17:20:50.551 D] [InteractWith-v2059(debug)] Behavior completed in 4m50s
      [17:20:50.551 D] Moving to kill poi from <2019.131, 2273.2, 130.1245>
      [17:20:50.742 N] [Singular] *Soul Reaper on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 15.2% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:51.786 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=87.4%/r=92.0%, Runes-BFUD=0/1/0/1 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=12827 aoe=1 th=13.0% dist=3.1 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=5s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:51.935 N] [Singular] *Icy Touch on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 13.0% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:52.808 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=85.9%/r=100.0%, Runes-BFUD=0/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=11802 aoe=1 th=10.7% dist=3.1 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=4s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:52.954 N] [Singular] *Death Coil on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 10.7% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:53.819 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=83.7%/r=72.0%, Runes-BFUD=0/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=10788 aoe=1 th=9.3% dist=3.1 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=3s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:54.836 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=82.3%/r=75.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=9766 aoe=1 th=9.2% dist=3.1 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=4s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:55.842 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=82.3%/r=78.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=14209 aoe=1 th=7.4% dist=3.1 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=3s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:56.605 N] [Singular] *Soul Reaper on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 1.5% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:57.117 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:28 Latency:168
      [17:20:57.245 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
      [17:20:57.245 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Soul Reaper#114866 failure: 'Your target is dead'
      [17:20:57.254 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=82.4%/r=79.0%, Runes-BFUD=1/0/0/0 BloodChg=0 BoneShield=0 CrimScrg=12794 aoe=1 th=1.5% dist=3.0 inmelee=Y face=Y loss=Y dead=1s ffvr=0 bplg=0
      [17:20:57.265 N] [Singular] *Soul Reaper on Ra'kahn.D892 @ 1.5% at 0.0 yds
      [17:20:57.383 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
      [17:20:57.383 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
      [17:20:57.585 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Ra'kahn
      [17:20:57.647 D] Interacting with Ra'kahn (Unit Id: 77741)
      [17:20:57.978 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Ra'kahn.D892 lvl=95 h=0.0%, maxh=297752, d=3.0 yds, box=4.5, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=77741, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=Y
      [17:20:58.256 N] Looting Ra'kahn Guid:0x1C39708B804BEB4000000D00002BD892
      [17:20:58.256 V] Blacklisting 1C39708B804BEB4000000D00002BD892 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
      [17:20:58.997 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
      [17:20:59.068 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [17:20:59.068 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [17:20:59.221 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [17:20:59.221 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [17:20:59.222 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [17:20:59.222 N] [Profile Message]: Scavenging for: Draenei Weapons
      [17:20:59.222 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [17:20:59.223 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [17:20:59.225 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] a9f1719c-2fae-4b72-b252-241276a0f270
      [17:20:59.225 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] b6a2f763-f207-4604-baa1-98194dc0995c
      [17:20:59.305 V] Loading Draenor_27_27
      [17:20:59.351 V] Loading Draenor_28_27
      [17:20:59.428 V] Loading Draenor_28_28
      [17:20:59.491 V] Loading Draenor_26_28
      [17:20:59.557 V] Loading Draenor_26_27
      [17:20:59.583 D] Successfully generated path from {2019.034, 2272.749, 130.1393} to {1771.275, 2538.25, 133.6595} in 301 milliseconds
      [17:20:59.584 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
      [17:20:59.584 D] Goal: InteractWith-v2059: In Progress (no associated quest)
      Interacting with MobId(228017)
      [Ref: "KBK's Garrison Resources - Talador - 1.4" @line 105]
      [17:21:01.579 N] Stopping the bot!
      [17:21:01.579 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      [17:21:01.601 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] a9f1719c-2fae-4b72-b252-241276a0f270
      [17:21:01.601 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] b6a2f763-f207-4604-baa1-98194dc0995c
      [17:21:01.656 D] [InteractWith-v2059(debug)] Behavior completed in 2s
      [17:21:01.656 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
      [17:21:01.661 D] [UserSettings-v2005(debug)] Bot stopping. Original user settings restored as follows...
      KillBetweenHotspots = True (previous: False; original: True)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
    15. Siggen

      Siggen Member

      Jun 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Yes, I experience the exact same thing
    16. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      we will check it asap
    17. Siggen

      Siggen Member

      Jun 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I experienced this bug in the area with the Kor'Kron Demolishers in Northern Barrens, if that have anything to say. I wasn't skinning things, but it was looting them as they died
    18. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      Im also noticing some weird stuff with looting like that tbh, I think the issue is way more general than just skinning and mining. For example sometimes I see the bot is pulling something and it waits until that mob is in range to attack it and only then attacks it, even though during all this time another mob is already attacking it. I think its a general problem with the bot not realising its under attack, or at least how it queues its reactions to it while it's trying to do something else.
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2015
    19. roneo1

      roneo1 Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Please fix this I just got an acc banned because of it, whisper log says "haha nice loot bug u have the mr. botter enjoy your ban", are the devs working on it?
    20. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      we are on it
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