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  • [Compiler Error]: D:\honorbuddy ulttimate\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCor

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by dkcrisz, Aug 31, 2016.

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    1. dkcrisz

      dkcrisz New Member

      Mar 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      i have a serrius problem start button does not work
      i get this
      [Compiler Error]: D:\honorbuddy ulttimate\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Utility\Query_Database.cs(22,22) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Database' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx.CommonBot' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    2. Kurtiz

      Kurtiz New Member

      Oct 21, 2012
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      Trophy Points:
      You need to download the new version of the bot - not simply update it.

      Buddy Updates
    3. Begimo

      Begimo New Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I got the thisn and it's no longer working. I just downloaded the new version with the correct bots and still not working

      32 compiler errors encountered in profile '[Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Objectives'
      'While' xml element on line number 162 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__37()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Styx.CommonBot.Bars.ActionBar.Extra.IsActive && Me.DurabilityPercent >= .2 && ((Me.Combat && Me.GotTarget) || ((ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Where(o => new[]{90069, 90781, 91901, 92741}.Contains((int)o.Entry) && o.Distance < 15).OrderBy(o => o.Distance).FirstOrDefault() != null)) || (Unit(90074, u => Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location) <= 50 && u.IsAlive) != null && !Me.Combat) || (Unit(92616, u => Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location) <= 50 && u.IsAlive) != null && !Me.Combat)))();

      1) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'PathDistance' at line 0

      2) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'PathDistance' at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 226 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__49()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.IsAlive && Me.DurabilityPercent >= .2 && ((HasQuest(39432) && !IsQuestCompleted(39432)) || (HasQuest(39433) && !IsQuestCompleted(39433))) && ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Where(u => new[]{92552, 90884, 90936, 92429, 93264, 93076, 90434, 90519, 89675, 90887, 93028, 90888, 91727, 92647, 93125, 92941, 91695, 90094, 90777, 90429, 90437, 93279, 90438, 93002, 90442, 91374, 92194, 90885, 90024, 93236, 92887, 92606, 92694, 92977, 92574, 91087, 90122}.Contains((int)u.Entry) && Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, u.Location) && Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location) <= 50 && u.IsAlive).OrderBy(u => Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location)).FirstOrDefault() != null)();

      1) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'CanNavigateFully' at line 0

      2) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'PathDistance' at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 232 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__52()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.IsAlive && ((HasQuest(39432) && !IsQuestCompleted(39432)) || (HasQuest(39433) && !IsQuestCompleted(39433))) && ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>().Where(o => new[]{241599, 241847, 241848, 241433, 241656, 240003, 241742, 241563, 241745, 242649, 241561, 242249, 241760, 240577, 243852, 241605, 241657, 241692, 243796, 241533, 241565, 241521, 241560, 241671, 243860, 241504, 241699, 240543, 241713, 240289, 241775, 243693, 241673, 241566, 243690, 241764, 241449, 241835, 240580, 241674, 241841, 241450, 241601, 241600, 241602}.Contains((int)o.Entry) && !(Math.Floor(o.X) == 4338 || Math.Floor(o.X) == 4302 || Math.Floor(o.X) == 4656) && Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, o.Location) && Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, o.Location) < 75).OrderBy(o => Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, o.Location)).FirstOrDefault() != null)();

      1) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'CanNavigateFully' at line 0

      2) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'PathDistance' at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 239 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__56()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.IsAlive && ((HasQuest(39432) && !IsQuestCompleted(39432)) || (HasQuest(39433) && !IsQuestCompleted(39433))) && ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>().Where(o => new[]{243796, 243852, 243860}.Contains((int)o.Entry) && !(Math.Floor(o.X) == 4338 || Math.Floor(o.X) == 4302 || Math.Floor(o.X) == 4656) && Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, o.Location) < 75 && Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, o.Location)).OrderBy(o => o.Distance).FirstOrDefault() != null)();

      1) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'PathDistance' at line 0

      2) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'CanNavigateFully' at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 504 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__183()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(38051) && HasItem(122139) && ((Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) || (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null)))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      2) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 505 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__184()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38051))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 509 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__185()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38051))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 1038 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__302()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(38054) && HasItem(122139) && ((Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) || (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null)))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      2) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 1039 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__303()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38054))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 1043 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__304()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38054))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 1725 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__407()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(38866) && HasItem(122139) && ((Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) || (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null)))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      2) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 1726 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__408()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38866))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 1730 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__409()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38866))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 1777 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__416()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(39443) && HasItem(122139) && ((Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) || (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null)))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      2) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 1778 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__417()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(39443))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 1782 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__418()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(39443))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 2291 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__520()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(38865) && HasItem(122139) && ((Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) || (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null)))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      2) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 2292 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__521()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38865))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 2296 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__522()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(38865))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 2343 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__529()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(39444) && HasItem(122139) && ((Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) || (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.HealthPercent <= 25 && u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null)))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      2) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 2344 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__530()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsAlliance && Unit(90443, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(39444))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0

      'While' xml element on line number 2348 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__531()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => HasItem(122139) && (Me.IsHorde && Unit(90452, u => u.Distance < 65 && !Bots.DungeonBuddy.Avoidance.AvoidanceManager.Avoids.Any(a => a.IsPointInAvoid(u.Location))) != null) && !IsQuestCompleted(39444))();

      1) The type or namespace name 'Avoidance' does not exist in the namespace 'Bots.DungeonBuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at line 0
    4. Xegony42

      Xegony42 Member Legendary

      Dec 1, 2014
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    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    6. fmnick

      fmnick Member

      Oct 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      i have something similar

      1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[N-Quest] Warlock Class Hall Loader [Echo]'
      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 369 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__75()
      return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.ZoneId == 8392)();

      1) Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at line 4

      Attached Files:

    7. willlaweed

      willlaweed New Member

      Apr 21, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      same here
      1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[N-Quest] Hunter Class Hall Loader [Echo]'
      'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 389 has following errors with code: public System.Threading.Tasks.Task __ExpressionFunc__50()
      return new System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task>(async () =>{await DalaranHearth();})();

      1) Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at line 4
    8. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      update Hb and if you still got issues open a new thread providing your log file as attachment

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