The all in one plugin for Milling, Prospecting and Disenchanting. Enable in the GUI what you want (Milling, Prospecting or Disenchanting). On the Tab Plugin Behaviors choose how the plugin should be used. Select on the appropriate tabs what items you want to use.
Is there any possibility to keep a certaim amount in bags (eg keep 100 herbs and mill rest) in order to have some herbs for daylie trading building?
How do I get it to start? I put a check mark in all the herbs that I want to mill, then I checked all 3 boxes in "Plugin Behavior". I set my botbase to Enyo and hit start and nothing happens.
This is a plugin to handle items in your bags, not for farming items. Maybe an idea for a plugin useable with questing, grinding profiles.
The Draenic Mortar is simply an alternative to Milling, except non-scribes can obtain it via the small garrison building. As long as it resides in your bags it functions the same.
I know this isn't what this plugin was designed to do but would it be possible to add the option to have it turn raw best hide scraps from skinning into raw beast hide?
How can I get this to work? I just bought it, I loaded up the plugins, set what I wanted it to do, checked all 3 boxes. What botbase do I run it under? I tried LazyRaider, Enyo Edit; Using ProfessionBuddy as botbase, I forgot to tick 'Enable Milling' LOL Working great man ^_^
Does it disenchant on the fly, as you get the greens? When I am questing using kicks profiles, they default to selling greens. I am looking for something that will beat kicks to the punch and disenchant the item before my bags fill and it gets sold.
It works with Enyo too, but Enyo disables plugins by default. Go to bot config when enyo is loaded and put a check mark to enable plugins.