You also have problems that your FPS drop down when you start HB ? Install this plugin and just activate it.
It is turning off the Overlay added in the recent version of HB using the command mentioned a few times. StyxWoW.Overlay.Dispatcher.InvokeShutdown(); Using the plugin would mean those that are getting a performance increase from turning off the Overlay would not need to enter the command each time the bot is started, the plugin would do it.
works good seems to be alot of better with fps and framelock without this and questing i had bad lags on a good pc with this it seems to be mutch better plus framelock
One of the functions it does, I believe, is instead of printing things out to the chat window when you use hotkeys is to make it flash up on your screen sort of like a raid warning, but much larger and more visible. As far as I know it's not visible to GMs, so it's more safe to use the overlay than to use the printing to the chat window. I could very well be wrong here, and if I am, I really hope someone corrects me so that I, too, have a clear understanding of what the overlay does.