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  • [Plugin] LogMeOut! - A World of Warcraft disconnecter !

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ZenLulz, Sep 23, 2012.

    1. ZenLulz

      ZenLulz Community Developer

      Aug 17, 2011
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      A World of Warcraft disconnecter !
      [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

      WoW Version supported : 5.4.8
      Latest LogMeOut! Version : 1.2.18

      LogMeOut! is a plugin for HonorBuddy that stops WoW for you ! Its shutdown process is based on several triggers and you have the possibility to add actions before and after the log out. All the interactions with WoW are automatically logged into the Log console.


      • Triggers : Shut down WoW when a/some trigger(s) fire(s)

        Bags full : Useful when you are using another bot than GB2 and collect items
        Time elapsed : A simple timer (an extra window can be opened to show the remaining time)
        Number of death : Show the name of the attacker(s) and the position of the bot when he dies
        Number of consecutive stucks : Useful when HB cannot get unstuck
        Spend some minutes in combat : Useful to avoid evade mobs or buggy places
        Number of mobs killed
        Number of whispes received : For paranoid people like me =)
        Reach some pve/pvp points : Awesome when you are using the pvp/bg bot or InstanceBuddy
        Reach a level
        Detect if a player follows the bot : Disconnect after x minutes
        Detect if a player targets the bot : Disconnect after x minutes
        Cannot loot mobs : When the bot isn't able to loot mobs
        Quit on loot : Set an amount of specific item to loot
        Quit on aura : Detect if the player has a specified aura
        Quit on profession level : Detect if the player reached a level in a profession
        Quit on durability : Check the player's stuff durability
        Quit on inactivity : Set a time when the player must be disconnected if he's inactive
        Quit on teleport : Detect if the player was moved weirdly
        Quit on GM is whispering : Detect if a Game Master is whispering the player
        Quit on achievement completed : Exit the game when a specific achievement is completed
        Possibility to add a beep when triggers fire : Useful for the profile dev who want debug them without stay behind their screen !

      • Action Before : Just before log out, the bot can execute an action

        Use hearthstone : Simple hearthstone, archeology/etherian hearthstones supported
        Use a spell : The plugin checks if the spell has been casted successfully
        Use an item : Like for the spell, check any casts
        Run lua script : Execute your lua script

      • Action After : Just after log out, the bot can execute another action

        Shutdown the computer
        Execute a batch ligne : You can specify a program to execute with some arguments
        Kill active reloggers : Disable reloggers present on your ocmputer to avoid a reconnection
        Clear the Cache folder : Useful when HonorBuddy used to cache a lot of data NEW
        Clear the CompiledAssemblies folder : At each start of the bot, it creates new files for each bot/routine/plugin. They are cumbersome and can be automatically removed NEW

      • Logging

        Possibility to change the color of the log texts : W00t!
        Write the remaining time in the log console every x minutes if you check the trigger time elapsed
        Log each time the bot gets stuck

      • Exceptions : Exceptions are to prevent a log out at a bad time

        During a battleground
        During an instance
        Can ignore the number of death in BGs
        Ignore members of the player's party/raid when evaluating triggers
        When the player is nearby a mailbox
        DON'T log my toon out for any reason
        Don't run to corpse when logging out: If the character dies and a trigger is activated, the plugin won't try to go to the corpse NEW

      An updater has been implemented in LogMeOut! Ver.1.1 to upgrade the plugin when there is a new update in the SVN.

      You can use the SVN link (with Tortoise) to be sure you get the latest version or use the HTTPS link to download the plugin directly. All links are written at the bottom of this post.
      When downloaded, you just have to extract the archive in the /Plugins folder.

      All .XML profiles are saved in the /Settings/LogMeOut folder.

      All issues can be reported in this topic or on the SVN Issues webpage : Issues - zenlulzdev - ZenLulz's Codes - Google Project Hosting

      I spend a lot of time to code, test and fix all troubles on my plugin.
      So it motivates me a lot if you click on the star at the bottom of this post to give +rep to this project.
      This plugin is my first one, I hope you will enjoy it ;)

      [Idea of Upcoming Features]

      • Add a whitelist for players who follow/target the bot and ignore the players in the friend-list
      • Scan all channels for some specific keywords
      • Quit on Tame
      • Quit on quest turn in
      • Detect whether the bot can't mount due to an invisible wall and keep trying to mount
      • Quit on n XP won
      • Quit after being dead n minutes
      • Add an option to automatically pop the timer when starting the bot
      • Add an inactivity trigger based on a radius
      • Quit on BNet messages received

      [Links & Downloads]

      [EDITED 5-Dec-2014 by chinajade]: Namednoob has provided an update for this plugin that works for WoD. We're attaching it here for your convenience:

      SVN : https://zenlulzdev.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HonorBuddy/Plugins/LogMeOut/
      HTTPS : https://zenlulzdev.googlecode.com/svn/tags/HonorBuddy/Plugins/LogMeOut/

      Special thanks to Kupidon for his hard beta-tests !
      Thanks to CodenameG who write a very nice tutorial to make a CC/Plugin.
      Thanks to Bossland to provide us an API so awesome.
      Thanks to Thephoenix25 for the idea to implement What killed me
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2014
      Xp3cTrOxD, Proto, garretjax and 23 others like this.
    2. ZenLulz

      ZenLulz Community Developer

      Aug 17, 2011
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      [FONT=Courier New]
      [*]The stucks are properly detected by the stuck trigger for HonorBuddy 2.5.11034.745
      [*]Handle the exception in the PeopleAroundMe class, detecting the units around the bot for the triggers "Players follow/target me"
      [*]Add a new feature in the Actions After allowing LogMeOut! to clear the Cache folder of HonorBuddy
      [*]Add a new feature in the Actions After allowing LogMeOut! to clear the CompiledAssemblies folder of HonorBuddy
      [*]The logging option "Beep when stuck" is now turned off by default (only when you create a new LogMeOut! profile, it does not impact your actual configuration)
      [*]The actions before logging out are correctly handled
      [*]Add a logging option was created to log each time the bot is stuck or only when the bot reached the maximum number of stuck allowed
      [*]Add an exception to not being logged out by the inactivity trigger when the bot has the Deserter debuff
      [*]The trigger "Follow me" and "Target me" not longer trigger when the player is on transport
      [*]Add an extra check in order to avoid triggering the teleportation detection when the player dies based on the health percent
      [*]Update for Honorbuddy v2.5.8690.707
      [*]The trigger "X consecutive stucks" is no longer spammed, a delay of 6 seconds was added between stucking event
      [*]The Trigger "X whispers received" only notify whispers when enabled
      [*]The trigger "X consecutive stucks" now correctly works for the WoW 5.4
      [*]The trigger Loot x items is now in the correct section
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is standing next to a quest giver and is teleported
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is transported by a Zepplin
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is teleported by the NPC "The Uncrashable" (Id: 48708)
      [*]Don't run to corpse when logging out exception added
      [*]When a whisper is received, it explicitly indicates if the sender was a GM
      [*]No longer try to cast the hearthstone at the graveyard when the player is dead
      [*]No longer displays a negative timer when the trigger "Quit on time" is enabled and the plugin is disabled after the user started the bot
      [*]The GUI no longer crashes HonorBuddy it is called if the bot is started
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player dies
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is teleported by a meeting stone
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is transported by a zeppelin
      [*]The new Trigger "Quit on achievement completed" was added, allowing you to exit the game when a specific achievement is completed
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is entering/leaving an instance/battleground
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is accepting a quest and is teleported
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player has opened a frame (Gossip or Quest) and is teleported
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player is transferred to the graveyard when it dies
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player uses a magic object to teleport itself (like a portal)
      [*]The trigger "Quit on teleportation" won't detect anymore when the player has the aura "Honorless Target" (appears after a loading screen)
      [*]The new trigger "Teleported further than X yards" has been added
      [*]The new trigger "Got a whisper from a GM" has been added
      [*]LogMeOut! no longer exits WoW when receiving whispers from BattleNet contacts
      [*]A new exception has been added, allowing LogMeOut! to ignore members of your party/raid when evaluating triggers
      [*]Running lua script in action before logout added
      [*]Killing reloggers option in action after logout added
      [*]Modify duration of the timeout when the bot is flying/dead to 3 minutes
      [*]Quit on inactivity trigger added
      [*]Fix an issue in the settings form if the player doesn't have a profession
      [*]Quit on loot item trigger added
      [*]Quit on got a specific aura trigger added
      [*]Quit on level in a profession reached trigger added
      [*]Quit on durability reached trigger added
      [*]Don't log my toon out option in the exceptions tab added
      [*]Gracefully shutdown the game now
      [*]The stuck trigger is fixed !
      [*]The cannot loot mobs trigger is fixed !
      [*]Level trigger up to 90
      [*]The stuck trigger and cannot loot trigger have been disabled due to an event issue in HB
      [*]Updated for MoP !
      [*]The trigger "Cannot loot mobs" is disabled until someone gives me more information on this problem with new releases of HB
      [*]The new trigger "Cannot loot mobs" has been added. It logs out the bot when it isn't able to loot mobs
      [*]The timeout when the bot logs out is now correctly set to 5 minutes
      [*]Updater embedded
      [*]Showing the name of the attacker and the bot's position when he dies
      [*]Detect if another player is following/targeting the bot
      [*]Every time HonorBuddy starts, LogMeOut! writes why the bot was logged out (only if the shutdown was launched by LogMeOut!)
      [*]Possibility to add a beep when triggers fire
      [*]Can ignore the number of death in BGs
      [*]Case fixed : Don't get the elapsed time correctly if you start the bot before enable the plugin
      [*]A timeout has been added if the bot get stucked during the lougout process (5 minutes)
      [*]First release
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
    3. ZenLulz

      ZenLulz Community Developer

      Aug 17, 2011
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      Hey fellow botters, I updated LogMeOut! to be compatible with the latest version of WoW/HB.

      I had to disable the trigger "Cannot loot mobs" because HB changes a lot and my method to detect it it now outdated. If you still encounter this issue, don't hesitate to post a log ;)

      Hope you will enjoy.

    4. soussi

      soussi Member

      May 4, 2011
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      Yippie great job !!! :D
    5. Albanuva

      Albanuva New Member

      Jan 15, 2012
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      Thanks for updating your plugin ZenLulz
    6. Harmacintyre

      Harmacintyre New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      AMAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING, going to test this out.
    7. zeress

      zeress New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      omg, I missed this plugin thanks
    8. Bomberman07

      Bomberman07 New Member

      Feb 12, 2012
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      wow amazin :)
    9. Jacan

      Jacan New Member

      Sep 30, 2011
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      WE LOVE YOU ZenLulz Lolz
    10. fredalbob

      fredalbob New Member

      Feb 16, 2011
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      I love this, but if you could add a feature to log out when the character gets the deserter buff it would be perfect.
    11. space227

      space227 New Member

      Apr 30, 2012
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      The max log-out level is still 85, can you up that to 90? Also having an issue when grinding for Herbs/Mines/Arch while it is casting the harvest/gather it counts as a "stuck" and just keeps adding up until you reach the set number and logs you out.
    12. nomad

      nomad New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      great addon, thanks!

      I encountered a bug though, my toon just logged out because of full bags while he had at least 80 slots free
    13. jrositas

      jrositas New Member

      Mar 11, 2012
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      I'm also noticing that the bot is randomly throwing "stuck" errors even though it's not stuck. It also tends to complain about being stuck when talking to someone. Not sure if it's something on my end, or if it's HB, but its VERY annoying!
    14. jrositas

      jrositas New Member

      Mar 11, 2012
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      Just tested the bot without the plugin and it's most definitely LogMeOut. If it's disabled, then I don't get a bunch of random stuck notifications.
    15. joydii

      joydii New Member

      May 10, 2012
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      Hi there is a other problem everytime the toon loot mobs or ore he stucks here is the log file for you.

      Attached Files:

    16. Bossbot

      Bossbot New Member

      May 9, 2012
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      yeah i need the IF stuck X times, then logout, but it doesnt work properly at the moment , for example u grind herbs and u try to loot the herbs "casttime" it says im stuck and randomly jumps instantly just cause its standing 1 sec :D crazy, pls fix this quick.
    17. YiZZo17

      YiZZo17 New Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      I noticed the same thing about the bot thinking it is stuck while talking to NPC's to accept quests so before it accepts the quest he jumps closing the dialog window. Really annoying.
    18. joydii

      joydii New Member

      May 10, 2012
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      Ive you turn out the stuck option the stucking disapers.
    19. poudigne

      poudigne New Member

      May 14, 2011
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      For the issue with the field maxed at 85 open you plugin folder /logmeout/Forms/ open the file frmSettings.Designer.cs (open with... bloc-note) and ctrl+f this line " this.numLevelReached.Maximum" (without quote) You'll notice the value '85' the line under... change it to 90. save and restart HB

      I sent and email with this issue to the author 2 weeks ago. Too bad he can't keep his thing up to date. Still the Best addon imo.
    20. ZenLulz

      ZenLulz Community Developer

      Aug 17, 2011
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      After some tests, I've encountered the stuck issue... I have to figure out how to detect it (since the Debug log disappeared, I cannot use the old way). Just turn this trigger off for the moment.

      I'm also aware LogMeOut! does not kill WoW correctly.

      I'm going to fix these problems at the end of the week.

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