TEAM RANDOM PRESENTS : Pokébuddy Extremely configurable battlepet combat plugin. Logic UI complete, new functions to be added but working 100% Features : Wild pet Battle Leveling pets PVP Battle every X to Y minutes Catch by quality Catch if quality is better than what we have Avoid lowlevel Avoid high level Auto heal pets, uses bandages if enabled Abandon fights if nothing catch worthy is in the fight. Usable with any botbase! Can be used for pet daily Does not release or switch teams Has support for some sweet sweet combat routines, you might wanna check out the 2nd post here, a nice tutorial by Crowley. Download Pok?Buddy here : SVN : team-random - Revision 103: /trunk/PokeBuddy/Pokehbuddy (put in folder called Plugins\Pokehbuddy) RAR files : RAR files PetArea (switches profiles fitting to level) : team-random - Revision 103: /trunk/PokeBuddy/PetArea [HR][/HR] It has per-pet combat logic, so you can use different tactics for the same species of pet. In the absence of a customised logic file it will use the default for that pet species (If no default is available, it will spam 1, and will be switched out when low hp. For a lot for default logic files, check out Awesome post by snusnu311!, PetSettings SVN or dig around in this topic.) Expect more details to come, but my job is killing me and i'd rather spend time coding then making up a topic. PetSettings are in a seperate SVN now because i dont want to overwrite your pet logic files. To focus on leveling your pets, i advise the following plugin as well : team-random - Revision 103: /trunk/PokeBuddy/PetArea It contains a simple plugin that switches profiles when your pets reach the right level. Profiles are supplied by Crowley, big thanks! You can ofcourse replace them with your own or get some from somewhere on this forum (thanks Goudah) in case it wasnt obvious - BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA (Everything should be working nearly user friendly) How to install : Make an SVN checkout and place the plugin in the plugin folder. (use the rar file if you dont know how to use SVN, its one folder up, RAR files) Usable while : Questing (Quest profiles by Crowley or during leveling) Gathering Digging for Archeaology Doing PVP Using Lazyraider Fishing (etc etc) IMPORTANT I removed the ? because it caused too many problems. Update your folder name and SVN checkout!!! team-random - Revision 103: /trunk/PokeBuddy/Pokehbuddy (or delete it all, BUT DONT FORGET TO BACKUP YOUR PET LOGIC FILES!!!!) View attachment Pok? outdated version, but due to the new policy i have to attach a zip file.
HOW TO USE: Without the awesome profiles Crowley made, you'll just have to use grindbot with a herb profile for a zone, arch buddy, lazyraider or just set it in org with a very high distance setting. Oh and only guaranteed to work if you have your 3 pet battle slots, the heal pet skill and the capture pet skill unlocked. Btw, the different factors in settings apply to this formula : Code: rating = (petHP * Pok?buddy.MySettings.HPFactor) + (advantage * 50 * Pok?buddy.MySettings.AdFactor) + (disadvantage *50 * Pok?buddy.MySettings.DisFactor) + ((petLevel - enemylevel) * 4 * Pok?buddy.MySettings.LevelFactor); Its used when preparing for a fight or when it has to/wants to switch during combat Basicly, if you value the healthpool over other stuff, raise its value. If you value combat advantage more than anything else, raise it to the max. If you just want to level your pets, try these : HP factor 8 Level factor -100 Advantage factor 1 Disadvantagefactor 2 FAQ : -The bot keeps trying to mount during pet battle * This is caused by the botbase you're using (most likely Gatherbuddy) You can ignore this problem safely. -The plugin is not showing up This usually has one of these causes : * The plugin is not installed correctly. Make sure the Pokehbuddy.cs file is located in Plugins\Pokehbuddy * You have a non-english OS and/or WoW. Open the Pokehbuddy_languagefix.cs and follow the instructions. You will lose backwards compatability on old pet logics though, but you can convert them with the supplied bat file. -The plugin is flying to a pet but not engaging combat. * Make sure you have 3 pets equipped, have the rez pet skill and the ability to trap them. It still can happen occasionally, but only when your pets are at critical low health (which shouldnt last long) -The plugin is flying around, targetting pets but ignoring them. * Your settings are probably not correct. Please check the levels below, levels above and distance setting. * You might be running additional plugins that cause this behavior Other problems or did the above not solve the problem? Turn on detailed logging in the plugin and send me the log (Can be found in HB\Logs) Describe as much relevant stuff as possible. How to use the GUI to customize your pets: Contributed by Crowley Step 1. Fire up HB but don't press start. Step 2. Start a battle manually then press start and then stop. Step 3. Press the 'Plugins' button after checking 'Enhanced Mode' on the main HB window. Step 4. Select 'Pokebuddy' and press the 'Settings' button at the bottom. Step 5. Go to TabPage2 and click 'Refresh Pet' -------- Now for the actual fun part You should see something that looks like this: As you can see, if done correctly, it fills in 2 basic things, swapout if less than 30% health and Attack. This works fine for the most part but rather boring and makes it harder to kill at higher levels. Let's say i have the pet called 'Personal World Destroyer' From level 2 onwards he can self heal so let's make him do that if needed. Select Castspell(2) in the first dropdown menu. Then select when you want it to happen. Then select whether it's when health is greater or less, in this case less since it's a heal. Then at what percentage you want it to happen. Then press the 'And' button so we can tell it to only try if the spell is on cooldown Then press the 'Finish' button And then the 'Add' button and you will see it get added to the bottom of your rotation. Now it's not much use as the last action of your rotation so select it and press the 'Up' button until it is under SWAPOUT or on top of it depending on what you want. Now press 'Save' to save for that particular pet or press 'Save Species Generic' and the next Personal World Destroyer you start will have the rotation Automatically. Close the config window and the Plugins window and press start and your Destroyer will now self heal. That's the end of this particular guide and i hope it explains a few things. Enjoy Post the XML file here so we can make a collection of some basic combat routines. Try to use the standard skills in the species generic file. Use fancy skills(not standard skills) in numbered files and make your secret combat routine. If you delete the numbered file, a new copy will be made of the species generic file. Check out for more info! Enjoy (im gonna put this in a UI, i swear, its gonna be easy & sweet -edit told you i'd do it?!?)
The settings are for the pet rating formula : Code: rating = (petHP * Pok?buddy.MySettings.HPFactor) + (advantage * 50 * Pok?buddy.MySettings.AdFactor) + (disadvantage *50 * Pok?buddy.MySettings.DisFactor) + ((petLevel - enemylevel) * 4 * Pok?buddy.MySettings.LevelFactor); Just leave it to default if you wanna level pets, or maybe change the distance only UI is WORKING, stop reading unless you wanna edit script files manually If you're going to edit the pet setting files (logic files), here's some usefull data : A logic file only contains 1 long string, separated by ? (alt-250) (logic)?(logic)?(logic) A logic is built up as follows : <ACTION> <CONDITION> List of <ACTION>'s : Code: CASTSPELL(X) SWAPOUT might contain swapin later List of <CONDITION>'s : Code: COOLDOWN(SKILL(X)) Health(THISPET) HASBUFF(X) HASENEMYBUFF(X) Will contain something to detect spells with an effect later, like the turret/bomb from a mechanical and if a skill has an advantage over the enemy creature. and to compare we have : Code: ISLESSTHAN ISGREATERTHAN EQUALS XML cant handle '&' signs, so i replaced those with '?' Example Code: CASTSPELL(2) Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 60 ? COOLDOWN(SKILL(2)) EQUALS false This will make your pet use skill number 2 when less than 60% hp and if its not on cooldown Code: CASTSPELL(3) HASBUFF(408) EQUALS false ? COOLDOWN(SKILL(3)) EQUALS false this will make a phoenix hatchling keep its buff up. (To get the buff number, read Crowley's post below) Now your file looks like this : Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PetBattleSettings> <Logic>SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 30?CASTSPELL(2) Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 60 ? COOLDOWN(SKILL(2)) EQUALS false?CASTSPELL(3) HASBUFF(408) EQUALS false ? COOLDOWN(SKILL(3)) EQUALS false?CASTSPELL(1) COOLDOWN(SKILL(1)) EQUALS false</Logic> </PetBattleSettings> Rename the file to the name of the species, Phoenix Hatchling.xml in this case, and you have a setting file that will be the base of all your future phoenix hatchlings that will enter your team.
Maybe a little description in the plugin explaining what's being changed in the log when you change this value etc.
Make sure you load up a blank .xml to start with, once you press start the plugin will choose which one you need. The default settings work just fine out the box so you can just activate the Petarea and Pokebuddy plugins and go. But for those of you that just want to go-go-go and not care about advantages and disadvatages you can change the settings. No matter what you change the settings to if your pet gets below 30% it well get swapped out unless you change the logic. To level 3 pets so they stay within 1 level of each other: Open up Pokebuddy settings. Set all settings to 0 EXCEPT for 'Level Difference' set that to -10 or less. This will make sure your lowest level pet gets called out before any other. If you have 3 pets the same level it will call out the first one on your list. The box at the bottom is to tell it how low a level you want to capture, Rare, Uncommon, Common. Also make sure you go into GB2 settings and disable Gather of Herbs and Mines. Well, unless you also want to do that along the way of course. Example of fossilized Raptor xml: Code: <PetBattleSettings> <Logic>SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 30 ?CASTSPELL(2) Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 60 ? COOLDOWN(SKILL(2)) EQUALS false?CASTSPELL(3) HASENEMYBUFF(248) EQUALS false ? COOLDOWN(SKILL(3)) EQUALS false?CASTSPELL(1) COOLDOWN(SKILL(1)) EQUALS false</Logic> </PetBattleSettings> What this will do is Swap out your pet if it gets below 30%, Cast his heal spell if he gets below 60%, Cast his Bone Prison if enemy doesn't already have the rooted de-buff, Kill. To find out what buffs the enemy has type this in during a pet battle: Code: /script for j=1,C_PetBattles.GetNumAuras(2,C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(2)) do local buffid = C_PetBattles.GetAuraInfo(2,C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(2),j) print (buffid) end To find out what buff your pet has so you can use defense spells: Code: /script for j=1,C_PetBattles.GetNumAuras(1,C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(1)) do local buffid = C_PetBattles.GetAuraInfo(1,C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(1),j) print (buffid) end When you first enter battle with a new pet a .xml will be created in the Petsettings folder within the plugin folder. This is where you edit what your battle pet does. Maybe will be creating a more indepth guide, or i will. But this should be enough to get you going. The GUI will also be expanded to make things easier. Attached is my Fossilized Raptor.xml drop it into your Petsettings folder and if/when you use a Fossilized raptor the settings will be copied over automagically. When you do start editing your combat logic just save the (xxxx).xml as Fossilized Raptor.xml or Fishy.xml or whateverpetname.xml and whenever you start a new pet of the same name the created xml will be automagically filled out with your edits so you don't have to keep editing the newly created ones if you level more than 1 of the same type of pet. Much thanks to Maybe for a very nice plugin. The more you play around with it the more you will be able to do with it Edit: Profiles are for Kalimdor and Outland but *should* be alliance safe...should I may make some for EK but don't count on them. You can make your own if you feel like and edit the Petarea pluging. Open it up and you will see what to change.
So - I want to edit the combat routine file for a pet - but I have 3 files with (what looks like) random numbers in the filename. How do I know which is which? Also - I encontered a few problems: When my pet is incapitated (for example polymorphed by frog kiss), the plugin don't seem to know what to do, so after a while it switches out the pet. Also, I was fighting versus a rare pet of a kind that I didn't already own, and when it had 24 hp left, the plugin decided to kill it instead of capturing it. I have seen it capture other pets though, so I can't tell for sure what's required to reproduce it. Here's some more info about the fight if it helps: - It was a Forest Moth - It was the secondary pet in the battle - All my pets were alive and rather high hp
Not Random numbers, they are pet IDs. As to your problem with deciding/knowing which file to edit. Delete them all. Set HB up etc. Start a pet battle manually. Press start on HB then press stop. You don't have to press stop but it's easier to begin with. Look in the Petsettings folder and there will be 1 file. That's the file for the pet you just used. Finish pet battle. Do the same for your 2nd and then your 3rd pet. When you edit the files name them as the actual pet names, Hatchling.xml, snake.xml, whatever.xml so the next time you start with the same type of pet all logic will be copied to the created number file so you don't have to mess around with it. Unless you choose to. As to other issue there should have been a log created but chances are it was a glitch. It happens with Betas
[Translated from German to English with Google Translator] Needed in the plugin Pok?buddy your help once. My English is unfortunately limited and will not really make sense of the addon and the post description. I've downloaded the plugin "Installed", etc. Even to the Recommended "PetArea". 've Tried it with the "Gatherbuddybot" to run and in the plugin ("PetArea") contained Profile "Durotar 1-4" loaded as a profile. However, my character flies towards the pets back (with some distance to the Pet), and then again. This is repeated until he is on the blacklist, and the next Pet investigated and the games starts all over again. I start the plugin Grindbot it often happens that my character kills the pet instead of attacking it on the Petbattle system .... Can someone help me or what I'm doing wrong?
The UI will make it a lot easier to edit the right file. In the future you'll never even see any numbered settings files. As for why it got killed... maybe you had a turret-like-thing out? Or did you already have 3 of those pets?
[PLUGIN] Pok?buddy - Gotto kill em all! Hey I just downloaded and this is crazy But here's my like So thank you maybe!
Arr right cool, just me being impatient. After a minute or two it moves on Good job It does seem to get a little confused though if all pets are on low health? (It just keeps switching them)