* It must have not pasted correctly for second. This is a copy of a message I sent to bossland but I don't know if he reads his in-box cause there is probably a lot of complaining and stuff so I figured I would throw this on here. I was hoping you could add a few thing to HB and let me know if this is possible. First I was wondering if you could put Honorbuddy Custom Behavior: TrainProfession into a future release of HB I got the info on it here Honorbuddy Custom Behavior: TrainProfession - Buddy Wiki Second I am creating a profile that is a 1-525 gathering however <setgrindarea> limits this to grinding is there anyway to change <setgrindarea><grindarea> </grindarea></setgrindarea></setgrindarea> PHP: <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> and make them work like <SetGatherArea> <GatherArea> </gatherarea></setgatherarea> <setgrindarea><setgrindarea><grindarea><setgatherarea><gatherarea> <setgatheringarea> With these two things implemented it would be possible to make a 1-525 "questing/gathering profile. Thank you for your time, NeeBer </setgatheringarea></gatherarea></setgatherarea></grindarea></setgrindarea></setgrindarea>
Obviously, that behavior doesn't exist. That 'mock' Wiki page was part of a plea to the Community to get something like this written. In the meantime, the [Plugin - Prof] Ringo Profession Trainer works just fine. It is possible to a write fully-automated a 1-525 gathering profile for all professions at this time, with one exception--Honorbuddy will not automatically move between continents. EK -> Outlands -> Northrend -> EK. You can easily structure the profile to 'do the right thing' depending on which continent the profile is started (e.g. use SubProfile and ContinentID elements). You can even arrange to have the profile notify the user when he needs to switch continents via the Message CB or the UserDialog CB. If you preview or read your post, you'll see that we can't see what you wanted. You need to encapsulate code fragments in your post with PHP: [/FONT]..[FONT="Courier New"] tags for it to be visible for your readers. cheers, chinajade
Thank you for reply I realized it didn't exist late into the afternoon trying to make that work or this. I didnt know the ringo profession trainer was still being supported. And i thought u had to be within 100 yards meaning u needed to hearth or traveling farther then needed. And I am still working on structuring one that will Move from spot to spot gathering in each area if you want u can look at what I have it isn't much but I did try to make it work all day today and will do so again tomorrow.
It looks like you're on target with this. A few notes: Ringo Profession Trainer won't learn the profession initially for you, this is something you will need to instruct users as a pre-requisite for executing your profile. You can force this to happen by using the [wiki]Honorbuddy Custom Behavior: UserDialog[/wiki] CB, and doing a check that you know the skills before executing the rest of the profile. You could get fancy by doing something like the following: PHP: <If Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Mining).MaxValue &lt;= 0"> <RunTo ...> <!-- Move toon to mining profession trainer --> <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" Title="Train Mining" Text="Please learn the Mining Skill, then continue the profile" /> </If> <If Condition="(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Mining).MaxValue &lt;= 0)"> <!-- mining still not learned, quit profile --> </If> After you're done with both <GrindTo>s, just use a <RunTo> to move the toon to the profession trainers so you know Ringo Profession Trainer will pick up the needed skills. Might try making the Factions element empty, or nonsense (999999)--but don't omit it. This allows your toon to move from hotspot to hotspot without initiating combat with mobs. As further reinforcement, you might include <MaxDistance>1</MaxDistance> as part of your <GrindArea> element, also. Of course, Honorbuddy will defend itself if attacked no matter what. But, with an empty Factions element, you won't be wasting time killing mobs. cheers & good luck with it! chinajade