Okay Thanks, Just found out that Azshara Veil sells for like 150gold a stack on my AH so maybe i will be getting a fair amount :) Thanks Alot Regards Spicywiener
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/tested-profiles/gatherbuddy-2-profiles-hb/31381-gb2-poseidus-herbs.html no havent got Poseidus, because I just used it not permanently, so no luck for me but you definetely get it, if you stay strong and use that profile. I switched then to BGBuddy to equip my DK.
Your welcome, dont know, i run it until my bags are 2 times full. then I got 2000 Volatile Life and about 3500-4000 Azshara Veil. Was using the Poseidus + Herb profile so its not that fast, as the Megaroute. But yes takes several hours.