Although this sections getting flooded with support questions id like to start brainstorming with other users here about best spots for xph,lures,catches etc. Ideally we should include settings and coordinates with the information. I will begin with what ive tried and or know from experience. Best spot for if you plan on bringing your own lures/its being lured: Victory memorial Pkwy: Minnesota between 42nd&43rd Coords: 45.0325, -93.3193 Pokestops:6x can be reached stationary also hundreds of pokstops along the "parkway" to fill bags Spawns: Eevee, pidgey, pikachu, rats, weedles, nidorans, doduo, and random other spawns. Hands down one of the best for xph when lured, especially when evolves added. Also one of the best for restocking Experience:40-50k xph(MINIMUM) with lucky egg&lures by hand. will lure it up and repost with screenshots with PF rates Santa Monica Pier - California Coords: 34.008930,-118.497810 Spawns: lots of sandshrew, growlithe and cubone some water spawns and "rares" not the big 3 Experience:15k per hour (anyone else getting better numbers staying near pokestops) Credit goes to IVYSUAR for following 51.504831314 -0.085999656 London Bridge (Good location to go for Ghastlys, Psyducks, Magicarps, and Drowzees) -33.865143 151.209900 Sydney, Australia (All sorts of Pokemon, if you're lucky you may even get a Kangaskhan) 35.632966 139.880405 Tokyo Disneyland (**Personal Favorite/Recommended**, Fast XP, tons of pokemon, and good chance for Farfetch'd) 37.808971 -122.409851 (Dratini/Gyarados/Other water pokemon) 38.7640864464526 -121.331980729508 (Snorlax) 40.782117, -73.968027 Central Park, New York Looking for your ideas and probably a better template. Lets start using this section for what its actually for
If people are using the CP strategy for balls, I wouldn't mind some opinions on what ranges people have set for their ball switching based on CP, also when they use the raspberry. I use 0-350 for red, blue 351-550, ultra 551 higher and I use a rasp if CP is higher then 600 I think. But I think I might change change that to optimize catches.
im also interested, ill post findings on that tomorrow as well. Been burning through ball supply since pokemon are prioritized and the spot im in always has spawns and 15+ stops without lures
Mall of America: Minnesota coords: 44.8553, -93.2402 Experience: 33k ph(vanilla, no eggs no incense no lures) Ball settings(kek)oke-1cp--Greatball--650min---ultra--800---highest on rares. Razz on 600+ Ignore: Fearow, Pidgeotto, pidgeot, Golbat.(jynx optional) Recycle: everything except pokeballs,eggs incense and lures. Run between pokestops//walkingspeed//330meters: breaks optional