Peecs Webservice Note: This is work in progress, but releases is done daily. The goal of this plugin is to provide a built in webserver that can control and get data of honorbuddy. It's a Plugin that makes is possible to automatically run a webserver that provides a JSON REST service locally hosted by you (this means no thirdparty webservices to register at, and also FRESH DATA!). The plugin has some simple settings such as your secret API key ( you chose one ) and what port you want to run the webservice on. The strength of this plugin is that it's you who are hosting the service, and it starts once you have started Honorbuddy. There are no cool apps for this (yet), I will concentrate now creating a solid API with api's for some clients such as PHP and JS. JS is priority for now as you can create very powerful JS applications with this REST API. Features: Implementations Can send and retrieve PM's ingame. Can screenshot and deliver screenshots. Can show tons of stats. Can start/stop bot Technical Supports JSON and JSONP Can run on any port! Any client can connect to this API. Contains sample clients. Great implementation of webservice standard (status codes etc. ) Focus on good error reporting and failsafe API. Installation / Testing: 1. Download Download latest from: Or use git: 2. Unzip Create a folder in the plugins directory named "PeecsWebService" and put all the files in this folder. Restart honorbuddy if its already started. 3. Test Test the service by going to "PeecsWebService\clients\js" and open testapi.html in your webbrowser! This testapi.html uses JSONP between honorbuddy / client. Bugs: Known issues: Report issues here: Help with patches / code / documentation: Github: I gladly take pull requests of documentation / source code on github!
You deserve a lot more credit, I'm surprised no one has commented on this. Great work! I personally won't try it but I probably would if it was more visually pleasing. With a great UI, it would be great!
What about people who are using more than one account at the same time? I mean, if I start this plugin with my x6 accs, will there be seperate 6 web servers?
Hi, Peec, Thanks for the contribution! However, the offering is not in compliance with the BosslandGmbH forum rules. Offerings must offer a .zip file hosted on the BosslandGmbH forums to be compliant. We ask all authors to adhere to the same set of rules. Please bring the first post of this thread into compliance by 1-Feb-2014. cheers, chinajade
6-Feb-2014. Thread archived for being non-compliant with BosslandGmbH forum rules. BosslandGmbH forum rulescj