hey can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? <Objective QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" Type="KillMob" MobId="15941" KillCount="1" /> <Objective QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" Type="UseObject" ObjectId="22473" UseCount="1" /> Basically its a quest where u have to use this rod on the npc to transform him, Rod is in backback
Think you missing the questgiver id. <Pickup QuestName="name" QuestId="1" GiverId="12" /> <TurnIn QuestName="name" QuestId="1" TurnInId="12" /> or if it doesnt work i dont know then
nah, i intentionally left that out <PickUp QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" GiverName="Instructor Antheol" GiverId="15970" /> <Objective QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" Type="Killmob" MobId="15945" KillCount="1" /> <Objective QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" Type="KillMob" MobId="15941" KillCount="1" /> <Objective QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" Type="UseObject" ObjectId="22473" UseCount="1" /> <TurnIn QuestName="Swift Discipline" QuestId="9066" TurnInName="Instructor Antheol" TurnInId="15970" />
so no one has any idea why this does nothing apart from run to the npc, not even target him, just stands there
You are not killing the NPCs, you are using the rod provided with the quest. Therefore your objective requires Use.
i know this, that is just the output from honourbuddys quest log, i even tried use tag, still no luck m8